Canada's Cultural Revolution (A SHAME DAY SPECIAL!)
How the CBC made Canadians hate themselves, from #MeToo to Orange Shirt Day
Hey Folks,
Today is Orange Shirt Day, Canada’s weird new holiday.
Since 2021, this day has been observed annually on September 30th as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which is a federal statutory holiday.
Today, all federal government employees, including those working for Crown corporations, have the day off. Employees of the provincial governments of British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and the Northwest Territories also get a paid day off.
The ostensible purpose of Orange Shirt Day is to raise awareness about the history and lasting effects of the residential school system on Indigenous communities. I believe its real purpose is demoralize Canadians, which is why I call it Shame Day.
I believe that Shame Day is part of a deliberate campaign of ideological subversion, as described by KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov in 1984.
If you didn’t know, Canada has been taken over by the CCP. If you think that I’m exaggerating, it’s probably because you haven’t followed the Federal Interference Inquiry.
According to a report by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, which was published in June, at least 12 Members of Parliament are “wittingly” acting on behalf on foreign states. In other words, they’re foreign agents. And yet we still don’t know their names. Nor have they been removed from their positions.
The truth is that CCP infiltration of Canada goes back decades. Sam Cooper, in his book Wilful Blindness, has proven that the CCP is essentially directing a network of Chinese narcos who are involved in fentanyl-trafficking, massive money-laundering, illegal gambling, blackmail operations, and infiltration of all major political parties at both the federal and provincial levels.
If you think that I’m exaggerating, I’m not. I refer you to Sam Cooper’s journalistic masterpiece Wilful Blindness if you want to do your due diligence.
Or you could just consider the fact that the 2020 bust of a massive illegal casino in Markham, Ontario has resulted in ZERO criminal convictions. I shit you not. Look into it.
So, what does this have to do with Shame Day, you ask?
Well, because I believe I have figured out this weird new holiday is all about - it’s part of a massive foreign-led campaign of psychological warfare.
If this seems far-fetched to you, I encourage you to read a book called Unrestricted Warfare, which was published by two PLA colonels back in 1999.
Although people keep talking about WWIII as if it’s just around the corner, the reality is that WWIII is happening now. We are in the middle of it, but it is a different type of war than any that has come before.
This war is is a psychological war. It is a cyber war. It is a trade war. It is a financial war. It is a chemical war. And Canada is getting its ass kicked six ways to Sunday.
Part of the reason that people aren’t willing to connect the dots is because everyone in Canada is terrified of being accused of racism. So very few people are willing to criticize the actions of China’s United Front Work Department, despite the fact they are very obviously connected both to the CCP and to Chinese narcos involved in fentanyl-trafficking, money-laundering, and other illicit activities.
Well, if it’s racist to oppose the people who are flooding the streets of Vancouver with fentanyl, I guess I’m a racist. Ah well, I guess I can live with that.
So how did things get to this point?
Well, that’s a big question. I personally believe that the #MeToo movement, which began in Canada, marked the beginning of the Canadian Cultural Revolution. Women were turned against men, and men were turned into a bunch of emasculated simps tip-toeing around trying not to get in trouble.
Since then, Canada’s woke nightmare has only gotten worse and worse.
I thought it might be useful to recap some key events since 2014, when Canada’s Cultural Revolution began.
October 2014 - #MeToo Movement begins
CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi was first publicly accused of sexual misconduct on October 26, 2014. The accusations came after CBC fired Ghomeshi, host of the popular show Q, due to allegations of sleazy sexual behaviour.
Shortly after this, several women came forward to accuse Ghomeshi. Over the following weeks, multiple women accused him of sexual harassment and assault, sparking the Feminist Reign of Terror, which went a long way towards destroying Canada’s counterculture. But on the bright side, at least some of the guys who had their lives ruined probably deserved it. Hey, you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, right?
Ghomeshi faced criminal charges for a number of alleged assaults, but in 2016, he was found not guilty of all sex assault charges.
2015 - Canada find itself guilty of “cultural genocide”
In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which was established to investigate and document the history and legacy of residential schools, concluded that Canada's policies and actions toward Indigenous peoples constituted a form of "cultural genocide."
The term refers to the deliberate destruction of a group's culture, traditions, and identity through systemic oppression and assimilation policies. The TRC found that the Canadian government had attempted to eliminate Indigenous cultures through residential schools and other colonial policies.
2019 - Canada finds itself guilty of genocide
In 2019, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) announced its final report, which found that the violence against Indigenous women and girls in Canada amounted to "genocide."
No murder charges were laid, nor were there are any reforms to policing. But families of missing and murdered women can take comfort it only cost 92 million dollars for the government of Canada to figure out that it is the problem.
A bargain at twice the price!
February, 2021 - Opposition parties pass motion denouncing China for genocide of Uyghur Muslim minority
On February 22, 2021, Canada's House of Commons passed a non-binding motion declaring that China's treatment of the Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region constitutes a genocide. The motion passed with a vote of 266-0, with most Liberal MPs, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, abstaining from the vote. Canada’s Parliament has 338 members.
All opposition parties supported the motion, which included a call for the International Olympic Committee to move the 2022 Winter Olympics out of Beijing in light of the situation.
The motion followed widespread reports of mass detention, forced sterilizations, forced labor, and cultural suppression of the Uyghur Muslim population by Chinese authorities. The term "genocide" was used to describe these acts in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
May 2021 - “Discovery” of “Unmarked Graves” at Kamloops Residential School Site
May 27, 2021: The Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation announces the discovery of 215 unmarked graves near the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia. The findings, made through a preliminary investigation using ground-penetrating radar, draw national and international attention to the devastating legacy of Canada’s residential school system, where Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families and subjected to harsh conditions.
The announcements were based on a report by an archaeologist from Simon Fraser University. To this day, that report has never been made public.
May 2021: China launches Massive International Propaganda Campaign against Canada
According to an article by the Digital Forensic Research Lab entitled China weaponizes discovery of graves at Canadian residential schools to avoid Xinjiang criticism:
Chinese state-run media have pushed heavily to indict Canada’s government and society for the genocide of indigenous people. Many of the articles published on these sites were then further publicized and broadcasted by Chinese diplomats and officials. Similarly, numerous articles quoted these same officials, creating a self-perpetuating cycle of narrative promotion.
The first article targeting Canada came on May 31, 2021 from China Daily, following the initial discovery in Canada of 215 unmarked graves at a former residential school in Kamloops, British Colombia. “Some Western countries, Canada included, like to preach to other countries about human rights affairs,” the article stated. “They should review their pasts and correct their own wrongdoings, instead of pointing fingers at others.” Another article critical of Canada soon appeared in Global Times. These two articles were further broadcasted by the China state-affiliated news organization China Plus News.

Foreign Ministry spokesman and Twitter provocateur Zhao Lijian further echoed these sentiments later that week, tweeting: “Some Western media focus so much of fake news about Xinjiang, yet keep silent about the real genocide in Canada. Politics shouldn’t override human rights.”

However, the initial push reached a critical turning point after Canada began to lead the international coalition at the UN calling on China to permit free access for investigators into Xinjiang. On June 17, both Zhao Lijian and the Chinese Foreign Ministry condemned the resolution, criticizing the ostensible hypocrisy in Canada’s actions.

By June 22, 2021, after 44 countries signed the joint statement on the human rights situation in Xinjiang and 751 additional graves were found in Canada, Chinese officials on Twitter and state-run media sites began a renewed effort aimed at the Canadian government. Various Chinese officials ranging from Zhao Lijian and Hua Chunying to the Chinese Ambassador to Belgium and the Consul General in Brazil were soon all condemning Canada.

Many different Chinese news outlets also soon began to publish a host of pieces condemning Canada. Simultaneously, these same pieces questioned Canadian and Western accusations of wrongdoing in Xinjiang. For example, from June 18 until July 11th, China Daily published another 23 articles concerning the Canadian residential schools; China Global Television Network published 21; and Global Times and Xin Hua Net released 11 apiece. Meanwhile, CCTV, China News Service, and People’s Daily accounted for another 19 articles. A full list of these articles can be found on Github.

Many of the articles that were published in the Chinese state-run media were then subsequently promoted by government officials on Twitter. This had the effect of further elevating the profile of these dozens of articles that condemned Canada. Across 24 different state-affiliated accounts, Canada was referenced in more than 270 tweets in June 2021. This compares to only 146 mentions of the United States over the same time period.

Likewise, many of these articles featured statements by various Chinese officials who had been tweeting about the matter, creating a promotional narrative loop.

So there you have it, folks. You heard it here first: The “Unmarked Graves” hysteria was part of a Chinese-led intelligence operation.
Question: When was the last time you heard anything about the Uyghurs of Xinjiang? That story sure got memory-holed, didn’t it? I wonder why.
The operation was successful, folks. It’s kind of terrifying to think that the CCP has this kind of power in Canada, but they clearly do.
The Shame Day Psy-Op continued throughout 2021 and 2022 and wrapped up in early 2023.
Here are a few highlights:
June 30, 2021: The Lower Kootenay Band in British Columbia reports the discovery of 182 sets of human remains in unmarked graves outside St. Eugene’s Mission School, a former residential school operated by the Catholic Church, after using ground-penetrating radar.
July 13, 2021: The Penelakut Tribe announces, through an online newsletter, that more than 160 unmarked and undocumented graves have been found at the former Kuper Island Industrial School site near Chemainus, B.C.
July 15, 2021: Prof. Sarah Beaulieu from the University of the Fraser Valley confirms that the discovery of a child’s rib bone and a tooth prompted the use of ground-penetrating radar in the apple orchard near the former Kamloops Residential School.
January 2022 - CBC program Fifth Estate releases documentary about “discovery” of “unmarked graves” at the Kamloops Indian Residential School
July 2022 - Pope Francis travels to Canada to apologize for the Catholic Church’s role in operating residential schools
October 2022: House of Commons passes motion officially recognizing Indian Residential Schools as a genocide.
“On October 27, 2022, Member of Parliament Leah Gazan (Winnipeg Centre-NDP) presented a snap motion in the House of Commons to have the Indian Residential Schools (IRS) officially recognized as a genocide.
The motion was passed, unanimously and with no debate, in less than a minute.
Take a minute to see for yourself:
Her exact words were:
That, in the opinion of the House, the government must recognize what happened in Canada's Indian residential schools as genocide, as acknowledged by Pope Francis and in accordance with article II of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
And throughout this entire time, not one criminal charge has been laid. Not for murder, not for fraud, not for sexual assault, not for genocide, not for anything.
This is Canada in 2024, folks. The only reasonable conclusions is that Canadians are nearly completely brainwashed.
As Yuri Bezmenov put it:
Psychological warfare changes the perception of reality to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.
Canada has been demoralized as part of a foreign-led propaganda campaign which has basically succeeding in destroying the will of most people to defend their country as it is destroyed by its enemies.
Indeed, many of us now feel that Canada deserves to be destroyed. I have long railed against Canadian settler-colonialism, NATO, the British Royal Family, the Bank of International Settlements, Big Pharma, and the list goes on.
Some people will tell you that it’s not the CCP that is doing this, or that the CCP is actually being supported by globalist bankers, who are deliberately destroying the West and supporting the rise of totalitarian Chinese technocracy as the new model of statecraft. Maybe they’re right.
But if you follow Canadian politics closely, it’s hard not to get the impression that all roads lead to Beijing.
If you ask me, Canadians must now reorient ourselves to the new reality, in which the new global hegemon is not America, but China. If they’re beholden to the Global Mafia, they’re beholden in the same way that the U.S. is beholden. It doesn’t mean that they won’t wield real power.
Certainly, I don’t think that this has much to do with the ideas of Karl Marx. This isn’t about capitalism versus communism. The CCP practices a 21st century form of authoritarian state capitalism, and is communist in name only.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not exactly keen on the idea of being ruled by the CCP. This doesn’t mean that I want to defend the Canadian state, to which I remain opposed. So what does it mean?
The answer is simple, folks: THE ONLY SOLUTION IS REVOLUTION. Either we overthrow the Canadian state, or we end up as vassals of the CCP. Those are our options.
That’s a tall order, I know, especially given the fact that Canada has been systematically demoralized. What I do know if that if we are to stand up for ourselves, we must begin believing in ourselves again. Not as subjects of the British Crown, but as human beings who live in a country which is under attack.
It looks like Yuri Bezmenov was right, folks. The West has been infiltrated, and Canada is being systematically destroyed from within.
On the plus side, however, we do have some of the dankest weed in the world. Let’s not forget about that.
Love & Solidarity,
Crow Qu’appelle
Thank God for the dank weed!