Dear Matt,
I think we got off on the wrong foot. True, I did say that you have puked-up shit for brains, but in my defence, I only did so because you pissed me off. I was tremendously insulted by some of your words, because I chose to take them personally. Really, if I were living up to the ideal I strive towards, I wouldn´t take anything personally.
But I´m not perfect, okay? No one is. Listen, I’ve got a lot of rage inside me. I don’t make a secret of this. The most-read article I’ve written since I joined Substack is all about how pissed off I am. So, if you would be so kind, please allow me to explain myself.
I have been personally been involved in the anti-pipeline movement on Turtle Island since 2012, when I spent five months living at the Unist´ot´en Camp. I would be in a position to explain you the complexities of this particular fight, as well as that of the fights at Standing Rock and Elsipogtog.
But I doubt that you´re interested. You clearly are more interested in promoting China´s Belt and Road Initiative than in the wishes of indigenous people, or of your fellow Canadians, for that matter.
But for someone who poses as a defender of a free humanity against technocracy, it seems quite off-brand for you to side with a giant oil conglomerate.
Obviously CGL, LNG Canada, and the massive industrialization agenda for the Northwest Coast is of global geopolitical importance, especially when one considers the coming fight over the Northwest Passage. Nor can you plead ignorance to this fact, as you have written about Russia´s plans for the arctic in your article The Russian-China Polar Silk Road Challenges British Geopolitics.
Although I have enjoyed many of your articles (especially those which focus on the Fabian Society, neo-Malthusianism, eugenics, and Bertrand Russell), you have lost a ton of credibility in my eyes by posting this garbage. You clearly believe corporate propaganda put out by the likes of the ardent Zionist and tar sands lobbyist Ezra Levant over the people who have actually been on the front lines, risking life and limb to fight against foreign corporations who want to rape the land for corporate profits.
And when I say limb, I mean it. My ex-girlfriend Sophia Wilansky had her arm blown apart by a concussion grenade at Standing Rock.
Can you do me a favour? Can you take two minutes to watch this video? I promise you that it will be worth your time.
So, then, was everyone making a courageous stand that night a pawn? Was Sophia the hapless victim of an unseen Svengali? Could you look Sophia in the eyes and tell her that by bravely standing up for what she believes in, she was playing into the hands of evil neo-Malthusians?
It´s truly remarkable that you know more about these things that we can do. Perhaps your levitating armchair grants you privileged access to vistas unknowable to us mortals, and if Heaven truly has granted you such a gift, it is surely because you are meant to use it.
So, I beseech you, if you have access to information we don`t, please enlighten us. We would be ever so grateful! If you don´t want to share it with me, fine. I get it. I’d be happy to put you in touch with Sophia directly if you´d prefer. There´s no need to be shy. She´s a very fair-minded person. She’d surely be willing to hear you out.
Hopefully this helps clarify why your callous words made my blood boil. But hey, you insulted me and now I’ve insulted you. We good now? Can we call it even?
I hope so, because we need to talk. It´s not like you committed a minor faux-pas here. You made a very big claim, and if you value your reputation, you either need to back it up with facts or retract it. So let me put on my Non-Violent Communication hat and let`s do our best to have a grown-up conversation about this.
Sooo… It seems to me like you support the dispossesion of indigenous lands for corporate profit, and I feel like you are misrepresenting yourselves by identifying as Canadian patriots. This makes me feel profound rage, and I would like to respectfully respect that you stop spreading slanderous lies about my comrades and I. Is that something you can do for me? It would mean a lot to me.
While you´re at it, would you be so kind as to let me know what precisely you mean when you refer to yourself as a Canadian patriot?
People define words in different ways. I think it would be helpful if you could define the word patriot for me. It does seems to me like you are opposed to the idea that indigenous people should have the right to self-determination, but I guess such a position is in keeping with Canadian tradition.
Let`s face it - Canada is a resource colony owned by the British Royal Family, and there`s nothing more Canadian than dispossessing indigenous people in order to rape their land for the sake of a greasy buck. If that´s what you mean by Canadian patriotism, okay, fine. You win.
But you´re an interesting kind of ¨Canadian patriot¨ if you have more of a problem with grassroots land defenders than you do with Canadian sovereignty being sold out for corporate profit. It certainly seems like your loyalty is to the CCP and Putin, not Canadians, and least of all the original inhabitants of Turtle Island, who you so glibly disrespect.
On another note, word on the street is that you are on the payroll of a Russian university. I think that it would helpful if you would be so kind as clarify the nature of your relationship with that university.
You´ve also published over 200 articles on the website of the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF), which according to Wikipedia is a Russian think tank based in Moscow. According to Wikipedia:
SCF has been characterized as a conservative, pro-Russian propaganda website by U.S. media and others.
SCF has a pattern of sharing articles with other Russia-controlled outlets such as Global Research, New Eastern Outlook, and SouthFront.
But, hey, it`s not like I trust Wikipedia. If you want to set the record straight, I`m all ears. Things sure are confusing these days, what with liberals losing their minds over Russiagate and all.
Maybe my last post was a tad harsh, because if I were to give you the benefit of the doubt, I could assume that you are merely misinformed. But if you don´t understand the complexity of the situation, then why write about it? You are doing a disservice both to your readers and to your own reputation by putting out such disingenuous tripe. If you don´t know what you´re talking about, and you spout off anyway, all you´re doing is flooding the zone with shit.
And yes, Matty-boy, you´re clearly very racist. I know that everyone is sick to death of spurious accusations of racism from the woke mob, but when the glove fits, it fits. Canadian racism is very real, and it has long disguised itself in altruistic garb.
So, the supposed goal of British imperialism used to civilize the natives. Then it became all about “education” and “assimilation”, always in the name of “progress”.
More recently, the word “development” has emerged as the favourite buzzword justifying colonization.
Recently, Paul Cudenec laid bare this cleverly deceptive propaganda construct in A Developing Evil, in which he reveals the sophisticated linguistic trickery hidden in the innocent-sounding word ¨development¨. In that piece, he speaks about how the gatekeepers of the system use certain tricks to delegitimize resistance to industrialization, explaining that:
If the opponents were local people living close to the proposed development, they were selfish individuals termed NIMBYs – Not In My Back Yard.
If people from further away were involved, who could not be accused of having a purely personal interest, they were dubbed “outside agitators” or “rent-a-mob troublemakers”.
In this way, no dissent could ever be seen as legitimate.
Alongside this approach came the inevitable narrative that the development was badly “needed”, providing homes for families, jobs for workers, or a “boost” for the local economy.
So, Matt, I know exactly what you’re doing when you write:
In case after case, we find that a vast majority of organisers of the blockades have been university students of an eco-anarchist persuasion deployed out of Ontario and Quebec sociology departments with very little awareness of genuine native issues, nor even an awareness of what will even be eventually flowing through the pipelines (the majority of those questioned presumed the answer was “oil”- a very different beast from LNG).
Man, you´re not going to make this easy for me, are you? Goddam, does this makes my blood boil! First off, I wouldn’t be caught dead in a sociology department. Next up, I definitely have way more awareness of native issues than you do, pal, and your statement about “the majority of those questioned” not knowing the difference between oil and gas is as absurd as it is insulting. The majority of whom? Questioned by whom?
(By the way, CGL is being built to transport fracked gas to the LNG Canada liquefaction terminal in Kitimat, meaning that your mockery of the ignorance of anti-pipeline protesters contains a factual error. If completed, CGL would transport gas, not LNG.)
All this leads me to conclude that all the amyl nitrate that you were taking at Peter Nygard’s parties has caused permanent brain damage. The majority of those questioned didn’t think it was physically possible for you to take something so huge all the way inside, but legend has it that when they cranked the Lyndon LaRouche lectures to full blast, you made it look easy.
(Hey, if you get to make shit up, why can’t I?)
By the way, who is this LaRouche guy you´re so obsessed with anyway? You mean the dude from that Simpsons episode?
Well, you did get a few things right. Yeah, I´m an eco-anarchist from Ontario. So what? Are you suggesting that I don´t have a right to oppose the largest foreign investment project in Canadian history? Need I remind you that the five oil giants comprising the LNG Canada consortium are all foreign?
So it´s cool if corporations from Chian, Korea, Japan, Malaysia and Europe intervene on the Northwest Coast, but not if university students from Ontario oppose it? Could you please explain to me why this is so? Maybe I´m a little fucked-up in the head or something, because I really don´t follow your logic.
Really, Matt, I really want to stick a flashlight in your mouth to find out whether or not you´ve got a forked tongue, because you´re quite the adept in the art of talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Case in point: you like to accuse your enemies of supporting technocracy. So let me ask you this: What exactly do you think the Belt and Road initiative is, if not a giant leap towards technocracy? Are you really dumb enough to believe that the CCP is motivated by an altruistic desire to lift indigenous people out of poverty? It´s hard for me to believe you are - you´re clearly intelligent. But your myopic and uncritical support for the Belt and Road initiative definitely leads me to question where your bread is getting buttered.
Now, I have to be honest here: I think that you were being deliberately deceptive, but I suppose our cognitive biases all get the better of us sometimes. Maybe you were being deceptive without meaning to be. I´ll readily concede that the Wet´suwet´en traditional governance system is not easy to understand. However, the fact of the matter is that you fucked up. The truth movement values intellectual honesty, and if you want to regain credibility, I think it behooves you to address this issue.
Now, I have a lot more to say on this topic, and I’m by no means through with you. But communication is a two-way street, and I think you deserve the chance to respond.
If you do choose to do so, I have a few burning questions for you. For starters:
Is it true, Matt, that you are on the payroll of a Russian university? Would you be so kind as to disclose the name of this institution, how long you’ve been employed there, and what type of work they pay you for?
On your website, you claim that part of your mission is to ¨help historians shed light upon the suppressed history which every Canadian has a right to know, with the faith that with a greater understanding of our past, we may not repeat its mistakes as we prepare for our future.¨ Now, that sounds like a great mission. However, I have yet to see you talk about what I would consider to be some of the most important hidden history of Canada, such as the B.I.S. takeover of the Bank of Canada under Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the 2012 Canada-China FIPPA trade deal, signed by Stephen Harper, which basically cedes Canadian sovereignty to China (as least so far as control over natural resources is concerned). Could you please clarify your position on COMER and FIPPA?
Given that you present yourself as a Canadian patriot, would be so kind as to share some thoughts about why you love Canada and what threats you feel that it needs to be protected against?
Now, although you might have your doubts that I have your best interests at heart, I give you my word that I will give you a fair hearing. Listen, I like being right. If you´ve got information to bring to the table, I´m all ears.
I will definitely concede that there are political agents such as Tzeporah Berman and her brood of vipers who pose as environmentalists whilst undermining the real environmental movement in Canada.
Although now a bit out of date, the best work I am aware of on this subject is Offsetting Resistance by Macdonald Stainsby and Dru Oja Jay.
If my comrades are being played like fools, I want to know, and I promise to bring that information to the proper people. I know you love win-win outcomes. Well, I´m offering you one. You give me useful information, I make sure it gets to the right people, hopefully thus foiling the plans of the puppeteers you allege are pulling their strings. Does that sound like a deal?
Look, everyone makes mistakes. Even the sharpest people can be fooled. Case in point: the propaganda expert Mark Crispin Miller. When he recently made a mistake, he corrected it. That shows integrity. Honestly, people respect you more when you admit when you´re wrong.
I do want to say, though, that both you and your wife are both very good writers, when you´re on your game. I didn´t mention in my previous article how impressed I was with Cynthia´s piece The Curse of Game Theory. As someone who feels strongly that the West privileges left-brain logic at the expense of right-brain gestalt, I was very happy to come across a piece using mathematics as a means of recognizing the limits of rationality. As someone with a family history of schizophrenia, I also appreciated the sensitivity with which Cynthia wrote about John Nash´s mental illness. Very good stuff. I doubt either of you will ever lack for career opportunities.
For what it´s worth, I appreciate what I´ve learned from you, even if you are both intelligent agents. I´m really still not sure what to make of you two. At times, Cynthia writes very beautifully about literature and philosophy. Clearly, if you are intelligence agents, you´re not just intelligent agents, but multifaceted human beings capable of complex thought and deep emotion. So if you take just one thing away from this, I hope that it is this: Always remember that you always have the power to forsake your evil ways and use your talents for good. And though I´m sure that it won´t be easy to swallow your pride and admit you were wrong, I think an apology is in order. I don´t expect you to apologize to me, but I think you would do well to apologize to the indigenous people you have insulted, as well to your readers, whose confidence you have betrayed.
Thanks, bud!
Crow Qu’appelle
P.S. In case you were wondering, it turns out that Nevermore co-founder Tom Keefer is indeed the great-great-great-grandson of none other than your hero Thomas Keefer himself.
P.P.S. This article was written in a fake-nice, verbally abusive style in order to make a point about the particular character of Canadian racism against indigenous people, in which very polite, sincere-sounding language in interspersed with insults. I´m not really sure I was successful, which is why I feel the need to explain myself. Hopefully I got my point across.
hey there,
I doubt Matt will answer any of your questions. But I can answer some of them on his behalf.
He is not on the payroll of a Russian university. He claims to be a fellow at the American University in Moscow ..... which doesn't exist ( It's a front with ties to the Russian government. However, I assume Ehret receives some kind of financial compensation for all of the hard work he does at this imaginary university. Worth pointing out that he also contributes articles to Kremlin talking points emporium Strategic Culture Foundation, which is, uh, not exactly "reader-funded." I'll leave it at that.
As someone who has also been attacked by Ehret for committing the unthinkable crime of providing information and perspectives that don't perfectly align with his Omnipotent Multipolar Worldview, take it from me: Don't expect this guy to engage in good-faith dialogue. (
Take care and keep up the good work,
How do you think they can build their anti technocracy cross continental choo choo train if people are against it?
Don't worry, the "rising tide foundation" supports bringing everyone up to the same level of technocracy, err progress.
In 🤑🤑🤑 we trust. Cause freedom isn't free. You gotta pay for it with fracked gas!