Hey, I only answered 1/2 of one ‘incorrectly’!

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If you want to make anarchism appeal to soccer moms start using the term: voluntaryism

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I think you may have sold me on that, actually. I've been meaning to bring it up at our next tete-a-tete.... when's your book coming out?

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Superbly written article! Thank you for sharing! Would it be possible for me to translate it into Spanish for publication?

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Author

I would absolutely love that! We could even post on our Spanish page at nevermore.media/es!

I could also send it to Counterpropaganda... maybe they'd be interested in posting it here on Substack.

In English there's a saying that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", but speaking as a writer, I think it's translation!

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Thanks for your kind response. I will start work on the translation tomorrow, and I will be sending you it as soon as it is done.

And I didn't know there is a NEVERMORE Spanish page!

Will be there right now!

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There are a whole bunch of Spanish-language zines we made... but we put the Spanish-language side of things on the backburner because we hadn't succeeded in attracting much interest.

Where are you located? Maybe it's time to revisit that part of this project.

Yo vivo en Michoacan, Mexico y mi comprometida es Mexicana, entonces hablo Español, pero no soy completamente fluido todavia. Pero voy a casarme en febrero y mi meta es de convertirme fluido antes de la boda.

Si quieres, puedes escribirme en espanol. Te entendria.

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¡Qué bueno poder comunicarnos en este idioma! --Ya que a mí hacerlo en inglés me toma más trabajo y más tiempo (aunque el practicarlo no me cae mal). ¡Y qué maravilla que estés integrándote a Latinoamérica! ¡Bienvenido!

Ya he mirado la página en español de NEVERMORE y he encontrado artículos que me interesan mucho, que trataré de leer en su totalidad y que recomendaré a mis conocidos. Gracias por informarme de su existencia.

Vivo en Colombia, en una finca ubicada a unas dos horas de Bogotá, por carretera; soy químico y profesional de informática (BS en 'Computer Science', The Evergreen State College; o debería más bien decir que "fuí", porque ya estoy retirado, por viejo --¡77 años!). De familia conservadora, en ella he sido la oveja negra, ya que siempre tiré hacia la izquierda, pero esta me ha desencantado, y ahora busco aprender acerca del anarquismo, el cual siempre me fue presentado como algo diabólico...

Ya tengo un borrador de la traducción del artículo y deseo saber cómo enviártelo, y en qué formato, para que lo revises y lo corrijas. Quedo atento.

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Excellent piece!

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Thanks! If you liked that, stay tuned! Lots more where that came from!

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I'm personally for a society which mostly uses working-class tax dollars to construct strong social safety nets for all its citizenry as well as believing in bodily autonomy whether it pertains to reproductive rights or pharmaceutical mandates, and most importantly a culture which only uses the military for self-defense.

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Can I just recommend Colin Ward's Anarchy in Action as a very down to earth description of anarchism as our natural way of being. It's nice to be able to show people the ways they are already anarchistic. Been helpful to me in talking to people.

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AnArchy in its truest sense means no authority over.

How would a true anarchist handle a thief, rapist, or murderer?

Would the group decide that the guilty party be banished from the group or would they put him to death?

Would they make a thief repay the person he stole from?

Would they stone a rapist? or Hang him?

Where would they keep him?

What would they do to a murderer?

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Who says you can't have police and a justice system in an Anarchy? If Anarchy is order without power, if it's about not having a ruling class, then why not? If the 'police' don't enforce laws, but rather function strictly as peace officers who are only concerned with keeping order, who basically function as armed neighborhood security, why not?

But how to manage internal disputes and crimes that need arbitration? How many ways are there without a ruling class?

Off the top of my head... maybe sign a contract at the time of residence and convene a public counsel in the event of an issue. Conduct it just like a trial or any other public court hearing, only base it on a unanimously agreed upon standard, and not a system that has been forced upon anyone.

Part of the beauty of Anarchy is that it is versatile, somewhat fluid and virtually unlimited in it's capacity to manage life. As long as your system of Anarchy stays true to a few basic core values, then it is rightful and otherwise only limited by your imagination.

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Truly anarchistic and successful (egalitarian, NOT hierarchical !!) societies mostly do not exceed the Dunbar's-# which is about 220-250 people.

They would 1st. check as described below:

{...Would they make a thief repay the person he stole from?...}

Which are the reasons/conditions that made the thief steal in the 1st. place?

{...Would they stone a rapist? or Hang him?...}

Which are the reasons/conditions that made the rapist act in the 1st. place ?

{...What would they do to a murderer?...}

Which are the reasons/conditions that made the murderer act in the 1st. place ?

{...Where would they keep him?...}

To be discussed; according to severity (committed crime is petty or fatal ??...)

Most of the above mentioned crimes (theft, rape, murder, etc.) would most probably be prevented long before action because social control in small communities is far stronger than in current mass-societies with their intrinsic, mega-problems.

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If society prevented its 200-250 people from committing crimes, what would it do if the person committing the crime was someone just passing through?

I'm really curious about how they'd handle a crime. Would this 200-250-person community have the equivalent of a sheriff or constable to handle these things?

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In a region solely made-up of a.m. communities NOBODY will need to be {...JUST passing through...} to commit crimes.

Please delve deeper into literature dealing with the 1st. nation Americans how they solved these issues.

There will not be a single INDIVIDUAL, whatever his age or experience, to solely decide about grave crime-punishment; most probably a group of respected elders who decide what is to be done with the offender, giving the safety and future protection of the community absolute priority.

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