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I've been feeling that this war is Orwellian by design, to be endless.

"We were always at war with eurasia"

Keep people afraid, that keeps them less prone to questioning authority.

At the start, Paul Craig Roberts and others thought it would be over quickly. Russia has the technology and training to do that. But they didn't. Hmm

I was reading a lot about how Russia seems to be in on the same convid story, including their very own shot which is a copy of Astra zeneca. They also seem to still be friendly with western banking, as their own finance minister is a stooge (Nabulina).

Good info here https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/archive?sort=new

Anyway, later on Russia was targeting the power grid in Ukraine. But somehow, Ukraine didn't have power issues? Hmm

Ukrainian soldiers are dying at a rate of 10 to 1. But somehow they still have soldiers? Hmm

And now this big question:



L Fletcher Prouty, who was military intelligence before the CIA muscled in, said that after ww2, all wars are designed to not have winners because the loser could nuke and this would make the predator class screwed, even if they can hide underground for a long time.

I tend to agree with this. I think this war is by design intended to be an excuse to screw Europe and it's coordinated. It's like wrestling, except people still die.

Russia, China, USA UK etc were shown to follow the same masters during convid.

They won't let nukes happen. Also notice how the UN is doing absolutely nothing about this? No peace talks, just bullshitting. Funny because meanwhile, the WHO is trying to grab more and more control over nations. But not the part of the UN that could stop wars.

They didn't do shit to stop Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and so on.

It matches what Prouty said... Wars of attrition without winners and losers.

Except everyone loses, except for the predator class.

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