Excellent article! Clear and concise, clean and neat.

I have questions about the Levites and the Benjamites though. What happened to them? It seems like the rabbinical class traces their roots to Levi, and there were prominent persons in Europe including Moses Hess and Carl Marx whose lineage belonged that class. But weren't they also considered "Jews" even if they weren't descended from the tribe of Judah?

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Another interesting thing I've read is that certain linguistics scholars point to Yiddish being a Slavic-based language with German influence AND NOT a Semitic language like Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic. Prior to the emergence of the State of Israel, modern Hebrew didn't exist. Hebrew was a literary language like Latin or Greek--a "dead" language. But with the establishment of Israel, it was made into the national language, and Jews holding assemblies in German in the newly-formed state were punished, as were Jewish newspapers in German.

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Actually, it seems that Hebrew began to be revived with the Jewish nationalist movement, which was similar to other nationalist movements of 19th century Central and Eastern Europe... Maybe a bit like indigenous peoples wanting to revive their language and cultures today

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B E A U T I F U L !!! 👍👍👍👍

Thank you very much for this excursion ...

But will the currently living Goy who is firmly entrapped into the Zionist Matrix ever be able to understand its far reaching implications ???

Maybe, just maybe, the CHRISTIAN Zionists are the bigger road-block to a more peaceful future in that region ... 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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My man! I’m loving this article. Zionism and Judaism are NOT the same. Zionism is the banker version of Judaism: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-polarizing-complexity-of-the

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Being in favor of Israelites doesn't mean being in favor of a Zionist Israeli Government, which killed 20 thousand innocent Gaza children:

You need create a global war to create a global government:


All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!


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Very nice work. Your analysis of the Bible reminds me of an Episcopalian priest I once knew in my youth, who reached the same conclusion you did--IF God promised the future Roman province of Palestina to anyone, it was specifically to the tribe of Judah, and there was never any guarantee it would remain theirs forever.

After all, the ten lost tribes stayed lost as far as the Bible is concerned, didn't they?

I know something of the Khazars, and look forward to your story about them. Interesting bunch, aren't they?

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The Lord divorced the pharisees and sadducees long ago, as they broke the covenant. They can cry out as their heretical state crumbles and only their past victims will hear.

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God is a man-made abstraction and does not exist.

A bunch of kiddy diddling masons promised to steal the land.


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so who created the universe then?

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Don't know, don't fucking care. But it wasn't “Jesus” because he’s only a figment of your creative imagination.

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Jesus is a historical figure.

Whether or not he was God or the Messiah is a matter of faith, but saying he didn't exist just makes you sound ignorant.

See Marvin Harris: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/was-jesus-christ-a-real-person

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As a Jewish origin anti-Zionist (and anti-Palestinian nationalism) person grown in Israel I can tell you that the biblical nature of Zionism was never a real belief - the founders of Zionism were atheist European capitalists needing a safe haven in which to enrich themselves on the backs of Jewish proletarians and other people. They never gave a shit about the bible. This was made as justification, apology for the Jewish nationalism they invented, a "historical right" around which to build this new national mythology. The fact that they USED this excuse doesn't mean that this is the reason for their actions. Thus, there isn't even a real need to demystify it, since even if it is true, it has always been a mere tool for the Zionist institutions and later the Zionist state to justify their rule over their fellow Jewish people and over the Palestinians - ETHNICAL more than religious. Some parts in Zionism, however, do "believe" in it, officially - the revisionist and settler movement. But here as well, I continue to believe that the founders of that revisionist/settler stream of Zionism didn't really believe in it themselves but USED it as justification for Power. The entire "Jewish" character of the state of Israel is almost completely meaningless - it's a poor and shoddy version of the versatile and rich Jewish culture that existed before it, and substitution for it. the Israeli state has oppressed and eradicated almost all the pre-Zionist traits and elements of Judaism of its inhabitants so as to gather them around the new fictitious "Israeli" NATIONAL culture and identity (the Arabic language and unique cultures of the Jews brought from Yemen, Morocco etc., the Yiddish language and rich culture of those brought from Europe, and many more). The Jewish nature (and history) of the state of Israel has always been a tool for class domination. The founders of Zionism and the ruling ideology and practice throughout most of its existence until 1977 has been that of Labor-Zionism - completely secular, with some rules and regulations kept to either appease the religious parties and institutions or to maintain Israel's "Jewish" ETHNICAL identity and the subordination of non-Jews (example of the first, no public transportation on Shabbat, no secular marriage. Example of the second - the law of Return - granting automatic citizenship to those wanting to live in Israel who can prove they are officially Jewis, according to the Halacha (Jewish law)).

The critique of Israel (and hopefully, the critique of Palestinian nationalism) is useless without the critique of its nature as state power and its function, its inner class relations, the critique of the FUNCTION of its claims for its r'aison d'etre and not just its claims taken litterally.

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