Zionism is antisemitic. The ruling class always deploys "fascism" to wage war against humanity.

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His essay is very eye-opening. Thank you

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I consider Simon Elmer one of the world's greatest living political philosophers... and he's clearly willing to take risks that other academics aren't...

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The odd part of the Ann Frank story is a portion of her diary was aledgedly in ballpoint pen which was not available in Europe for a few years later.


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Wow! That's quite the bombshell! Didn't know that! Who's this Gilad Atzmon guy?

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Dunno, but the fact checks saying it’s untrue actually confirm that some of it is in ballpoint pen.

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I might post this piece about doing some due diligence. If true, this proves that the history of the Holocaust has been distorted by people with their own agenda since the 1940s... That copyright argument is a doozy.

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A Canadian has been prosecuted for publishing. Be careful!

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I've never read it, to be honest. I have no opinion on it one way or another...

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Thank you so much for this excellent post !! 👍👍👍👍

{...Do Jewish Lives Matter More ?? ...}


To quote from their rabbi Jaacov Parrin (1994):

"A million Arab lives have less value than a single Jewish fingernail"

and therefore: NO genocide in Gaza ...

The US- media and Hollywood, mostly under control as well as in the pockets of the Chosen Ones are the most fabulous milk-cow this planet has ever seen ... Who still can count the billions churned-out to Ukraine and Israel lately ??...

But most important, they currently are an almost (just waiting for more censorship) perfect tool to keep the Zionist Matrix in full control of the Goy-mind to keep the a.m. money-flow going on until some of their other "projects" are fully financed.

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Not forgetting Life Is Beautiful, 1997, Roberto Benigni

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