Well done! Embracing unity, with invitations to meaningful discussion. What a rarity!

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Thanks! I hope it's well-received... I suspect that quite a few of my readers are Leftists (or post-left or politically homeless or whatever) but I can't really know... Most of my articles get 500-1000 views, but only a few likes and comments... what am I supposed to make of that?

Anyway, I don't feel like I am right-wing. I associate the right-wing with nationalism and militarism, for one thing, and I'm against both those things.

But what do the terms right an left even mean anymore? Before COVID, I would have seen the "correct" way to see the left-right divide as being essentially about class - traditionally those who sided with the nobility and rich landowners were rightwing... and left were those who sided with the commoners, peasants, proletarians, slaves, etc.

I would say that this video provides a good example of what I would consider the "real" meanings of the terms left and right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3cmjNrXWms&t=13s

But left and right no longer mean what they did and it's pretty useless to insist on archaic definitions of terms... language evolves. In practical terms, Left means "prefers Democrats to Republicans" and right means "prefers Republicans to Democrats" these days, and that means that those terms are not at all useful to me, because I would argue that both parties are actually one and the same entity now, and that the differences between them are basically a show to keep people divided.

Notice that both parties come together on issues like bank bailouts, COVID, Israel, and the list goes on...

So basically I'm for jettisoning the terms altogether. They don't serve my purposes.

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True, the ascendancy and the institutionalization of the left, with power, has changed their class affiliation. Any now the real division of power and principles is between the 0.1 percent and the 99.9 percent... only that vast majority doesn't know it because the propaganda is so complete and psychologically effective. Plus the upward striving middlecrats prefer to identify and side with their elites, for the perks and power trips that trickle down.

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I don’t know where you’re at, but here in third World shit hole of ‘Murikkka, one party is nothing but an ongoing criminal enterprise, and the other is simply a corporate oligarchy, enabling fascist, facilitation device, what they need is removed and replaced. Burned to the ground with the Phoenix chained securely to the Constitution of the United States.

Engaging with the dishonest and corrupt is like multiplying by zero. You just get a different version of dishonest and corrupt.

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interesting take. Well, if it doesn't work, it's not like I can't change approaches again!

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🤷‍♂️ I spent a decade and a half in first world countries on four other continents, I miss it

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This is a great article! I really admire your methodical and well researched part about the Ashkenazi Jews. Like you said, if anyone can prove you wrong with facts, you will gladly publish.

I think the only way to restore any sanity in our world is to confront Zionism head on, and point out the tremendous evil that it represents!

Yes, the world is waking up, Zionism is Fascism

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I would really highly recommend reading The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler. Despite being very dense, it's a page-turner. Koestler is a superb writer. Not easy to say so much so deftly!

Arthur Koestler was both a Jew and a Zionist. The Thirteenth Tribe was the last book he wrote and some people think he might have been killed for writing it. But he actually intended it as an argument against Nazism - he might to say that anti-Jewish racism was stupid because Ashkenazi Jews weren't actually racially distinct from Austro-Hungarians.

I agree with him that racism is stupid, and I can prove it with some basic math.

Think about it - if we count one generation as 25 years, then that means your number of ancestors doubles every 25 years, then within 500 years you would have hundreds of thousands of ancestors alive at a single time. Pretty crazy to think about, but do the math:

Parents generation - 2

Grandparents generation - 4

Greatgrandparents generation - 8

GGGPG - 16

Okay, so that brings us back one century. So now we're in 1923.





Now we're in 1823





Now we're in 1723.

17th - 9792

18th - 19584

19th - 39168

20th - 78336

Now we're in 1623

21st - 156672

22nd - 313344

23rd - 626688

24th -1253376

That brings us to 1523. Isn't that nuts? If you were to go in time to 1523, you would have over a million living ancestors!

The world's population in 1500 estimated to have been between 400 and 500 million, meaning that 1 out of every 500 people would have your ancestor!

If you keep going for a few hundred more years, you'll reach the point where your number of ancestors actually exceeds the population of the Earth.

So I'm definitely not saying that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the ancient Israelites, I'm saying that EVERYONE ON EARTH is likely descended from the ancient Israelites, but they're also descended by the Mongols, the Chinese, the Polynesians, the Phoenicians, etc. The claims of the Zionists that the Holy Land "belongs" to them because God gave it to the ancient Israelites is beyond absurd - they're non-sensical. Are they claiming that the Palestinians are not descended from the ancient Israelites? It defies basic logic to make such a claim. Even if you believe that the Hebrew Bible is the Word of God and that it is an incontrovertible fact that God gave the Holy Land to the Israelites, the claims of the Zionists still make zero sense. Likewise do their claims of being God's chosen people because they are descended from Abraham make no sense - logically, if Abraham was a real person and was the father of both the Jews and the Arabs, then logically every person on Earth can be assumed to be a descendent of Abraham.

Some basic reasoning should reveal both Zionism and Nazism to be fundamentally irrational ideologies.

Given how many wars there were in Eurasia and the Middle East, and how commonly rape was part of warfare, the chances of anyone anywhere in Eurasia or Africa being a "pure" representative of their race seems unlikely.

You get my point? Once we go back more than a few hundred years, you start having hundreds of thousands of ancestors. Given that the population of the Earth was much smaller back then, we can safely assume that everyone is mixed-race.

How the Nazis drew clear lines between Aryans, Slavs, Turks, and Jews is beyond me. I personally think their brains were programmed by nationalistic propaganda due to the Prussian model of education, which was developed as part of a long-term military strategy to reclaim Prussian military glory against the Prussian state was defeated by Napoleon.

Some people seem to think that we must censor history because the ideas of the Nazis are so dangerous. They seem to be missing a key piece of the puzzle - the ideas of the Nazis were idiotic. I don't think we should be afraid of a resurgence of Nazism - Nazism was the result of a generation of traumatized German veterans who had been brainwashed with nationalistic propaganda from a young age. That isn't the case in Germany today.

Sorry, that was a bit of ramble, but hope it was interesting to someone out there!

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I would love to have a debate with you on the nature of Israel, but I’m afraid I don’t fit into any of the particular camps that you’re railing against.

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