Just so you know, it posted twice. Made for a kind of long and redundant read.

I get where you’re coming from and agree, the only way out is a form of revolution. I think they keep it front and centre to keep us divided and fighting. Just move on already!

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Thank you very much! I think I've fixed it now, but I'll have another look over it.

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Nope. Still doubled up.

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Okay, now it's fixed. Kind of.

I'm not sure what happened, but this isn't the final draft of what I wrote, and now the final draft seems to have disappeared.

I'm sorry for the repetitiveness in this piece - I don't consider this up to my own standards. My bad.

Will fix tomorrow or perhaps remove everything except the short story.

Bear with me folks, I want to blame this on technical problems but it's not quite clear to me what happened.

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Why? Because Trudeau is a simpering commie wannabe. He wants to control people and not be talked back to.

Think about how he just mandated that Canadians have to give up their guns. Why would a government that's supposed to care, disarm it's citizens?

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