Thanks for sharing your stories of the Russian Mennonites and of your family.

If the Mennonites were a favored group in Nazi Germany, Labor Zionism was also. They were chosen as the political representatives for all the Jews, and in 1933 the (Zionist) Jewish agency made arrangements with the Nazi government for tens of thousands of Jews to be sent to Palestine over the next 6 years, known as the Haavara Transfer Agreement. According to a Jewish journalist some of whose family members died in Nazi camps, ONLY Labor Zionists were sent to Israel. Orthodox Jews were not allowed, and later perished. I haven't confirmed whether this was indeed the case.

As for "Rothschild" funding the Bolsheviks, Anthony Sutton's book "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" documents the whole affair in detail. I don't believe Rothschild was directly involved (tell me if I missed something), however, bankers and financiers from Wall Street definitely were, particularly Jacob Schiff (a German Jew). If one goes deeper though one finds that all of Wall Street answers to the Rothschilds, as outlined in great detail by Eustace Mullins in "Secrets of the Federal Reserve: the London Connection".

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Interesting! I would love it if you would write something about the Western financing of the Bolsheviks at some point. That's a tough one for people who see Marxism as the opposite of capitalism to wrap their minds around... but it all makes sense when you read the ten planks of the Communist manifesto and realize the centrality of establishing a central bank to the communist project. When one considers the massive quantity of wealth that was transferred from the people of wealth to the state during dekulakization, and the massive profits that were reaped during the rapid industrialization of Russia, it all starts to make sense.

As for the Rothschilds funding the Bolsheviks, I confess that I am conflating the Rothschilds with the Schiffs... To be honest I see the Warburgs and Schiffs as subordinate to the Rothschilds, and tend to think that the three families are interwoven to the point of constituting a single political entity. Would you say that this is an exaggeration?

I have yet to read that book by Sutton, but I really should.

Bakunin basically accused Marx of being an agent of the Rothschild, something which hasn't gotten the attention that it deserves because anarchists tend to consider certain antisemitic remarks Bakunin made in private correspondence embarrassing.

See: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/zoe-baker-bakunin-was-a-racist

I'm a big fan of Zoe Baker, and think she deals sensitively with the subject of Bakunin's antisemitism, but to me the story in this essay isn't that Bakunin was a racist, but that Marx's contingent at the First Internationale used underhanded methods to undermine and betray the socialist movement. Given that the failure of the First Internationale arguably led to more than a hundred million deaths, her focus on some racist remarks Bakunin allegedly wrote in unsent letters seems a little besides the point!

Note - Zoe Baker somehow neglects to mention that Bakunin was the first to translate Marx into Russian. Imagine that some unsent letters you wrote in a rage went down in history but the many hours spent translating a dense tome by a man who who later betray you didn't! Doesn't seem very fair to me!

Anyway, Tobin, I'm eagerly anticipating your piece about the involvement of the Sabbatean-Frankists in the founding of the state of Israel. Truly a subject worthy of a researcher such as yourself!

I'd also love if it would you would consider writing something about the secret history of Bolshevism at some point. You've been on quite the roll lately! I am going to be going on a break for a few weeks soon and I hope that we can continue publishing stuff by you while I'm away.

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I recently read somewhere that Rothschild sent agents such as Schiff and Warburg to the US to get involved in banking there prior to WWI, whatever "sent" means. Also, if I recall correctly, the Schiffs and the original Rothschilds of the 18th century shared the same mansion together in Frankfurt. And weren't the Warburgs in Frankfurt aslo?

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