Thanks for the heads up. Yes it was sickening seeing poor gullible Gretta shaking hand on stage with Schwab, the face of disaster capitalism itself

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The scamdemic had a medicinal effect, as it exposed the "lowlife scum" allied with the national security state who for decades concealed their true nature under the guise of progressivism.

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Naomi Klein is WAY too far gone for any kind of reproachment now, she wears the ring of Mordor with pride. Same for Chomsky, I am kind of pissed I bought Manufacturing Consent, even if I got it used. Pretty sure Epstein has dirt on Chompsky. Both he and Amy Goodman SUDDENLY switched to being Democrat party partisans in the 90s. Did Amy go to Epstein Island too?

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According to CNN, Epstein had photos of Noam "Kill 'Em All" Chomsky peeing on Hannah Montana on Lolita Island when she was still 13.

Oh wait, nevermind, that was Trump peeing on Russian hookers in Moscow or something.

But now try getting that image out of your mind.

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You could have gone Chomsky peeing Amy Goodman, which is legit Halloween nightmare material. :-)

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(puke emoji)

I'm imagining Pete Seeger singing "Which Side are you On?" in the background for some reason.

I just ruined that song for anyone reading this. Shall we continue?

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I found out what kind of sell-out Klein was back about 2015 when I found The Wrong Kind of Green (dot)org (Cory Morningstar) who was posting blogs about her or other people's blog articles. Here is the earliest one I found.............."Queen of Con | Comrade Klein: Queen Klein "(Public Good Project)

August 22, 2014 by Jay Taber

So...she has written a few good books...incl. Shock Doctrine...but she's just as bought out/sold out as Amy Goodman or anyone in the academia circles proclaiming to be left or radical (remember "The Cancer in Occupy" shit article by Chris Hedges? It was ok for Greece to fight back in radical ways but Americans are different. yeah. Klein was angry in Oct. 2020 that Alison McDowell in a ZOOM meeting....Klein was a JOKE! See here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnjl3Nd5qIs

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There is no climate crisis. It was manufactured just as COVID was. You fell for it.

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You could be right. I've started to believe that the climate crisis might be narrative control for a very real ecological crisis.

Know how Gandhi said: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”?

Not true. Wanna know how it really works?

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they let you think you've won, then they pretend to be on your side, then they co-opt your movement, then they win."

Here's my thesis: the environmental movement has been led into a dead end... I remain as convinced as ever that ecology is of crucial importance. But yeah, the sea levels haven't raised one inch, so it's apparent by now we've been lied to.

As to whether the climate is changing, well it's always changing. That's a meaningless statement. Is the globe warming? In my part of the world, it is, yes. I'm a wildfire fighter and summers keep getting hotter and drier. Everyone agrees on that.

Darren Allen believes in the Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis, and that AGW is most likely caused by greenhouse gas emissions.

See: https://expressiveegg.org/2022/09/04/it-really-doesnt-matter/

Also, many devout anarchists (such as myself and Paul Cudenec) were able to transition fairly easily from believing in climate change to a more skeptical position without altering much about our analysis or strategy proposals. How, you ask?

Well, because climate scam is one way of framing a very real ecological crisis. The casino capitalism of Wall Street depends on infinite growth, which is impossible on a finite planet. Is the ecological crisis caused by climate change? No, it's caused by industrial capitalism. Is it man-made? You betcha.

As Darren Allen puts it:

"Climate change, or global heating, is almost certainly happening, and it is almost certainly caused by man-made activities, specifically our prolific production of carbon dioxide, although even if neither of these statements is true, it doesn’t matter because our civilisation is still doomed, for the same reason that every civilisation is doomed; we have outrun our resource base. The hyper-complexity of our technological system depends on fossil fuels; gas, coal and, most of all, oil. Everything we use is made from oil, transported with it, our food is effectively grown on a layer of it and our economies are entirely dependent on petrochemical products produced from oil which, very soon, will be too expensive to extract. When this happens — when the energy required to extract coal, oil and gas approaches that which they provide — it will be game over.

The collapse that we’re facing, and the suffering it will entail, will be, first of all, unprecedented. Unbelievable — we’ll all be walking around saying ‘I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it…’ We’re already starting to say this, particularly those of us who live in poorer towns, or who work in A&E, or who have to deal with ‘low-income groups’; but these are early days. The misery and madness facing us will make these days of frustration and fear seem like paradise. Not convinced? Keep watching the news, see if it gets any better.

The collapse we’re facing, that has now begun, is also our fault. Man-made. We have based our societies on intensive agriculture, a practice which demands more energy than it provides (and then provides a surplus which must be managed and defended, which demands more energy). We have created societies based on exploitation, of nature and of human nature, which has compelled us to ‘progress’ to a point, after thousand years of intensive agriculture, and a hundred years of hyper-intensive industrialisation, when there’s nothing left to exploit. Our ability to create more and more complexity from fossil fuels has only served to dig ever more rapidly through the raft we are floating on, while making it ever more flimsy and fragile; not to mention desolate, inhuman and hideously ugly.

So it really doesn’t matter if the earth is warming or cooling, if either is caused by CO2, or volcanos, or solar radiation, nor does it really matter how much or how little global heating, or cooling, will end up contributing to the series of punishing blows that we can expect in the years ahead. Who knows what will be the ‘final’ cause of our collapse. Perhaps a nuclear war? Or a series of violent revolutions? Or mass starvation? Or a mass cull? There might even be a real pandemic? Probably all of the above, but it’s unimportant, just as it’s unimportant what disease finally claims someone dying of old age. Cancer? Pneumonia? Heart attack? Heartbreak? Furniture? Interesting perhaps, but in the end it’s irrelevant. And now they’re dead.

This is the principle reason why I have little to say about climate change; because, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s happening or not. It doesn’t matter if it’s caused by CO2 or not. It doesn’t matter if it is an elite conspiracy or not. Civilisation is inherently self-destructive, and we have almost destroyed ourselves. This is not a doomer prophecy, it is a physical fact of the universe. You cannot exponentially expand complexity on finite, non-renewable sources of energy and you cannot run a hyper-complex society on an exhausted resource-base any more than you can literally split the moon in two."

Last thing I'll say is that I'm firefighting in Canada right now and each year is hotter and dryer. The glaciers are melting, previously unnavigable waterways are opening up for longer and longer each year, and the fires are getting worse year after year.

I for one don't believe in science, and favour shamanic explanations for natural phenomena, but this part of the world is experiencing effects consistent with the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis. But I think that the framing of climate change is suss to say the least - global problems require global solutions, hence we need global governance. I get it. But the "climate change is a scam" line is easy for anti-environmentalists to adopt to allow them to feel better about raping the Earth for the profit of multinational corporations.

If you happen to have time to be interested in an indigenous perspective on climate change, I recommend Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change, which you can find here: https://www.isuma.tv/inuit-knowledge-and-climate-change. I haven't watched it recently, and maybe I'd feel differently about it now, but this movie will at the very least convince you that the Arctic is warming rapidly.

I haven't gotten into the weeds on the climate issue because, like I said, I don't believe in science. But believing in climate change does not mean that someone is controlled opposition. Talk to any shaman - they'll tell you the ecological crisis is very much real. The climate change narrative is a deceptive framing of a real problem.

We need to destroy it, of course, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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a 🐀 is a 🐀 end of story unless it comes back to the light treat accordingly

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doppelgänger of her former brain snatched self much? academic doctrines do shock if we know the buyouts she herself wrote about.

the shock that she would publish this shameful neolib POS is the final vote of NO CONFIDENCE that CHANGES EVERYTHING from her going forward that evades or contradicts her initial premise

tooeeeww baaad to see the screwed ease of the turn

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Oct 7, 2023
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I almost feel bad for Naomi Klein, making such a public display of her jealousy. It's embarrassing, to be honest.

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I feel like her ego is more impt. than her pursuit of happiness.

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Oct 7, 2023
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Yikes. I'm all for free speech but could I ask you to tone it down, please?

I don't know what you're talking about and I suspect most of my readers are in the same boat as I am. If you're going to post here, please read the room and meet people where they're at.

Otherwise I'll be blocking you, which would make you the second person I've ever banned.

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