Aw, what a lovely post!!! I am not worthy (and am feeling sheepish). This made my day. Happy to have found this group, and you're the one to thank for that. Feeling grateful <3

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That's a good essay. I would say, in fact I have said only the other day: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/fairytale-sunday-23062024?r=2s9hod

that it's to do with the repression of the spirit, which lies at the root and heart of the Grand Conspiracy, and goes back a very long way. Without the spirit, magic, the soul, as expressed in the ancient pagan religions and mythologies, anti-human and anti-spiritual ideologies reign, and humanity is lost in a forest with no sense of direction. This makes them easier to control - because the spirit (and they) are repressed - they are made into empty receptacles into which is poured filth and sickness and trauma. And those who instinctively react, but without signposts and guidance, do so by adopting nihilism - which is the nihilism described in Rozali's article, perhaps. Or at least one form of it.

The spirit is within nature herself - indeed, it's inseparable, and has been for humanity for hundreds of thousands of years (until only recently). To recover, humanity must recover the spirit - which is all in that ancient understanding. It is in the mythologies and the romances and the fables and fairytales.

It is entirely absent in the modern world. It has been repressed. That's the key understanding.

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