I’ve added a new footnote (now footnote [1] below the article) with a long list by country of people or groups I know of providing serious challenges to virology.
I’ve also created a Spanish version and a flier in Spanish. (Look for link to flier below the editorial prologue to this article.) Please share widely!
Yeah, so far I´ve been convinced that COVID was just a rebranding campaign for the common cold, the flu, pneumonia, and a few other conditions, AIDS was caused by amyl nitrate + AZT, a lot (not all) of polio cases were probably caused by DDT poisoning, and that polio continues to exist to this day under another (unpronouncable) name.
I believe that smallpox was definitely real, enough though it was before my time. Theres too much historical evidence of smallpox epidemics for us to deny that smallpox is real, and given that smallpox blankets were used as a form of biological warfare, it strikes me as. Anyone denying the existence of smallpox better show up to the debate fully-strapped, because smallpox-denial could easily come across as genocide-denial.
As for diphtheria, on the other hand, according to my friend Jordan Henderson, Nevermore´s resident art director (one day!), the diphtheria narrative is also quite suss. I´ll quote from our personal correspondence below.
I´m also interested in peoples takes on leprosy and the Bubonic plague, although I suspect that the latter could be a mine field, given the history of anti-semitic conspiracy theories about Jews poisoning the wells.
Anyway, as I´ve said before, I believe in contagious disease, and that there is a physical mechanism through which disease is passed from one person to another. So I suppose I believe in pathogens. But to me it seems more like the mechanism is through germs, or microbes, or bacteria, or whatever other words might apply to microscopic lifeforms undetectable to the naked eye.
One problem I have with viral theory is that viruses don´t fit the criteria for a lifeform. According to biology, all living organisms do 7 things: movement, breathing or respiration, excretion, growth, sensitivity and reproduction.
Viruses do not fit the criteria for a biological organism. So if they´re not lifeforms, what are these invisible, non-living things which are able to self-replicate? Do viruses breathe? Do they excrete waste? Do they grow? Are they sensitive to light? Do they feel pain? Do they have souls?
I have yet to hear a good answer to any of these questions.
What people fail to realized, and what it’s taken me this long to become clear on, is that virology only has models. Hypothetical models. That’s all they have and have ever had. Electron photographs prove nothing about chemical composition, let alone pathogenicity. And even the photographs show no consistency. They idea of a virus as a “self-reproducing”, non-living entity that causes disease is just a mental leap of faith and, as Stefan Lanka points out, a misinterpretation of bacterial “phages”, or the breakdown products of highly inbred, stressed laboratory bacteria, which do exist and have been purified.
From personal correspondence with Jordan Henderson, re: diphtheria:
This link is to an audio interview with a Spanish, openly anti-vaccine, AIDES skeptic, doctor, who picks apart the official narrative on Diphtheria. I know Diphtheria is of basically no political importance right now, but it is heralded as one of the great vaccine triumphs of the past, and Diphtheria is supposedly caused by a family of bacteria rather than a virus. It was profiled back in the days when bacteria rather than viruses routinely received blame for diseases, so the debate doesn't descend into the murky details of virology.
It's also good Spanish practice :) I pulled up a Spanish dictionary in one tab and listened to this interview in the other, pausing to rewind or look up words as needed.
I was reading this guy's book right before the "pandemic" (Vacunas: Una Revision Critica) which he co-wrote with Jesus Garcia Blanca. The parallels between something as relatively obscure (today) as Diphtheria with Covid were astonishing. Jesus Garcia Blanca also wrote a book called - La Sanidad Contra La Salud about five years before Covid, and he made a series of accurate predictions about health tyranny that he believed would happen in the near future.
Basically he was anticipating the "pandemic" in that book, which I think is remarkable, perhaps because I did not anticipate the "pandemic" at all. Despite already being in agreement with the anti-vaxxers and AIDES skeptics I failed to appreciate how powerful, superstitious, and corrupt modern medicine is. But well before Covid, these guys seem to have recognized the medical industrial complex as a threat almost on par with the military industrial complex.
I finally had time to listen to this excellent interview. Well worth it!
Thanks so much for introducing me to this doctor! A great find! I'll add the link to the resources below the Spanish versions of my article.
Dr Costa Vercher confirms the conclusions I have come to in my own research. What he elegantly exposes about diptheria (which he notes is clinically identical to amigdalitis (tonsillitis) and anginas (acute tonsillitis)) can be said of all so-called "infectious illnesses" attributed to microbes - as has been documented in "What Really Makes You Ill" (Lester and Parker, 2019) - i.e. that microbes found in conjunction with certain illnesses are actually natural residents of our bodies, found in both the healthy and the infirm alike.
I'm eager to obtain a copy of Dr Vercher's 2015 book, "Vacunas: Una reflexión crítica a partir de la Historia de la medicina y de los últimos descubrimientos en biología."
If it hasn't already been translated into English I may offer to translate it.
The Black Plague came as a culmination around 1350 of 50 years of extreme earth upheavals, like nothing you could ever imagine. Indeed, many thought it was the end of the world. There were cataclysmic rains, eruptions, widespread famine, migrations and wars; the air and waters were poisoned (perhaps from volcanoes and/or comets), trees covered with ash. Is it any surprise people were sick and dying? Free read: https://abruptearthchanges.com/2017/05/25/1619/
I quote this because I'm trying to memorize it. Also insta-subscribed to Tobin. Also speak Spanish. Where was I when y'all started? Up me arse, I suppose, but am here now and looking forward to digging in ...
"Why should anyone care what I have to say about microbiology, anyway? Personally, I believe that reality is an illusion, and that even our sense of who we are is a transitory fiction sustained within a morphing translinguistic fluid populated by trillions of beings in an infinitely intricate web of sentient energy. I believe that the furthest away one gets from this felt sense of one´s kinship with this universal force, the less certain anything becomes. This is the shamanic perspective - faith in the primacy of direct experience. Or, if you prefer, it is the awareness of one´s complicity with the creation of one´s reality, and the malleability of the energetic matrix within which one exists. Therefore, I consider everything mere rumour until confirmed with my own senses. Which leads me to my problem with virology. It´s unconfirmable by the senses. It´s incompatible with a shamanic perspective. It can´t be sniff-tested. It relies on trusting some expert claiming (or pretending) to have some kind of specialized knowledge inaccessible to ordinary people. In other words, it might well be bullshit. Worse, it usurps the role of the shaman."
Thank you so much for this compliment. I really appreciate it. I've been feeling a little depressed lately because I made a conscious choice to write about crime and corruption in Canada instead of writing about whatever strikes my fancy.
Surprise, surprise, reading about crime and corruption all day is depressing. A couple weeks in and I'm already feeling it weigh on me. (Not that I plan to stop or anything.)
All this to say that your compliment came at a good time. Thanks.
I wish I had discovered you and your compatriots while I was still in Canada (had to escape -- short story: I was more-or-less surrounded by insane NPCs and, frankly, facing homelessness). Please keep up the great offerings at Nevermore! Btw, if you are “Qu’Appelle, are you from SK? Prolly Quebec, though.
No, I was born in Montreal and grew up in Ottawa... My dad was from Saskatchewan, though, and I've travelled through the Qu'appelle Valley multiple times. I took the name Qu'appelle from the legend of Qu'appelle valley... do you know it?
Ha, yes, I know the "Qu'appelle" story via a poem, although I don't know if that poem was based on an actual legend or not. Either way, it's cool. I just learned today looking it up (or, possibly, re-remembered) that one of the lakes in the valley, Katepwa, means "who calls" in Cree. I spent many days in that area growing up as well as in my more wayward youth days (years, actually), but I recall most vividly its natural beauty which remains a better memory than the waywardness. Probably on account of the drink.
Maybe viruses exist and it's simply the way that some viruses are sequenced that's the fraud (fraud then used to drive health policy). Steve Kirsch tried to engage the viruses-dont-exist camp, and at least at first, I believe he was genuinely open minded, but the conversation devolved quickly on all sides. Here are some resources he's provided for those interested in a "kinda" counterargument:
Oh, basically I had to defer to her because she knew way about every aspect of the debate than I did. The Big Lebowski meme referred to how out of my element I was. I don´t think that the fact she won means that I agree with her... I remain unconvinced by either side. I do agree that the anti-virus crowd does show signs of a zeal that might cause them to be susceptible to their confirmation bias... but that doesnt mean that they aren´t right.
I think I walked away from that debate thinking that she had definitely dealt some blows to the anti-virus side, and that there must be something to pre-Fauci virology, because there was a precipitous decline in infection illness from 1920 up until the 80s, suggesting that the science that was guiding health policy at that time was founded in a solid understanding of epidemiology. I can´t remember the details, tbh. I propose to the ¨viruses-don´t-exist¨ crowd the possibility that virology might have at one point been on the right track but has now been corrupted by Big Pharma to the point that it is now beyond redemption.
In either case, we arrive at the same place - virology today is pseudo-science, and for all intents and purposes, has been discredited. So if virology is real, then there needs to be a revolution within virology to restore it to its former state of congruence with observable reality. But why argue about that? Why not just agree on what we can agree on - virology as currently practiced is quackery, and should be regarded with derision. If we can all agree on that, there´s no need to read difficult, boring scientific debates much too esoteric for laypeople. And if the requisite revolution in virology does happen, well then let´s listen to what the pro-virus people have to say. But really, is there a single serious credible virologist alive today? If so, who?
Remember, Im unable of evaluating scientific claims. I have to look at effects and consider their relation to discernible causes in the real world. But really, I dont know a lot of people who have died from infectious diseases. Very few, in fact. I honestly can´t think of a single one off the top of my head. Most of the people I know have died of cancer, heart disease, suicide, drug overdoses, accidents, old age, infections caught in hospitals, or violent crime... I don´t know anyone who has died of AIDS, of Hepatitis, of any STD, or of the million other diseases allegedly caused by viruses. And really, now that we know AIDS is fake, why would we ever believe virologists ever again?
Really, shouldn´t it be open season on virologists?
Thx for elaborating on that particular debate. I appreciate your common sense conclusion from it all, with special attention to the present crisis of credibility. Like so many issues, much depends on semantics (e.g., infection, vaccine, pandemic, misinformation, science, consensus, and, of course, "virus" itself).
to me, I think that the idea of invisible entities causing disease is entirely plausible, and is congruent with a shamanic perspective. Many different cultures have had beliefs relating to invisible beings that could cause disease. Generally, these are thought of as spirits, or demons. Basically I think of virology as the New Demonology. I wrote a whole piece called COVID is the Devil about this... Here´s a taste:
The Devil is invisible. So is COVID.
The Devil can get to you when you’re least expecting it. So can COVID.
The malign influence of the Devil justified the moral authority of the priest class. Because laypeople could never be sure that their thoughts were not being twisted by the Devil, of course they could not be trusted with the task of determining right and wrong for themselves.
Likewise, the average person is no virologist, epidemiologist, or “public health expert”. They are not qualified to decide for themselves what does and doesn’t make sense. They must be told. They must be guided. They must be protected from “dangerous misinformation”. They must be nudged in the direction of Orthodoxy. They much accept the Holy Truth of their rulers as their own. They must surrender their free will. And they must silenced and punished if they dare contradict it, because if they do, they are aiding and abetting the invisible enemy – COVID, like the Devil, is forever at the gates..
The Devil is always scheming. Trouble is always brewing. Another variant could hit at any time.
The pious must remain vigilant, and perform rituals to ward off COVID, for the fiendish virus, much like the Devil, may infect and take possession of the person who lets their guard down.
Yes, a more than apt analogy! Or even more quasi-scientific explanations arise, related to frequency or energetic resonance (thus, "contagion"); or even more direct biochemical effects such as the known impacts of EMFs, espec. 5G. As with virology per se, it's difficult for the layperson to penetrate these occult fields; so the pantheon of modern-day devils may serve as well. While the cause may be figurative or literal, the damage is real!
No, but I've been aware of it since 5 years ago our local community brought in one of the world's expert scientists to appraise us of the threat from the tower being proposed here (since installed, in spite of the warnings and much local opposition). Anyway, yesterday's post by Good Citizen is an excellent summary of what's going on including those very same biochemical effects (i.e., restricted oxygen availability to the body's cells). Producing health effects coincidentally like those of Covid (in case you believe in coincidences, which I doubt!). See: https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/purple-people-eaters
And no, epidemiology was dictated even since more than a century ago (maybe two centuries) by vaccine and pharmaceutical interests and public policy. See Bechamp or Pasteur by Ethel Humes; Morton S Biskind on Polio; and a paper called Money and Microbes on the founding of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Though things did get notably worse by “great leaps forward” in virology in the 1950s, 1980s and today.
Thanks for sharing this! So virology is a narrative, not a science. I suppose one of the narrative's goals is the introduction of a Digital ID. It turns out paper passports were introduced in a similar way. They were justified as a way to reduce the spread of Spanish flu.
At the end of the day, everyone who mattered had to agree beforehand to implement the narrative. I guess that's what Diplomacy is.
One thing that I think that people miss when they´re studying esoteric disciplines is in downplaying the importance of insanity in every area of human activity.
The fact of the matter is that genius and insanity at highly correlated. I could go find research to back up my point up, but why bother? We all know this. What´s my point? Never trust a genius. There´s a high probability they´re either insane or trying to trick you into something.
How do I know? Well, I´m a genius, obviously. Im also a diagnosed schizophrenic and very much identify as crazy, however high-functioning I might be. And lest you think that I´m just vain and egotistical, no, I really am a genius, at least according to traditional definitions (which can and should be critiqued - IQ tests were developed by eugenicists).
But hear me out. I got sent to a special school for geniuses in grade school, although I only lasted a few months because I missed my friends at my old school and protested until my parents gave up and sent me back to my old school. But anyway, the bar to be a genius is actually lower than most people think. MENSA, the organization for geniuses, is open to everyone within the top 2% of the population in terms of IQ. That´s a low bar if you ask me. That means that one could expect a genius to be present in every group of 50 people. So the next time you´re at a poorly-attended punk show, you can play the game of ¨find-the-genius!¨ If I´m going to be entirely honest, I suspect that my audience at this point is primarily comprised of geniuses. So unless you thought I was sucking myself off, nope! This was just a pre-amble to flattering my readers! Be honest with me. You believe me, don´t you? You like me more now, don´t you? And even though you know that I´m flattering you and fucking with you, you´re still going to agree with me and like me more at the end of the day, aren´t you? Bahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Never believe anything I say!!!!!
(Unless, that this, you want to, that is. It´s a free world. Do what you want.)
So here´s the thing: I knew from a young age that most grownups were only pretending to have a clue as to what was actually going on. If you get anything from my writing, I hope it´s this: No one knows what the fuck is going on, nothing is real, nothing is true. The purpose of life is to have fun, and anyone who tells you differently is your enemy.
Okay, I got carried away there, but Im going to post this anyway. Hope its amusing to someone.
The pandemic looks like a professionally run project. It's coordinated worldwide, the organization collects statistics and adapts, and not a single insider has spoken out.
The insanity I've seen is induced insanity in the population.
I was drunk when I wrote the above comment and I don´t even necessarily agree with what I wrote it... but I guess Ill leave it up because I dont think that my readers take everything I say seriously (I hope not, anyway!).
But Ill just restate the actual point I was making in a clearer way - basically my problem with disciplines that require you to trust experts require you trust people on the assumption that they are smarter than you. But trusting people because they are smart is a terrible idea! That guy who started the NXIVM cult, for instance, was a super-genius. Paul Leroux might be one of the smartest people on the planet, and hes utterly depraved (thanks for inventing Bitcoin, though, bud!). And even people that Ross Ulrich, the super-genius behind the Silk Road, who clearly wasnt all evil, and justified himself with high-minded moral talk, allowed the sale of human organs on his darkweb site. (You never hear the FREE ROSS an-caps talk about that for some reason).
So I stand by my main point above, which is this: Trusting someone because they are smart is a bad idea. They could insane, they could manipulating you for their own motives, such as financial gain or power, or they could be deluding themselves, because more intelligent people are better are coming up with justifications for their own actions. I believe Ross Ulrich justified selling organs with reference to the ideas of Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises. Because state control of the economy is evil, therefore the free market is good (I´m with you so far, Ross), therefore anything that interferes with trade is wrong, therefore it is morally correct to sell human organs on the internet.
And if you happen to be getting a cut on every sale and can make some of that sweet cash money while youre at it, so much the better. Theres no way that the profit motive is affecting your decision-making, is there Ross? No, it´s in defence of the free market!
Interestingly, while the Silk Roak sold cyanide and human organs, they drew a line at illicit porn.
Human beings are so weird. Like, selling child porn is worse than selling human organs? How much have people thought this through? Oh yeah... no one ever asks these kinds of questions, so you don´t have to justify it. Cool.
Sorry, got off on a bit of a rant there again. Organ trafficking is something I feel really strongly about because there is a big problem of kids being kidnapped from indigenous communities in Chiapas.
Thank you for sharing this article. After the "two weeks" to "slow the spread".....society wrecking and brainwashing....I knew that I HAD to understand what a virus was and wasn't. I watched a video in late April with Dr. Andrew Kaufman explaining that a pathogenic virus was really an exosome. Exosomes are just dying cells. When you take a body fluid sample and starve it, feed it, poison it....and put the toxic sample under a microscope...you're going to see death of cells/materials in process.
It made total sense. I mean...where were the bodies that were supposed to be dropping in the streets? There weren't any bodies in the streets in my city.
When you actually examine how a body sample is examined to determine if there is disease or not...the process should tip you off to fraud. That is what the new, revised, Koch's Postulates are. Genome sequencing? Without a computer....this so-called "scientific" study process doesn't exist. What are we doing??? Time to stop buying the lies of science!!
Thank you for sharing this article. After the "two weeks" to "slow the spread".....society wrecking and brainwashing....I knew that I HAD to understand what a virus was and wasn't. I watched a video in late April with Dr. Andrew Kaufman explaining that a pathogenic virus was really an exosome. Exosomes are just dying cells. When you take a body fluid sample and starve it, feed it, poison it....and put the toxic sample under a microscope...you're going to see death of cells/materials in process.
It made total sense. I mean...where were the bodies that were supposed to be dropping in the streets? There weren't any bodies in the streets in my city.
When you actually examine how a body sample is examined to determine if there is disease or not...the process should tip you off to fraud. That is what the new, revised, Koch's Postulates are. Genome sequencing? Without a computer....this so-called "scientific" study process doesn't exist. What are we doing??? Time to stop buying the lies of science!!
Yes, that’s just what we need to do . . . Take a close, close look and don’t believe what anyone says about anything, especially not the establishment. But share what we find in forum.
Wow! That sounds like a lot of work! Could you please share which resources you found most useful? I found Lanka interesting and at least as compelling as any other expert talking about something I know nothing about. It sounds like you´ve gone deep on this one, anything that would save other people time would be helpful!
Somehow Mike Stone and Viroliegy.com had escaped my radar! Thanks so much for pointing me that direction.
This is a very useful resourse for those who are ok with reading long articles with lots of supportive documentation. I found the following article especially helpful...
It took me over 2 years
Throwing down the gauntlet: https://substack.com/@nevermoremedia/note/c-18614362?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=184s00
I’ve added a new footnote (now footnote [1] below the article) with a long list by country of people or groups I know of providing serious challenges to virology.
I’ve also created a Spanish version and a flier in Spanish. (Look for link to flier below the editorial prologue to this article.) Please share widely!
The easiest way to see it is that they're pointing at a result of disease and cell death as the cause of disease ignoring other factors.
And here's one good one on polio, where a virus was used to cover up for toxins like DDT
Throwing down the gauntlet: https://substack.com/@nevermoremedia/note/c-18614362?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=184s00
Aah, so that's what polio was. Ouch.
Yeah, so far I´ve been convinced that COVID was just a rebranding campaign for the common cold, the flu, pneumonia, and a few other conditions, AIDS was caused by amyl nitrate + AZT, a lot (not all) of polio cases were probably caused by DDT poisoning, and that polio continues to exist to this day under another (unpronouncable) name.
I believe that smallpox was definitely real, enough though it was before my time. Theres too much historical evidence of smallpox epidemics for us to deny that smallpox is real, and given that smallpox blankets were used as a form of biological warfare, it strikes me as. Anyone denying the existence of smallpox better show up to the debate fully-strapped, because smallpox-denial could easily come across as genocide-denial.
As for diphtheria, on the other hand, according to my friend Jordan Henderson, Nevermore´s resident art director (one day!), the diphtheria narrative is also quite suss. I´ll quote from our personal correspondence below.
I´m also interested in peoples takes on leprosy and the Bubonic plague, although I suspect that the latter could be a mine field, given the history of anti-semitic conspiracy theories about Jews poisoning the wells.
Anyway, as I´ve said before, I believe in contagious disease, and that there is a physical mechanism through which disease is passed from one person to another. So I suppose I believe in pathogens. But to me it seems more like the mechanism is through germs, or microbes, or bacteria, or whatever other words might apply to microscopic lifeforms undetectable to the naked eye.
One problem I have with viral theory is that viruses don´t fit the criteria for a lifeform. According to biology, all living organisms do 7 things: movement, breathing or respiration, excretion, growth, sensitivity and reproduction.
Viruses do not fit the criteria for a biological organism. So if they´re not lifeforms, what are these invisible, non-living things which are able to self-replicate? Do viruses breathe? Do they excrete waste? Do they grow? Are they sensitive to light? Do they feel pain? Do they have souls?
I have yet to hear a good answer to any of these questions.
What people fail to realized, and what it’s taken me this long to become clear on, is that virology only has models. Hypothetical models. That’s all they have and have ever had. Electron photographs prove nothing about chemical composition, let alone pathogenicity. And even the photographs show no consistency. They idea of a virus as a “self-reproducing”, non-living entity that causes disease is just a mental leap of faith and, as Stefan Lanka points out, a misinterpretation of bacterial “phages”, or the breakdown products of highly inbred, stressed laboratory bacteria, which do exist and have been purified.
From personal correspondence with Jordan Henderson, re: diphtheria:
This link is to an audio interview with a Spanish, openly anti-vaccine, AIDES skeptic, doctor, who picks apart the official narrative on Diphtheria. I know Diphtheria is of basically no political importance right now, but it is heralded as one of the great vaccine triumphs of the past, and Diphtheria is supposedly caused by a family of bacteria rather than a virus. It was profiled back in the days when bacteria rather than viruses routinely received blame for diseases, so the debate doesn't descend into the murky details of virology.
It's also good Spanish practice :) I pulled up a Spanish dictionary in one tab and listened to this interview in the other, pausing to rewind or look up words as needed.
I was reading this guy's book right before the "pandemic" (Vacunas: Una Revision Critica) which he co-wrote with Jesus Garcia Blanca. The parallels between something as relatively obscure (today) as Diphtheria with Covid were astonishing. Jesus Garcia Blanca also wrote a book called - La Sanidad Contra La Salud about five years before Covid, and he made a series of accurate predictions about health tyranny that he believed would happen in the near future.
Basically he was anticipating the "pandemic" in that book, which I think is remarkable, perhaps because I did not anticipate the "pandemic" at all. Despite already being in agreement with the anti-vaxxers and AIDES skeptics I failed to appreciate how powerful, superstitious, and corrupt modern medicine is. But well before Covid, these guys seem to have recognized the medical industrial complex as a threat almost on par with the military industrial complex.
I finally had time to listen to this excellent interview. Well worth it!
Thanks so much for introducing me to this doctor! A great find! I'll add the link to the resources below the Spanish versions of my article.
Dr Costa Vercher confirms the conclusions I have come to in my own research. What he elegantly exposes about diptheria (which he notes is clinically identical to amigdalitis (tonsillitis) and anginas (acute tonsillitis)) can be said of all so-called "infectious illnesses" attributed to microbes - as has been documented in "What Really Makes You Ill" (Lester and Parker, 2019) - i.e. that microbes found in conjunction with certain illnesses are actually natural residents of our bodies, found in both the healthy and the infirm alike.
I'm eager to obtain a copy of Dr Vercher's 2015 book, "Vacunas: Una reflexión crítica a partir de la Historia de la medicina y de los últimos descubrimientos en biología."
If it hasn't already been translated into English I may offer to translate it.
Part 3 of the "Viral Delusion" movie is about The Plague, Smallpox and The Spanish Flu . They say the Plague was caused by a comet that spread heavy metals that ended up in food. See https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/The-Viral-Delusion--Episode-3:9
The Black Plague came as a culmination around 1350 of 50 years of extreme earth upheavals, like nothing you could ever imagine. Indeed, many thought it was the end of the world. There were cataclysmic rains, eruptions, widespread famine, migrations and wars; the air and waters were poisoned (perhaps from volcanoes and/or comets), trees covered with ash. Is it any surprise people were sick and dying? Free read: https://abruptearthchanges.com/2017/05/25/1619/
Throwing down the gauntlet: https://substack.com/@nevermoremedia/note/c-18614362?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=184s00
Throwing down the gauntlet: https://substack.com/@nevermoremedia/note/c-18614362?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=184s00
I quote this because I'm trying to memorize it. Also insta-subscribed to Tobin. Also speak Spanish. Where was I when y'all started? Up me arse, I suppose, but am here now and looking forward to digging in ...
"Why should anyone care what I have to say about microbiology, anyway? Personally, I believe that reality is an illusion, and that even our sense of who we are is a transitory fiction sustained within a morphing translinguistic fluid populated by trillions of beings in an infinitely intricate web of sentient energy. I believe that the furthest away one gets from this felt sense of one´s kinship with this universal force, the less certain anything becomes. This is the shamanic perspective - faith in the primacy of direct experience. Or, if you prefer, it is the awareness of one´s complicity with the creation of one´s reality, and the malleability of the energetic matrix within which one exists. Therefore, I consider everything mere rumour until confirmed with my own senses. Which leads me to my problem with virology. It´s unconfirmable by the senses. It´s incompatible with a shamanic perspective. It can´t be sniff-tested. It relies on trusting some expert claiming (or pretending) to have some kind of specialized knowledge inaccessible to ordinary people. In other words, it might well be bullshit. Worse, it usurps the role of the shaman."
Thank you so much for this compliment. I really appreciate it. I've been feeling a little depressed lately because I made a conscious choice to write about crime and corruption in Canada instead of writing about whatever strikes my fancy.
Surprise, surprise, reading about crime and corruption all day is depressing. A couple weeks in and I'm already feeling it weigh on me. (Not that I plan to stop or anything.)
All this to say that your compliment came at a good time. Thanks.
I wish I had discovered you and your compatriots while I was still in Canada (had to escape -- short story: I was more-or-less surrounded by insane NPCs and, frankly, facing homelessness). Please keep up the great offerings at Nevermore! Btw, if you are “Qu’Appelle, are you from SK? Prolly Quebec, though.
No, I was born in Montreal and grew up in Ottawa... My dad was from Saskatchewan, though, and I've travelled through the Qu'appelle Valley multiple times. I took the name Qu'appelle from the legend of Qu'appelle valley... do you know it?
Ha, yes, I know the "Qu'appelle" story via a poem, although I don't know if that poem was based on an actual legend or not. Either way, it's cool. I just learned today looking it up (or, possibly, re-remembered) that one of the lakes in the valley, Katepwa, means "who calls" in Cree. I spent many days in that area growing up as well as in my more wayward youth days (years, actually), but I recall most vividly its natural beauty which remains a better memory than the waywardness. Probably on account of the drink.
Maybe viruses exist and it's simply the way that some viruses are sequenced that's the fraud (fraud then used to drive health policy). Steve Kirsch tried to engage the viruses-dont-exist camp, and at least at first, I believe he was genuinely open minded, but the conversation devolved quickly on all sides. Here are some resources he's provided for those interested in a "kinda" counterargument:
And Rappoport's response to Kirsh:
Throwing down the gauntlet: https://substack.com/@nevermoremedia/note/c-18614362?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=184s00
Good article and your introduction too! Care to share briefly what the winning argument was in your debate with M. A. Alice?
Oh, basically I had to defer to her because she knew way about every aspect of the debate than I did. The Big Lebowski meme referred to how out of my element I was. I don´t think that the fact she won means that I agree with her... I remain unconvinced by either side. I do agree that the anti-virus crowd does show signs of a zeal that might cause them to be susceptible to their confirmation bias... but that doesnt mean that they aren´t right.
I think I walked away from that debate thinking that she had definitely dealt some blows to the anti-virus side, and that there must be something to pre-Fauci virology, because there was a precipitous decline in infection illness from 1920 up until the 80s, suggesting that the science that was guiding health policy at that time was founded in a solid understanding of epidemiology. I can´t remember the details, tbh. I propose to the ¨viruses-don´t-exist¨ crowd the possibility that virology might have at one point been on the right track but has now been corrupted by Big Pharma to the point that it is now beyond redemption.
In either case, we arrive at the same place - virology today is pseudo-science, and for all intents and purposes, has been discredited. So if virology is real, then there needs to be a revolution within virology to restore it to its former state of congruence with observable reality. But why argue about that? Why not just agree on what we can agree on - virology as currently practiced is quackery, and should be regarded with derision. If we can all agree on that, there´s no need to read difficult, boring scientific debates much too esoteric for laypeople. And if the requisite revolution in virology does happen, well then let´s listen to what the pro-virus people have to say. But really, is there a single serious credible virologist alive today? If so, who?
Remember, Im unable of evaluating scientific claims. I have to look at effects and consider their relation to discernible causes in the real world. But really, I dont know a lot of people who have died from infectious diseases. Very few, in fact. I honestly can´t think of a single one off the top of my head. Most of the people I know have died of cancer, heart disease, suicide, drug overdoses, accidents, old age, infections caught in hospitals, or violent crime... I don´t know anyone who has died of AIDS, of Hepatitis, of any STD, or of the million other diseases allegedly caused by viruses. And really, now that we know AIDS is fake, why would we ever believe virologists ever again?
Really, shouldn´t it be open season on virologists?
Thx for elaborating on that particular debate. I appreciate your common sense conclusion from it all, with special attention to the present crisis of credibility. Like so many issues, much depends on semantics (e.g., infection, vaccine, pandemic, misinformation, science, consensus, and, of course, "virus" itself).
to me, I think that the idea of invisible entities causing disease is entirely plausible, and is congruent with a shamanic perspective. Many different cultures have had beliefs relating to invisible beings that could cause disease. Generally, these are thought of as spirits, or demons. Basically I think of virology as the New Demonology. I wrote a whole piece called COVID is the Devil about this... Here´s a taste:
The Devil is invisible. So is COVID.
The Devil can get to you when you’re least expecting it. So can COVID.
The malign influence of the Devil justified the moral authority of the priest class. Because laypeople could never be sure that their thoughts were not being twisted by the Devil, of course they could not be trusted with the task of determining right and wrong for themselves.
Likewise, the average person is no virologist, epidemiologist, or “public health expert”. They are not qualified to decide for themselves what does and doesn’t make sense. They must be told. They must be guided. They must be protected from “dangerous misinformation”. They must be nudged in the direction of Orthodoxy. They much accept the Holy Truth of their rulers as their own. They must surrender their free will. And they must silenced and punished if they dare contradict it, because if they do, they are aiding and abetting the invisible enemy – COVID, like the Devil, is forever at the gates..
The Devil is always scheming. Trouble is always brewing. Another variant could hit at any time.
The pious must remain vigilant, and perform rituals to ward off COVID, for the fiendish virus, much like the Devil, may infect and take possession of the person who lets their guard down.
Full piece here: https://nevermore.media/2021/07/18/covid-is-the-devil/
Yes, a more than apt analogy! Or even more quasi-scientific explanations arise, related to frequency or energetic resonance (thus, "contagion"); or even more direct biochemical effects such as the known impacts of EMFs, espec. 5G. As with virology per se, it's difficult for the layperson to penetrate these occult fields; so the pantheon of modern-day devils may serve as well. While the cause may be figurative or literal, the damage is real!
oh, hey, that sounds like an interesting topic! (biochemical effects of 5G). We haven´t published anything on that subject... have you?
No, but I've been aware of it since 5 years ago our local community brought in one of the world's expert scientists to appraise us of the threat from the tower being proposed here (since installed, in spite of the warnings and much local opposition). Anyway, yesterday's post by Good Citizen is an excellent summary of what's going on including those very same biochemical effects (i.e., restricted oxygen availability to the body's cells). Producing health effects coincidentally like those of Covid (in case you believe in coincidences, which I doubt!). See: https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/purple-people-eaters
On the precipitous decline in disease in the first half of the 20th century, sorry but can’t be attributed to vaccines, or even antibiotics:
And no, epidemiology was dictated even since more than a century ago (maybe two centuries) by vaccine and pharmaceutical interests and public policy. See Bechamp or Pasteur by Ethel Humes; Morton S Biskind on Polio; and a paper called Money and Microbes on the founding of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Though things did get notably worse by “great leaps forward” in virology in the 1950s, 1980s and today.
See also my germ theory timeline.
Throwing down the gauntlet: https://substack.com/@nevermoremedia/note/c-18614362?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=184s00
Thanks for sharing this! So virology is a narrative, not a science. I suppose one of the narrative's goals is the introduction of a Digital ID. It turns out paper passports were introduced in a similar way. They were justified as a way to reduce the spread of Spanish flu.
At the end of the day, everyone who mattered had to agree beforehand to implement the narrative. I guess that's what Diplomacy is.
One thing that I think that people miss when they´re studying esoteric disciplines is in downplaying the importance of insanity in every area of human activity.
The fact of the matter is that genius and insanity at highly correlated. I could go find research to back up my point up, but why bother? We all know this. What´s my point? Never trust a genius. There´s a high probability they´re either insane or trying to trick you into something.
How do I know? Well, I´m a genius, obviously. Im also a diagnosed schizophrenic and very much identify as crazy, however high-functioning I might be. And lest you think that I´m just vain and egotistical, no, I really am a genius, at least according to traditional definitions (which can and should be critiqued - IQ tests were developed by eugenicists).
But hear me out. I got sent to a special school for geniuses in grade school, although I only lasted a few months because I missed my friends at my old school and protested until my parents gave up and sent me back to my old school. But anyway, the bar to be a genius is actually lower than most people think. MENSA, the organization for geniuses, is open to everyone within the top 2% of the population in terms of IQ. That´s a low bar if you ask me. That means that one could expect a genius to be present in every group of 50 people. So the next time you´re at a poorly-attended punk show, you can play the game of ¨find-the-genius!¨ If I´m going to be entirely honest, I suspect that my audience at this point is primarily comprised of geniuses. So unless you thought I was sucking myself off, nope! This was just a pre-amble to flattering my readers! Be honest with me. You believe me, don´t you? You like me more now, don´t you? And even though you know that I´m flattering you and fucking with you, you´re still going to agree with me and like me more at the end of the day, aren´t you? Bahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Never believe anything I say!!!!!
(Unless, that this, you want to, that is. It´s a free world. Do what you want.)
So here´s the thing: I knew from a young age that most grownups were only pretending to have a clue as to what was actually going on. If you get anything from my writing, I hope it´s this: No one knows what the fuck is going on, nothing is real, nothing is true. The purpose of life is to have fun, and anyone who tells you differently is your enemy.
Okay, I got carried away there, but Im going to post this anyway. Hope its amusing to someone.
The pandemic looks like a professionally run project. It's coordinated worldwide, the organization collects statistics and adapts, and not a single insider has spoken out.
The insanity I've seen is induced insanity in the population.
I was drunk when I wrote the above comment and I don´t even necessarily agree with what I wrote it... but I guess Ill leave it up because I dont think that my readers take everything I say seriously (I hope not, anyway!).
But Ill just restate the actual point I was making in a clearer way - basically my problem with disciplines that require you to trust experts require you trust people on the assumption that they are smarter than you. But trusting people because they are smart is a terrible idea! That guy who started the NXIVM cult, for instance, was a super-genius. Paul Leroux might be one of the smartest people on the planet, and hes utterly depraved (thanks for inventing Bitcoin, though, bud!). And even people that Ross Ulrich, the super-genius behind the Silk Road, who clearly wasnt all evil, and justified himself with high-minded moral talk, allowed the sale of human organs on his darkweb site. (You never hear the FREE ROSS an-caps talk about that for some reason).
So I stand by my main point above, which is this: Trusting someone because they are smart is a bad idea. They could insane, they could manipulating you for their own motives, such as financial gain or power, or they could be deluding themselves, because more intelligent people are better are coming up with justifications for their own actions. I believe Ross Ulrich justified selling organs with reference to the ideas of Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises. Because state control of the economy is evil, therefore the free market is good (I´m with you so far, Ross), therefore anything that interferes with trade is wrong, therefore it is morally correct to sell human organs on the internet.
And if you happen to be getting a cut on every sale and can make some of that sweet cash money while youre at it, so much the better. Theres no way that the profit motive is affecting your decision-making, is there Ross? No, it´s in defence of the free market!
Interestingly, while the Silk Roak sold cyanide and human organs, they drew a line at illicit porn.
Human beings are so weird. Like, selling child porn is worse than selling human organs? How much have people thought this through? Oh yeah... no one ever asks these kinds of questions, so you don´t have to justify it. Cool.
Sorry, got off on a bit of a rant there again. Organ trafficking is something I feel really strongly about because there is a big problem of kids being kidnapped from indigenous communities in Chiapas.
Here’s a poem:
That’s interesting about paper passports!
Thank you for sharing this article. After the "two weeks" to "slow the spread".....society wrecking and brainwashing....I knew that I HAD to understand what a virus was and wasn't. I watched a video in late April with Dr. Andrew Kaufman explaining that a pathogenic virus was really an exosome. Exosomes are just dying cells. When you take a body fluid sample and starve it, feed it, poison it....and put the toxic sample under a microscope...you're going to see death of cells/materials in process.
It made total sense. I mean...where were the bodies that were supposed to be dropping in the streets? There weren't any bodies in the streets in my city.
When you actually examine how a body sample is examined to determine if there is disease or not...the process should tip you off to fraud. That is what the new, revised, Koch's Postulates are. Genome sequencing? Without a computer....this so-called "scientific" study process doesn't exist. What are we doing??? Time to stop buying the lies of science!!
Thank you for sharing this article. After the "two weeks" to "slow the spread".....society wrecking and brainwashing....I knew that I HAD to understand what a virus was and wasn't. I watched a video in late April with Dr. Andrew Kaufman explaining that a pathogenic virus was really an exosome. Exosomes are just dying cells. When you take a body fluid sample and starve it, feed it, poison it....and put the toxic sample under a microscope...you're going to see death of cells/materials in process.
It made total sense. I mean...where were the bodies that were supposed to be dropping in the streets? There weren't any bodies in the streets in my city.
When you actually examine how a body sample is examined to determine if there is disease or not...the process should tip you off to fraud. That is what the new, revised, Koch's Postulates are. Genome sequencing? Without a computer....this so-called "scientific" study process doesn't exist. What are we doing??? Time to stop buying the lies of science!!
Yes, that’s just what we need to do . . . Take a close, close look and don’t believe what anyone says about anything, especially not the establishment. But share what we find in forum.
Wow! That sounds like a lot of work! Could you please share which resources you found most useful? I found Lanka interesting and at least as compelling as any other expert talking about something I know nothing about. It sounds like you´ve gone deep on this one, anything that would save other people time would be helpful!
Somehow Mike Stone and Viroliegy.com had escaped my radar! Thanks so much for pointing me that direction.
This is a very useful resourse for those who are ok with reading long articles with lots of supportive documentation. I found the following article especially helpful...