Perhaps the war started in 2019. I have had the same question though as to how western countries could get citizens to rally around weak and corrupted leaders should we be dragged into a kinetic war. It's not looking good for us.

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The USA lacks the industrial capacity to wage war against an enemy peer. At this point they can't even supply Ukraine with enough artillery shells, and neither can US allies. Then there's the question of recruitment:


The truth is, most Americans today are unfit for military service, especially in combat roles, but even if they were, you'd have to first get them and their gear across the Atlantic, and how are you going to do that against Russian submarines and hypersonic missiles with a 3000 km range?

Not even worth discussing IMO. It's all just bluster aimed at directing attention away from the terminal decline of the West.

This meme from 2014 pretty much says it all.


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The 21st Century is no different from previous centuries where ruling elites waged war against humanity killing hundreds of millions for money and power.

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Someone should let Russia know. I don’t think they got the memo. It will be telling when NATO starts to bait Russia into a wider conflict by strikes within Russian territory. I think it would go very badly for both sides but especially the West. It seems to be part of the human psyche or at least something that can be weaponised within the human psyche - this desire to win, to best the other. Another world war is a horrible thought and maybe none would survive? It also might be the only way humanity finally realises that war is a no win game.

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I think each Prime Minister is worse than the last one, so Sir Starmer will be the one to lose to Russia while destroying what's left of British society with expensive, brutal, incompetent attempts at digital censorship and policing.

I was amazed that the US relies on China for rare earth materials and on Russia for nuclear materials for their weapons that they use against them. It's all just a stupid, brutal game to these demented, tortured children.

Consent it not needed by society to get into wars. The UK is a monarchy ran by oligarchs; the rest of us are just meat cogs for the machine.

What to do? Do what lights your heart up, whatever that is, and ignore the "shoulds" that would pull you away.

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It's going so poorly in the red sea that a wider war with Russia, Iran, and China would be the end of the West.So many western wonder weapons preforming poorly in Ukraine, Huthis putting US ships in check, US gone cap in hand to China for help. WW3 no, increased militarism and repression at home yes though.

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