All of this could have been prevented by using diplomacy. Instead of attacking Russia, NATO could have signed the treaty and started working on trade.

Israel could have stopped dropping bombs on neutral sites in Gaza.

Instead, we flexed and got slapped for it.

I keep reminding the inmates, "Don't write a check your body can't cash."

We wrote a check, and the rainbow-led social club couldn't cash it.

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I remember doing a school project about Japan after WWII. The conclusion was that by the '60's and '70's Japan had influence over all the areas they had controlled during the war through their manufacturing and trade practices.

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I don’t believe Russia will take over the Baltic republics. Russia has shown great reluctance to even win the war in Ukraine. The government is going after Russian patriots who had fought in Donetsk and Luhansk. Igor Strelkov is in prison and many others murdered. Russia is pretty much a WEF country, implementing most of its agenda.

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You could be right. But now that it's WWIII, Russia needs to keep its access to tidewater... which is extremely limited. St Petersburg is on the Baltic sea... but now that Sweden and Finland are NATO members they have legit security concerns... just like they did in the Crimea.

I'm not defending Putin's actions in Crimea but any military man would have understood that protecting Russian access to tidewater there was extremely important... we're in a similar situation with the Baltic now.

I'm hoping that once it becomes clear that the U.S. Empire is done, Germany can negotiate peace with Russia and all this is avoidable... Germany knows that Poland doesn't stand a chance against Russia.

Russia is Russia. Russians are some of the toughest people on Earth. You can't beat 'em. And Russia's too big. You can't occupy it. Plus, Russia has time on its side.

Whether or not the Baltics states are annexed, Russia considers them part of the Russian world. They will fall under Russian dominion, formal or informal, whether or not they are ever invaded.

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If NATO attacks Kaliningrad, which is entirely possible, then all bets are off and Russia could indeed impose its will once again on Baltic republics. In any case it will be NATO that escalates the war, not Russia. Russia has legitimate security concerns that are being entirely ignored by the Western Empire. I think the war is viewed as a necessity and I can only assume the Western Oligarchy wishes to destroy its own domain (people’s, economy, culture, religion) to show how serious they are in joining Chinese in ruling the world as one unified world oligarchy.

The Western Oligarchy would not deliberately inject a bioweapon into its military members and the rest of the population if they were seriously considering prevailing in any war. That cannot be the true aim, and therefore the aim is general destruction and carnage, after which they think they will rule the world. If they have their way probably billions of people will perish. Our minds should focus on the fact that they are very willing to sacrifice billions of humans to achieve their goal. There are billions of us and few of them. It is long overdue to take away their power to rule over us. If we were a village we would have long ago expelled these psychos.

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"The Western Oligarchy would not deliberately inject a bioweapon into its military members and the rest of the population if they were seriously considering prevailing in any war. That cannot be the true aim, and therefore the aim is general destruction and carnage, after which they think they will rule the world."

Good point. Very good point.

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"Russia has legitimate security concerns."

That's the truth about Crimea. Obviously, as an anarchist and anti-militarist, I'm opposed to Russian imperialism. But the way the MSM portrayed Russia as the aggressor ignored a stark geopolitical reality. Losing access to Crimean tidewater would be disastrous for Russian industry, and no Russian head of state would ever let that happen.

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obviously there are similarities with the Baltic situation. and the Baltic states have sizeable Russian populations.

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WWIII is about ports. I don't know why people are talking about words so much. Look at maps. It's not hard to figure out what's going on... the key is ignoring words and looking at trade routes.

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Why do you think, the Russians are so eager in keeping their military naval base in Syria ?? Best sea-port ever: NO ice, NO Bosporus !! Just a "little" bit far from the mainland ...

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Only time will show ... and time is running-out !!!

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I think the simplest way to approach the ww3 scenario question is to ask and then answer the following basic questions.

1/ who are they? - a small minority group (cabal) who need to create a totalitarian one world government simply for group survival purposes.

2/ if this is their ultimate aim (ruling the world and being safe) then what is the most efficient method of achieving this? - this is the real crucial question. If they perceive ww3 as the most efficient method then that's what they will do. If this involves nuclear weapons (and other secret stuff) then they will have also needed to develop technologies to counteract the effects of those weapons once they've done what they need to do (in the case of nukes this is ending the nuclear winter - chemtrail experiments - and repairing the ozone layer - HAARP) I would imagine they have solved that issue now.

3/ They will need to depopulate, because there are too many of 'us' at the moment to be controlled. A (controlled) nuclear winter would be a very quick and easy way to do this, as it would cull 99% of the world's population within a year (during which time they stay in their superbunkers - let's say 1000 of them each holding 1000 people, that's 1 million, with all the weapons and satellite surveillance and so on necessary to regain total control over the 20-80 million survivors all packed together in south New Zealand).

4/ The tactics of the war, if the above is true, are irrelevant - the only tactic is 'making sure a nuclear exchange happens'. That's easy - they can do that themselves (the Samson option).

5/ If nukes cannot be used then we're looking at a long war much in the way you describe, I think. Your tactical analysis is sound, imho. They can then say 'we need a one world government to stop war from ever happening again' - having separate countries and 'social group identities' would be seen as the source of all the conflict, thus a desperate and exhausted population 'will comply'. That's a creative solution, for sure, but it still leaves the problem of 'there are too many people to control'.

If 5/ is true, then the 'endgame' i.e. 'how to achieve world domination' can be a long, drawn-out affair involving incremental depopulation by various ways and means (including ww3 using conventional weapons). If so, then they have probably set a rough deadline for the year 2100 or so. It's what I'd do.

6/ Unfortunately for them, which I do believe they know, now, 'there's always a bigger fish' - and that's not a human fish. And no, I'm not talking about 'god'. The planet herself, Danuih, will have something to say about all this, as will any watching extraterrestrial intelligences. The cabal are a very dangerous, evil virus, and 'something must be done about them' will become a categorical imperative, a kind of 'prime directive' if you will. (maybe, given they know this, they have decided 'in that case, fuck it, we'll take everyone else out with us' - except that will not be allowed).

That's my kind of faith, anyhow.

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