Thanks Crow. Excellent post. Fantastic website! I did speed read through it then slowed right down to read the Who we are, Mission etc pages.

As a hardcore pagan the old belief in mother earth & her people must always be sacrosanct.


3 Polite suggestions.

1. In light of the evil wickedness of the last 3 years. In a smaller font, underneath NEVERMORE put EVER AGAIN.

2. I fully support the anarchy movement. However there is a simple way to fight the politicoturds on their own turf. Yes my post is Brit centric. But I know the focus & method can be adapted for any countries political system.


3. Please consider putting your videos out on Rumble. Rumble close to being the uncensored video platform like substack is for the written word.

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Thanks for the positive feedback and the suggestions.

I´ve stopped doing video because it didn´t really seem like they were having any impact. I also can´t stand listening to my own voice, and the low view counts suggest that others feel the same. If a volunteer wanted to add them to Rumble, that would be great, but I don´t plan to invest any energy in videos until someone who likes doing that kind of thing comes on board. Some fellow Nevermore team members are planning to start a podcast though!

Have you actually watched any of the videos all the way through? Which ones?

Personally, I think they almost all fucking suck, but if you enjoyed them that would be welcome news.

Actually, I take that back. I really like the Vancouver ones. This is my favourite:


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Yes I received a confirmation.

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It worked okay.

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Hey I got the notification, too. Cheers! Just want to make sure: Did you also receive a confirmation email with your shipping details? Let me know.

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I'd love one of your T-shirts. Unfortunately I'm in the UK.

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Hey I think we've configured our settings so that our merch ships worldwide. I also just added a few more items to the shop. If you do try and order, can you let me know if it works? This is our email where you can directly reach me: nevermore_media@riseup.net

And if you're not able to, I can see if I can get something for you from our end. Thank you for your support!!


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Great news! ... about your private site expansion as I'm leaving substack and trying to refocus information and thoughts in a less aggressive environment. Looking forward to exploring your expanded endeavour!


Wayne Copeland

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