I would expect a drastic difference but doesn’t zero seem too good to be true? All of these illnesses existed before vaccines. Especially arthritis was common for older people back in the day.

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Yes, the ZERO's are challenging. What it means though is that ZERO persons surveyed who had never been vaccinated reported having certain conditions. (For other conditions, there were a small percentage of unvaccinated reporting having the condition). The sample size was around 1500 participants in the survey (out of approx. 800,000 non-vaccinated Americans), so obviously we could expect that some cases of whatever condition would have been missed. But the 1500 person sample size does tell us SOMETHING. It makes it obvious that if such diseases exist among the unvaccinated, they are EXCEEDINGLY RARE.

Another thing that's unclear is what kind of demographic cross section was included in the study. I did not see this stated in the documents I reviewed, though admittedly I did not read the entire 84 page report (or all of other reports of similar length reviewing the study). However, it could be that all demographics (age groups) were not proportionately represented and that there may have been a leaning toward the younger generation. The graphs only divide things into under and over 18.

Finally, when you say "back in the day" what exactly do you mean? Back before smallpox smears (pus from cows' udders or horse grease, etc. dubbed 'vaccine') were introduced by Jenner circa 1800? Or do you mean before the numbers of vaccines increased to around 20 by say the 1980s?

The fact is that people have been receiving vacccines for a long time. Mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, etc. have been included in vaccines for a long time as well, at least 75 to 100 years or more. Can you be certain that the people who were developing arthritis "back in the day" hadn't been vaccinated in their lifetimes?

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There's one more thing to consider. Its the question of self-reporting. Survey participants were asked to fill out a form and send it, usually via mail, to an address where they were collected. It could be possible that people who avoided vaccines their entire lives would be less likely to go to the doctor and get tested for say cancer. The tests for cancer, at least some of them it would appear, are entirely bogus (some of them are PCR tests, which as Kary Mullis said "can find anything in anyone"). If the unvaccinated population is less likely to get these kinds of tests or diagnosis, this could skew the numbers somewhat. However, in my opinion, this alone could not account for the exceedingly dramatic differences between the unvaccinated and and the overall population.

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Pretty sure I’ve heard of arthritis among the aged in medieval societies, but I could be wrong.

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It's pretty difficult to know what people were actually suffering from ages and ages ago before any records were kept. Even today, just think of it. You go to a doctor who may or may not give an accurate diagnosis.

But we do know that heavy metal poisons like mercury and arsenic were in use long before vaccines, especially in mining, but also in such things as hat making. Miners apparently were particularly subject to paralysis, which was later dubbed "poliomyelitis" in the 19th century. The term simply refers to an inflammation of the central nervous system, which is what poisons like that cause that results in paralysis.

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Thus "the mad hatter"

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Adding anecdotal info to your findings; I have a friend I know very well- he is white, 65 ish, unvaccinated, never sick. He refused to wear masks or get tested. I think he might have used a home testing kit 3 times during one of the family covid bouts that had everyone laid out and he got a mild headcold for a few days. That was over a year ago, first and last sickness during this entire 4 year scam. By the way this individual is constantly interacting with heavily vaccinated individuals in his own household as well as at work situations, which is curious because there is a very strong push to make the unvaccinated believe they are as sick as the vaxed. My friend is obviously thriving and in robust excellent health, despite all the fear porn. Go figure.

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Hmm, so the gangsters running the pharmaceutical industry were given legal impunity to systematically poison hundreds of millions for profit causing mass deaths, or a debilitated population dependent on the medical industrial complex for additional dubious treatments requiring countless toxic prescriptions.

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Exactly! Its sickening and very sad to think of it. So now we finally get to wake up to the horror that has been going on for over 2 centuries and to help the rest of the people wake up along with us so this game can be ended.

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I got most of the vaccines that were given to everyone when I was young. I got one while in 7th grade, at school. A few more, maybe not vaccines but shots. Flu, tetanus. But not Covid. I haven’t had any major health issues other than Covid in 2021. My symptoms were mild.

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Lucky you! And when were you born?

I was vaccinated with all the normal ones as a child in the 1970s and have had health problems my whole life. This survey convinces me that vaccines were a big part of making me suceptible to whatever injuries and assaults came my way.

I took a vaccine again in my twenties in order to travel to China, but none since then. My health did seem to get worse when I was in China, but I always attributed it to poor diet. A lot of white rice. I always felt hungry.

It's obvious that vaccines don't affect everyone the same. What could be more obvious than that! Some children die or develop autism IMMEDIATELY after receiving a vaccine. It's not "rare" like they claim, but obviously it doesn't happen to everybody. Other factors are always involved.

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August 13, 1967. I never believed that the vaccines that were researched for 10-20 years were a health problem. Or the flu shot. Only the Covid shot.

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Well, I'm guessing you haven't looked into the older shots very much. To be sure, the Covid shots are by far worse than any other vaccines, at least since the days of the smallpox vaccine. You are right about that.

Even the standard 10 to 20 year research was biased by pharma interests which control the research funding, the universities and what the media says about it.

I encourage you to keep looking into it.

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For example, you could take a look at the interview with Dr. Doug Hulstedt linked in this article.

After Dr. Hulstedt started receiving autistic patients, some of the parents of autistic children started telling him about how after their children had received a vaccine they immediately began crying and screaming uncontrollably. Thereafter, they were never the same, even 30 years later. I encourage you to listen to his story.

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I’m still alive, and so is most everyone else my age. There would be a lot more dead children if it were a problem. I’m siding with Penn And Teller and their video about vaccines causing autism (they don’t).

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One of my friends from high school got the first shot just so she could go on a cruise. Then she didn’t go, for some reason.

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