3 hrs agoLiked by NEVERMORE MEDIA

Thanks for this great piece!

I listened to the entire embedded episode of What Is Politics? Excellent!!!

Dr. Scrotum mentions an essay written by Graeber and Wengrow prior to The Dawn of Everything that he says is similar to chapters 1 and 3 of the latter. Assuming that essay was published prior to Graeber's death, would that affect your theory that The Dawn of Everything was manipulated after Graeber's death?

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Short answer: no, because that’s part of my theory.

Longer answer: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/the-wisdom-of-kandiaronk-was-this?utm_source=publication-search

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I have enjoyed these posts about Occupy. However, at this point, I diverge. You stated, " Most people simply don’t understand how social movements can leverage their collective power to grant concessions from the state. " I've spent a lot of time listening to "The Quash" podcast. I highly recommend it. There are so many good episodes to listen to, but this one resonates w/ me, particularly right now. I don't want CRUMBS from the empire. I want a better life.

"The president represents the states NOT the people" Check it out.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoAuthor

Could you send a link, please?

Perhaps I was overly declarative in my piece... I'm definitely open to having my mind changed.

You've mentioned participating in Occupy Oakland, which I think is regarded as the most successful of all camps, at least in the U.S.

Would you consider writing something about it? Something like "In Defence of Occupy"? I've gotten a lot out of your comments so far...

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Hi. The link...let me try here: https://player.fm/series/the-quash/the-president-represents-the-states-not-the-people

Also...the Letter to Grover Cleveland is here: https://oll-resources.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/oll3/store/titles/2224/Spooner_1481_Bk.pdf

I appreciate your reply. I can try to write about my own experiences/views on Occupy Oakland. Though I am not as good a writer as you are, I can try. I need a day to write it up.

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No rush! I’ve found your comments very eloquent so far. Occupy Oakland clearly meant a lot to you - if it changed your life for the better, that itself is a success.

My advice is to write from the heart.

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thanks! great advice (could I get an email address to send you the write-up w/ photos).

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That means working alongside liberals, trade unions, Christians, Muslims, Jews, immigrant communities, Marxists, conservatives, anarcho-capitalists, etc.

If Anarchists ever work with Marxists, they'll be chewed up and spit out. The Marxists are only in revolution so they can get power and take over. They'd use Occupy just long enough to get what they want. Then they'd put Occupy against the wall.

Just the fact that they were able to illegally occupy so many parks for so long, in violation of the law.

It wasn't a great idea to occupy Zocatti Park. If you had taken over a public park and camped out there it would have made more of an impact. But a private office park off the beaten path? Sure, the owner griped, but you were in a spot where you could be corralled and forgotten about.

I agree that if you aren't going to make demands, then you are just occupying to piss people off. You should have taken part in the conversation. Tell people what you wanted.

After all, BLM marched and congress bowed on one knee.

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