"I’m definitely not discounting the possibility that autism is caused by vaccines, or by chemicals, but the entire way that we talk about “the spectrum” has gotten too muddled for my brain. If we want to get to the bottom of this issue, we need to clarify what we mean when we say autism."

If the scientific community was genuinely interested in determining the correlation between childhood vaccines and autism they'd monitor the effects of each child's reaction to the "87" vaccines which they're advocating for infants, toddlers and school age children.


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"ZERO cases of autism were reported among the fully unvaccinated compared with a 2.5% risk factor for autism among the general population and a .59% risk factor for the unvaccinated whose mothers had received a vaccine and/or vitamin K shot during pregnancy."


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Yes, I did read an article noting that non-vaccinated children tended to be healthier, as they suffered from fewer chronic diseases.

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Toby Rogers’ thesis, The Political Economy of Autism (2018) shines a light on the 5 main environmental factors causing autism, including vaccines as the major cause. Hotez’s book is simply his shadow at work. Naomi Klein has a similar story. It’s a credit to Sydney University for not removing Rogers’ thesis from their publications in recent years. https://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/20198

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Hotez: the Fauci Mini-me created his own Covid vaccine which was sold to various countries in Africa. I guess he didn’t feel he got enough bags of money. He also called anti-vaxxers criminals that needed to be jailed. Methinks this dweeb doth protest too much. NPC status for you Peter, you jealous little troll.

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Data 1986 vaxxine schedules ramp up .. so did autism data available… very yelling more shots

More autism. Not baffling no mysterious just saying

HOTEZ is like bill nye or de grasse actors.

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Very nice takedown of one of the liberals' High Priests of Science, which in this means a very well-credentialed tool of Big Pharma.

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The After Skool video was fantastic! I will be saving that one

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The truth is…we don’t know how many cases are caused by undiagnosed genetic conditions either. Or were caused. Testing is obviously getting better. But many times autism is either over looked due to much larger issues (as was the case with my daughter’s rare disease until about 15 years ago when the link “discovered”

With over 7000 rare diseases how many are linked to autism, affecting 30 million Americans.

With that also comes longer life expectancies for parents with larger issues. When my daughter was born she was only supposed to live until 2.5 years old. She was 10 when she passed.

I don’t know if autism is linked to vaccines. But I also don’t know there isn’t a ton of other genetic causes we have just not discovers the mutations for.

I can’t take anyone who hard lines either side seriously. We just don’t have the data.

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Morons like Hotez are smart enough to talk the talk and pass a few tests to gain their bullshit credentials, but stupid enough to embarrass those with a mind to think and eyes to see. Just like putting Brandon and his obvious senility front and center. It's a humiliation ritual.

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