"My opinion is that at such times it would be appropriate for affinity groups to organize themselves according to a command structure."

This is completely in line with the Indian idea of "chiefs"... "war chiefs", etc. In critical times and situations, a leader is needed, but it's up to each warrior whether to join the endeavor or not.

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"One theory of hypnosis is called atavistic regression. It posits that hypnosis works because evolution prepared human beings to respond automatically to suggestions given by a trusted authority when the fight-flight-or freeze instinct kicks in. It's a survival thing; sometimes there's no time to think. This theory resonates with me. I've

seen it often - people who are scared, confused, or anxious are quick to follow orders."

Isn't this what happened with the vast majority of society in spring of 2020?

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All thumbs up!

Great essay!

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Thoroughly re-enchanted! What amazing timing to post this as millions are given a chance to reconsider their voluntary techno-slavery today (massive system failures globally)

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I really appreciate how well you see and how well you call shit like it is even when it’s some harsh truth for your own peeps. Bless you brother. Thank you for sharing this piece. This is the best - hell, the only truly true - analysis I’ve ever read of standing rock.

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I wondered what the heck happened in the camps on those final days. I have been in Peace groups and have seen how certain individuals, those who love attention and power, can often derail the true intent of the group. Good writing.

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Beautiful, moving, and insightful report of a momentous time and place. Thanks for being there and bringing its truths to us "live, and in person." :)

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“Only love is real but you still gotta know how to navigate the field” (big ups to mc yogi)

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We all are seeds. Only question is what kind?

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Ephesians 6:1-24

I know faith in God The Almighty is the only solution. In the last days, God wins. Also in the last days this earth will not be as God has created it. It will be of satan and evil. Put on the armour of God with prayer and suplication from Him.

Fantastic reading you have documented for all to see and know what has happened. God be with you and with us all. Faith is what we have and God is always in control. (i loved what was said to the ruffion officer. it does pay to remind people who they are supposed to be. my revalation is, what will be in our future as time passes and the young have had no one to raise and direct them, as we have had. hopefully this will be done with by then because it will not be pretty with pure evil in the world souls).

Thank You Again -- Keep The Faith - Amen

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