How do I contact you through email? I have things to tell you regarding the case.

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Which case? The case of Chelsea Poorman?

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This sad state of affairs is perfect fodder for Social Impact and Pay for Success financiers. Hedge funds will gamble on these people's lives as Human Capital data commodities once they're given a digital ID and put on a permanent Blockchain ledger. They will say they're doing this to solve addiction and poverty as per the UN SDGs, but this problem and others have been created purposefully so the SDGs could be introduced (to fool people into accepting them) as benevolent solutions. Rather, the goals related to people are the rules for emerging cybernetic Human Capital markets run by real-time data analytics, predictive profiling via SMART sensors embedded in the built environment, sprinkled over it via SMART dust, wearables and more. Folks would do well to resist this twisted game and demand solutions that are self-determined by local communities instead of markets determined by hedge funds. Some good sources on this are: siliconicarus.org and wrenchinthegrars.com

as well as a documentary coming out in September 2022 at inspiredgroundproject.org

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Would you consider writing something about this for Nevermore about this?

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I appreciate the offer. I would prefer to defer that responsibility to someone like Alison McDowell (timpsila@protonmail.com) , Raul Diego or Leo Saraceno (siliconicarus.org). Paul Cudenec has also dipped a toe into Impact Finance here: https://winteroak.org.uk/2021/03/16/impactor-alert/. If you're unfamiliar with any of this I highly recommend viewing this presentation: https://odysee.com/@TechNOcracyNow:d/Smart-Cities_%2C-the-Transhumanist-Game-and-_Lifelong-Learning_-%28Best-Quality%29:7?r=A5uUJzm67Qr8X6BzBtJ3FkAz4rA7AXHP

And poking around on wrenchinthegears.com or the new working group website: https://discourse.wrenchinthegears.org/

It is encouraging to see you express interest in this subject as it is a key one that almost no alternative media is covering which is very curious. If you don't have any luck with getting any of the aforementioned authors to contribute, I will consider writing something. Best regards.

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Recently they announced a military made vaccine that counteracts fentanyl addiction...

Yeah right...

Meanwhile psychedelics like iboga which has helped many to get off of opiates is illegal or taboo... Pushing it into the black market.

Smedley Butler said war is a racket. That includes the war on drugs and the war on a "virus".

We couldn't be more far from actual health these days due to the psychopathic system.

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Degenerate uman animals use drugs... Human Beings do not.

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Great, in-depth investigation. You're a good man, Crow.

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I appreciate you taking the time to say that. Obviously, I'm not making a dime from any of this, so the only reward that I get are words of encouragement here and there, and it really does help me stay motivated.

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