The Westermark effect makes a lot of sense to me. Never was attracted to my sister. Only recently realised she was actually pretty.

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It makes sense to me as well. I have a cousin who is adopted and pretty. I have never been attracted to her. Trying to view her sexually is kind of repulsive and feels incestuous in spite of our genetic diversity.

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" ... the idea of hypergamy."

"Still, it’s hard to deny that a man’s perceived ability to provision a family is a major factor in female mate selection. There’s also something called love, but I guess that’s not scientific."

Women select men according to what they can/will do for them and their children. They're looking for the most secure deal. Men select women according to who/what she is in order to quantify her value, to determine if she is worthy of life-long investment. Both are applying a standard that equates to a happier better life and assurance of successful progeny.

Love is a bonus that some find in the process.

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Let's be honest - women also select men based on their physical appearance. That's why some form of arranged marriage or matchmaking arguably make more sense than what we've got now. A lot of teenage girls (and boys!) are pretty silly and unlikely to make the best decision. They'll pretty much all go for the most popular boy in the class, who is often the prettiest and/or best athlete.

A lot of women these days get to 30 without seemingly solving the mate selection problem. The problem with all these incels isn't just men - it's also women over-valuing themselves as mates because we live in a narcissistic society in which Oprah has brainwashed women to think men should be grovelling at their feet. As I like to tell them, "Oprah is rich and famous. You're not."

It is widely reported in the literature that love comes with familiarity, meaning that in cultures with arranged marriages people who didn't marry for love often come to love each other.

Also, you give men too much credit. Men will go for the most sexually attractive woman they can get more often than not. That's why women are so obsessed with their appearance. It's because of us. We're shallow. But so are they.

Despite all this, love finds a way.

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Indeed, people have a wide range of qualifiers and/or preferences, customs and obligations. I merely note that women will generally place a high value on economic status, while a man will place the equivalent value on who/what she is.

I posit that it ultimately centers around success of their children. A secure stable environment with good healthy parents and role models makes a huge difference in terms of one's success. Both sexes are essentially trying to make sure that happens with all their standards and dating rituals, etc. (Natural selection, survival of the fittest)

Wolverines just fight. If their opponent is tough enough, they mate.

" A lot of women these days get to 30 without seemingly solving the mate selection problem. The problem with all these incels isn't just men - it's also women over-valuing themselves as mates because we live in a narcissistic society in which Oprah has brainwashed women to think men should be grovelling at their feet. As I like to tell them, "Oprah is rich and famous. You're not." "

A lot of women are raised to be monsters in boots. And men are in protest globally.

(I recommend searching "MGTOW" and "Drizzle Drizzle".)


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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by NEVERMORE MEDIA

"For obvious reasons, this is a subject about which it is difficult for humans to be objective. And I think that Freud’s absolutely batshit take on the Oedipal Complex, which were all the rage for a long time, poisoned the well. After awhile, everyone got sick about talking about fucking their moms and moved on without ever solving the riddle. "

Oedipus Conflict isn't really about sexual attraction to your mother. It's about male ego, self image and the scientific method.

Little boys need a point of reference in which to base their ego and build a self image. Part of that is understanding gender roles and assignment. They do this by creating conflict in order to determine pecking order and/or which parent is the most dominant. Whichever one takes charge and resolves the issue is the one he will emulate. They are essentially testing their hypothesis through experimentation.

A very common strategy is to compete with dad for mom's attention. If boy wins, then dad is a push-over, the court jester, and mom is a queen worthy of emulating. If dad wins, then he is greater than boy or mom, thus the one worthy of emulation. All hail the honorable King Daddy.

Freud named it Oedipus Conflict after the story of Oedipus. Oedipus was adopted, grew up and had an affair with the queen. He ends up killing the king only to later discover they are his biological parents. Oops!

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Very interesting! Hmm, I haven't actually read Freud, I'm basing my view on what others say about his ideas... maybe I should revisit. Which book would you recommend reading?

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Freud had his faults. He was kind of a weirdo coke-head with some rather bizarre ideas. But I give him credit as a pioneer in his field with a knack for understanding developmental psychology.

I don't know that I can recommend any books. I originally read about it in an article years ago. It was written by a psychologist recognizing his son doing the Oedipus thing. I thought it was fascinating and went digging into it, reading various articles and essays.

Electra Complex is the female equivalent to Oedipus Conflict. Only it's a little different.

A little girl will instinctively recognize dad as the dominant figure and seek his approval and reassurance. She wants to know she's still valued even though she's a girl. If dad is warm and reassuring, makes her feel special and loved, she is satisfied and looks to mom for guidance about womanhood. She'll probably have a healthy relationship with her husband one day. If dad is cold or abusive, she likely/possibly ends up with some level of penis envy and/or emotional issues.

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~~"The serious effects of inbreeding occur much more slowly than is commonly thought, only after hundreds of generations."

Wow, thats quite a quote. if thats true how do we know its real or just more BS?

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Only one way to find out! lol

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The answer is religion and culture.

There have been many cultures in human history where incest was not only legal but expected.

Abrahamic religions were especially hateful of the practice and believed that women should be treated as slaves rather than equals.

As they became more powerful they exterminated the groups of people they disagreed with and so we have this pointless taboo.

It's also why nudity, ritual animal sacrifice, homosexuality, and prostitution are taboo.

Despite never remotely harming anyone. (Except animals)

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