Does the CCP now rule the world? Or is the same old Global Mafia just hiding behind a New Disguise?
Hey Folks,
I’ve been doing a lot of research into the CCP lately, because it’s now an incontrovertible fact that Chinese political actors have infiltrated Canada’s government at the highest level.
For those of you who don’t follow Canadian politics, this has recently come out in a federal public inquiry into “Foreign Interference”, a Canadian euphemism for corruption, espionage, and Chinese state-sponsored criminality.
So, I kind of feel like I knew on some level this was happening, but I think I was in denial about it. Certainly, I didn’t want to play the role of Chicken Little running around raising the alarm about foreigners taking over.
That might come off as Sinophobic, as a recent commenter helpfully pointed out.
I wouldn’t want to give the impression that I’m afraid about a totalitarian regime is taking over my country. Let’s get one thing straight. I ain’t afraid of nothing.
You think you can take us on, China? Y’all fortune-cookie-munching kung fufus have no friggin’ clue who you’re messing with! Bring it on!
But I digress. Anyway, the fact that Canadian institutions have been infiltrated is a matter of public record now. Unless someone’s about to mount a massive and aggressive anti-corruption campaign, we need to just get used to the fact that the CCP is here to stay.
If you still need to be convinced, I suggest reading Sam Cooper’s Wilful Blindness.
If you want to dig deeper, you can also check out a book called Claws of the Panda. Here’s a interview with its author.
Anyway, I presented some thoughts speculating about Chinese military strategy here:
But that’s not what I want to talk about today. What I want to talk about today is a running debate I’ve been having with Nevermore co-founder Paul Cudenec about what exactly China’s role in the larger geopolitical picture is.
We’ve discussed this on and off for some time, with Paul seeming much more certain of his position than I am of mine, but my basic position is that if political power grows out the barrel of a gun, as Mao so famously said, then the CCP now rules the world. Paul insists that things are significantly more complicated than that.
The most interesting debate we’ve had happened in the comment section of a recent article I wrote about about the legacy of the Global Justice Movement, also known as the anti-globalization movement.
In the comments, Paul wrote:
Good to drink some fresh water of optimism - from you and Graeber - in this contemporary desert of despair! I am convinced that you are right that 9/11 and the "War on Terror" was, in part at least, "a major counter-insurgency campaign designed to quell the swelling revolutionary movement that was challenging imperialism on its own turf". The anti-globalisation movement scared the criminocracy, because it targeted them directly in the way the "Left" generally doesn't - hence the efforts to steer the movement in another direction. The Trots of the SWP in the UK parachuted into the scene with their "Globalise Resistance" recuperation project and then we had all the identity politics and ridiculous ideological posturing obliterating the soul of the resistance. The US empire, in its current form, has no doubt passed its sell-by date, as the British one did before, and that wave of Zapatista-inspired revolt must have helped that along. But - and this is a point where I don't agree with you - there is also a deliberate plan to switch to a "multi-polar" BRICS-based world order, which will be the same empire in new clothing. I suspect the plan for this, and the whole Great Reset clamp-down, may have been brought forward because of popular resistance all over the place (such as the Gilets Jaunes here in France). That gives cause for hope. I do agree with you that their plans are not advancing as they would have hoped and that they are starting to panic with the realisation that too many people are on to them now - that the toothpaste of truth is out of the tube and it's not going back in again!
To which I responded:
Exactly! If things were going so great for the Powers That Shouldn't Be, we wouldn't be onto them.
As to your view about international banksters switching their support to BRICS countries, I don't disagree. Indeed, it would be interesting to compare our positions more closely. How do you feel about Iran and North Korea? Neither of those countries has a central bank, and both have powerful militaries. China is allied with both. How does all of this fit together?
(If that sounded like a rhetorical question, it's not. I don't claim to have it all figured out!)
I think that both Russia and China have imperial ambitions, as does Turkey. And I think that each of these three countries is on its own side, although politics is of course a forever-shifting messy web of alliances, most often of convenience & expediency. But I can't see China wanting to keep Israel around. Why would they? Do you not think that China has noticed how Israel treats its "allies"?
I think that China is playing the long game, and I can't imagine that they wouldn't have noticed what a huge liability the Zionists are. So I think that they've been smiling and nodding along, waiting for the right time to knock them off. And it seems to me that they're doing a masterful job.
I could be wrong, though.
Paul answered:
I'd like to think that the Chinese state was potentially independent of the global criminocracy, but unfortunately I don't think that is the case. They were taken over a long time ago. It's not even really a question of Zionists, but of the worldwide mafia of which Zionism is a pseudo-political manifestation. The übermafia uses local mafia - triads in China, freemasons etc elsewhere - to exert its control, without low-level people knowing who they are really working for. Communist activists (in China or elsewhere) and NATO military personnel are in the same boat. They *think* they are doing their bit for The Party or for The Nation or The Free World, but in fact they are acting as enforcers and controllers for the self-concealing criminal overlords. It's a bleak view, I know, but I still think that people power - unleashed by knowledge and understanding of this utterly unacceptable domination by a tiny and evil clique - will win the day. If, and only if, we all put everything we have into the struggle.
Some links re China:
Crow Qu’appelle:
What about Iran and North Korea? Do you think they're under the thumb of the same overlords as everyone else? If so, why don't they have central banks?
Paul Cudenec:
I don't know. I would have hoped not, but if Iran has been sucked into the BRICS scam... Any "communist" state is suspect, by the way. Communism is not an alternative to the rule of Capital, it's just a different and disguised way for Capital to rule. The state remains the principal tool of domination and control.
Crow Qu’appelle:
I agree! Maybe I've been too influenced by Robert Anton Wilson, but I reject any conspiracy theories that boil down to "One Big Conspiracy"... I consider it more likely that "a multitude of conspiracies contend in the night".
That said, I have a friend who's currently travelling in Iran and he tells me that Iran is not at all planning to go to war... and that the regime's tough talk is mostly sabre-rattling. He claims that something like 80% of Iranians oppose their government.
Take that for what you will! He's a savvy guy, but I'd be skeptical about claims to understand a country's politics after a few months. I still don't understand Mexican politics!
I think that China really is the new King of the Mountain, and that they see North Korea and Iran as useful strategic partners/allies... but I don't think those regimes are fully under the thumb of China's ruling party. But I'll fully admit that I'm guessing.
Is China being the new top dog better or worse for the world? Well, time will tell, I suppose. They seem to be far more oppressive domestically, but their foreign policy is not nearly so bellicose. And one good thing is that they don't seem to engage in Gladio-style "Strategy of Tension" tactics. That could change of course, though.
They also have big internal problems we don't hear much about... they partnered with the triads and are engaged in blackmail operations in Canada... they've infiltrated the Canadian government to the point where the damage is almost certainly irreversible... So the future of Canada is anyone's guess. I would venture to guess that they would be happy to exercise "soft power" rather than direct military conflict, but there's still a big job to do: disarming the American people.
Or maybe not. Maybe they want Americans fighting each other while they build up their power over time... I really do feel that, unfortunately, a civil war may well be the cards for the U.S. in the near future... which would conveniently suit Chinese interests.
But then again, I've also been predicting the collapse of the U.S. dollar for about 20 years now... and it hasn't happened yet! Why? Could it be because China is keeping the bubble going by holding onto U.S. treasuries? It seems plausible to me...
In either case, we're in for some dark days.
And that was the end of that exchange.
Not long after, however, I posted something on my other blog about the partnership between the CCP and Triad gangs in Hong Kong back in the 1990s.
To which Paul commented:
Good find! There's another level to this, as well. As Mees Baaijen writes: "The criminal Triads, who had a role akin to Freemasons in the West, have since long been in cahoots with the Hong Kong tycoons and the Chinese Communist Party, together forming a 'Glafia-subordinate gangster elite'." Glafia is what Mees terms the global mafia, the criminocracy, the Great Racketeers running both "the West" and "the East"...
So, I read the article, and I finally understand what Paul is talking about more now, although I’m still not convinced.
That said, it may be that the reason that I’m not convinced is because I simply lack the historical knowledge to make sense of what Paul and Mees Baaijen are saying. I haven’t read Anthony Sutton, Docherty, Macgregor, or Zbigniew Brzezinski, and I probably should.
In any case, I think that my claim that the CCP now rules Canada does not really contradict Paul’s claim that the CCP is beholden to globalist bankers. Both can be true at the same time.
For my purposes, which are ultimately practical, I think it makes sense to speak in terms that do not require my interlocutors to have intimate knowledge of the hidden history of the past five centuries. There are advantages to having a narrative that is simple as “The CCP is taking over the world”. And if it’s true, it’s true. We shouldn’t shy away from the truth due to Sinophobia-phobia (the fear of being branded Sinophobic).
What do you think, dear reader? Is the CCP simply the latest front for a shadowy cabal that has been pulling the strings for centuries? Or are we witnessing an end to the hegemony of the European banking dynasties which have basically ruled the world as long as anyone can remember? Have certain families maintained their massive wealth since the days of ancient Rome, or even ancient Babylon? If so, do they drink blood? Could the Global Mafia be simply a secularized Devil? A projection of the Shadow? A concrete reality? Or something else?
I’m curious what people think! I am most certainly willing to change my mind, if the evidence proves sufficient, and I must say, Mees Baaijen’s piece gives me the distinct feeling there are important pieces of the puzzle that have so far evaded me. So, I have decided to share it with you. Note that it is part of a multipart series, but it also can stand alone.
That said, for now I’m sticking with my long-held belief that there is no such thing as the “One Big Conspiracy”, and that it far more likely that “a multitude of conspiracies contend in the night”.
I’ll give the last word to Robert Anton Wilson, to whom I owe that wonderful turn of phrase.
for the Wild,
Crow Qu’appelle
China: From real Tao to Mao, and then to multipolar fake Tao
Posted on July 30, 2024 by winter oak
by Mees Baaijen
This article, the second in a series, provides an overview of the manipulations that led to the incorporation of the former Chinese Empire into the global power structure designed by the Global Mafia (or Glafia, i.e. the Predators), the criminal owners of most of the planet’s wealth, governments, corporations and institutions. Many details and references not mentioned here can be found in my book The Predators versus The People.
Chinese civilization goes back thousands of years and is one of the oldest in the world. It has seen many changes and wars, and some of these wars were certainly not defensive. The same goes for the Great Wall, which in part protected the Empire’s newly annexed territories.
Until the early 1800’s, Asia and especially China, was the dominant player in the world economy and technology (James Petras; Joseph Needham). The ships used in Admiral Zheng’s “charm offensive” in the 15th century to visit India, Arabia, Egypt and Africa were up to 4 times bigger than the European ones. Yet China never colonized the world, probably for philosophical reasons (Confucianism, Taoism) and also because the rest of world had little of interest to offer to China (G. Arrighi).
In the early 19th century, the hidden driving force behind world history in the last 500 years – Glafia – placed China on its list of Eurasian empires to be “normalized”, to provide a “level playfield” for their plan to dominate the whole world. Activities were started to weaken all great Eurasian empires, in the case of China mainly the opium wars and the making of a subordinate (or comprador) elite.
However, for the final conquest of the still highly sovereign empires of Eurasia, a very strong force had to be established: an alliance between Glafia’s already fading but still very powerful British Empire, and its rising American Empire, helped by its European proxy states. That coalition, in which many Zionist proxies also participated, would instigate and execute the World Wars, the communist revolutions in Russia, China and elsewhere, and financial crises.
Indeed, in 1897 Britain and the USA made a secret agreement to carry out the gigantic project to subdue and colonize the whole of Eurasia, China included. This project, which included the setting up of bogeymen Hitler and Mussolini, is here called The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia. It affected humanity more destructively and on a larger scale than had ever happened in history.
Rockefeller in China
In 1863, John D. Rockefeller (just 24 years old) sold his first (lamp) kerosene in China and made his first “disinterested” gift to China missions. In the usual Rockefeller style, he quickly established a monopoly. At the time, China had been made “the sick man of Asia”, due to the devastating opium wars launched at it by the British Empire. In cahoots with the USA, it forced China to accept opium produced in British India (and not bullion) as payment for its exports of luxuries to the West.
The Rockefellers and their influence would never leave China. Across the 20th century, their “philanthropic” investment in China’s science, medicine, and higher education officially surpassed one billion dollars. Mary Brown Bullock writes:
“Over the course of the 20th century, several hundred Chinese institutions and many thousands of Chinese scholars and practitioners received Rockefeller philanthropic support. Rockefeller philanthropy’s sustained emphasis on science and medicine transformed and secularized the American cultural role in Republican China. It legitimized an American scientific influence and a tradition of intellectual and professional relationships that transcended Mao’s China and continues to distinguish the bilateral relationship.
Rockefeller philanthropic institutions have long served as a bellwether for the American non-governmental presence in China. Their formative influence on China’s science and medicine defined the post-missionary era in the first half of the [20th] century. Their re-entry into China after Nixon’s [1972] opening was carefully orchestrated by China’s leaders.”
Glafia, together with the Rockefellers and other minions, led China’s trajectory from sovereign Empire to global hegemon in three revolutionary steps, which are discussed below.
The first Glafia-led revolution in China: Sun Yat-sen
Japan had been corrupted since the 1860’s by Glafia’s British, and later also American, hegemon (for example through Jacob Schiff’s $200M loan to Japan), to serve as a future battering ram against China and Russia, which started with the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese war. Japan also served as the base for Sun Yat-sen’s overthrow of China’s Qing dynasty in 1912, financed by Wall Street & The City.
According to A. Sutton:
“The best-documented example of Wall Street intervention in revolution is the operation of a New York syndicate in the Chinese revolution of 1912, which was led by Sun Yat-sen. Although the final gains of the syndicate remain unclear, the intention and role of the New York financing group are fully documented down to amounts of money, information on affiliated Chinese secret societies, and shipping lists of armaments to be purchased.”
Sun, a Christian who had studied in the USA, wanted to develop China in the same way. But as in the case of Russia, Glafia’s bankers did not, at least not at that time: their plan for the 20th century was to make the USA their new hegemon. China had to be suppressed, by placing it in the “communist fridge”, under Mao Zedong, together with Russia (which had been in the communist fridge since the 1917 Revolution). Never forget that communism was also a Glafia project!
In 1925, Sun Yat-sen was poisoned, probably by the British, and died. Under Chiang Kai-shek and his successors, the Chinese Nationalists were sabotaged by the treasonous Americans, who officially supported them. That’s why, since 1928, they had to govern mainland China from Taiwan. In 1949, the Chinese Communists took over control of the Chinese mainland, and the Nationalists were left with the small island of Taiwan.
Glafia’s second revolution in China: communism
Already by 1919, Mao had been headhunted and earmarked by “Yale in China” school. It was a US intelligence front, in collaboration with members of the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, which had been founded in the 1830’s by the US Russell family, opium dealers in China. Under the cover of WW2, the USA betrayed China into Communism (see James Perloff), with a treasonous key role for Glafia pawn General George Marshall, America’s wartime commander and name giver to the later Marshall Plan.
Mao received several Glafia advisors, all Jewish, to assist in the creation of a Glafia-desired totalitarian state. After David Rockefeller visited China in 1973 with his faithful agent Henry Kissinger, he was very satisfied about “this” – or should we say “his” – experiment:
“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution … [this] social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history”.
With “whatever the price”, Rockefeller coldly referred to the fact that in the 1950’s and 60’s, Chinese communists slaughtered tens of millions of Chinese non-communists, often people dedicated to Tao. Today’s pro “pacifist, harmonious and Taoist” China and pro “multipolar order” Westerners – like Pepe Escobar and Matthew Ehret – seem to have forgotten this horrible episode.
An important reason for the US hegemon to put China on the communist path was to keep it backward and isolated for several decades, the same “refrigerator” trick as applied earlier on in Russia. That eliminated China and Russia as economic competitors, so the USA, the “great champion of liberty and free trade”, could have a typical, soaring Glafia career. It was also an experiment in the creation of the modern, Glafia-controlled totalitarian Chinese state – which it remains until today. Klaus Schwab and his pupil Justin Trudeau are big fans of present-day Communist China, and they show it on YouTube.
Glafia’s third Chinese revolution: global hegemon
When Glafia’s US hegemon started to prepare their “China hegemon” project in 1971 (a year of great change), that was because:
· Glafia has no loyalty to any nation, religion, race, or ethnicity, and presently they see Communist China (assisted by Russia) as the best global system for their domination project (see also the Yalta Conference during WW2, in which the Allies gave Central Europe and North Korea away to communism).
· China, with well over one billion clever and hardworking people, had by far the largest economic potential – just as it had shown before 1850.
· China was severely humiliated in the 19th century, which it will never forget, and was only going to participate in Glafia’s New World Order as its leader state (as confirmed in this George Soros interview).
In that very same year 1971, the People’s Republic of China, led by the Chinese Communist Party under Mao, was recognized as “the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations”; with support of Glafia’s US hegemon, of course. The representatives of the Republic of China in Taiwan were immediately removed from the UN organization. So again a seed for a future conflict was planted, a trick also used by splitting North and South Vietnam, North and South Korea, and the giveaway of Crimea by Khrushchev.
Forty years ago, Antony Sutton prophesied about the development of China by American corporations. As it turned out, he was right – again:
“Bechtel Corporation has established a new company, Bechtel China, Inc. to handle development, engineering and construction contracts for the Chinese government… It appears that Bechtel is now to play a similar role to that of Detroit-based Albert Kahn Inc., the firm that in 1928 undertook initial studies and planning for the First Five Year Plan in the Soviet Union. By about the year 2000, Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill…
And who is to say that the Chinese Communists will not make their peace with Moscow after 2000 and join forces to eliminate the super-super-power, the United States?”
In recent years, it was easy to see how all Western actions against China and Russia – the Ukraine war included – had their unification and reinforcement as main goal. The Pentagon’s 2017 budget was the first driven by Glafia-created bogeymen China and Russia. Yet another Glafia project to upset the global balance of powers is arriving at its harvest time! History shows that the Global Powers have no loyalty to any nation, religion or race, and Glafia-supported China is now simply their best totalitarian and hegemonic model.
This is how countries are used as “pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a great game for the domination of the world” (Lord George Curzon, 1859-1925, British politician, Vice Roy of India). Remember that there’s only one player behind the board!
The Great Shift: after 500 years, Glafia goes East
To quickly recap: according to Giovanni Arrighi (1994), the world capitalist system developed in four cycles, each led by a temporary hegemon, respectively Spain, Holland, England, and the United States. Each cycle was divided into three phases:
1. An accumulation phase, through trade (piling up of capital).
2. A phase of industrial expansion.
3. A period of financialization (investment, mostly foreign, of capital), dominated by bankers (the earlier merchants lending out their capital).
This last phase is “burning hot and then fading away”, or as Braudel called it, “a sign of autumn”. In it, not only the finance era runs its final course, but also the leader state itself. The gradual demise of one cycle would become the gradual birth of the next, on an ever grander and more global scale.
For Glafia’s present hegemon, the Arch-Fascist informal empire of the United States of America – officially “the free and democratic USA” – the turning point to autumn can be dated to 1971. When we take the recent developments into account, including the war in Ukraine, there can be no doubt: China, and Russia too, will be the new horses pulling Glafia’s chariot.
This time the move is cleverly being sold by stating that we will go from a bad and disgraced uni-polar world to a good, harmonious and even Taoist multi-polar world. With ALL LANDS now brought under control, and the Global Digital Prison on its way to controlling ALL PEOPLE, that powerful Western-Zionist coalition is no longer needed and is being dismantled.
The “China hegemon” project
Like practically all meteoric careers since the start of the Glafia project around 1500, either of persons, corporations or countries, Communist China’s skyrocketing rise after 1971 was Glafia-made. Glafia’s proxy for this new state-building project was of course its 20th century hegemon, the United States of America. Special roles were given to Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, and members of Yale’s Skull and Bones Society, amongst others as US ambassadors to China.
The US hegemon started the “China hegemon” project overtly in 1971, when the visible part of the preparations took off, with Henry Kissinger’s famous visit. No doubt that secret preparations had started long before (the book The Secret History of America’s First Central Intelligence Agency [OSS] provides evidence of such). To recap, the reasons for this project were:
Glafia’s core of dynastic families sees Communism – which they themselves launched and helped to establish in Russia, and later in China and elsewhere – as the best control system for their global domination project. Under their guidance (see here for an example), China has become the global leader of the “Digital Prison” project. Many Western leaders criticize it, while omitting to mention that their own countries are covertly implementing the same system.
China, with far over one billion capable and industrious people, has by far the largest potential for economic capacity – as it had already showed for thousands of years.
China, which was severely humiliated in the 19th century, was only going to participate in Glafia’s New World Order as its leader. George Soros openly admitted this in 2009 (see George Soros interview).
The rude, brutish, and ruthless USA, with its constant see-through lies, has on purpose lost its credibility in most parts of the world, while China has been doing its best to gain – and buy! – global popularity.
China wasn’t the USA’s first big-state-making project: it had also managed Russia’s transformation into a communist empire, the Soviet Union. Then, after the Glafia-planned fake de-colonization, it made all the post-WW2 “newly independent” ex-colonies their dependent proxies, via bought and paid for sub-ordinate elites (also called vassals or puppet regimes). And in fact, there’s no difference in how they “made” Israel, the European Union, NATO, Japan as their battering ram in Asia, the 19th century unification of Italy, and also of Germany, et cetera: as always, they bribed and corrupted the political and blueblood elites in those countries, including the mainstream media and academia.
Is China’s new role a reason for HOPE?
Will an era of global peace, prosperity and freedom rise with the proposed multipolar order led by China and Russia?
The answer is: Sorry, but NO, for the five major reasons are given below.
First, the Covid litmus test: China, and Russia too, knew that cheap HCQ and Ivermectin work, as shown on a large scale in China, Uttar Pradesh, Japan. But even so they suppressed their people massively with such crazy measures as mRNA jabs (Russia, not China) and lockdowns.
Second, read General Chi’s chilling speech (The secret speech of General Chi Haotian). Anthony Hall confirmed this is not a forgery. It leaves you wondering what’s really behind China’s big smile.
Third, the criminal Triads, who had a role akin to Freemasons in the West, have since long been in cahoots with the Hong Kong tycoons and the Chinese Communist Party, together forming a “Glafia-subordinate gangster elite”.
Fourth, a shocking 2014 article shows how nearly 22,000 members of China’s communist elite hold secretive offshore companies in British and other tax havens, which makes them highly dependent on Glafia’s banksters. Like all Glafia’s proxies, they can never stray from the agenda, because just as Glafia made them, it can also break them. Yes, that’s “autonomous” China!
An important fifth reason is the money system litmus test. Indeed, the whole multipolar effort will be futile if the present usurious money system, fully under control of Glafia’s banksters, is maintained, as it is totally incompatible with peace, prosperity, sustainability, and freedom.
For many it is difficult to grasp that China is part of this. From The Banking Pirates (p.7):
But the real truth is, that lurking behind the scenes, China is being secretly controlled now by a handful of giant British banks and oligarchical banking families through the City of London Corporation, British offshore tax havens, and through their American branch intermediary banks and asset managers in New York and Washington D.C., the Bank for International Settlements in Basel Switzerland, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington D.C.
As long as Glafia’s bankers stay in charge of our money system, there will be no “autonomous” China, nor any other “self-reliant” countries or regions, or a “sustainable” world, or a “free” world.
Of course the new Chinese hegemon is sold to the public as a benovolent, and even Taoist country, “on the path to socialism with Chinese characteristics”. Just as the criminal and genocidal American hegemon was always presented as “the great champion of democracy and free trade”!
Only if we can create awareness in lots of people, if we re-discover our strength as miraculous and spiritual human beings, and if we cooperate in an open-minded manner with others seeking the truth, can this gigantic problem be tackled.
"In any case, I think that my claim that the CCP now rules Canada does not really contradict Paul’s claim that the CCP is beholden to globalist bankers. Both can be true at the same time."
You can think of it like this: for many decades the United States has been installing puppet regimes all over the world. This does not mean the United States does so independently. It does so BECAUSE it is controlled and used by the elites who put Woodrow Wilson into power, handled by Col. House, to establish the Federal Reserve which they then used to fund WWI and WWII, etc., etc.
Mees says,
"The USA also installed puppet regimes in all “newly independent” ex-European colonies in Africa and Asia, created after World War 2 by the Glafia-planned fake de-colonization program. The countries of Latin America, colonized much earlier by Spain and Portugal, had already been “freed” in the early 19th century, to become permanent vassal states of Glafia’s British, and later American hegemon."
If Mees is correct that China will be the new hegemon, it likewise does not mean it acts independently. It may be used to overthrow or capture and transform the West. It's imperative we understand what is going on.
It seems somewhat misleading to me to say "China rules Canada". Did China put Trudeau in place, or was he selected and groomed by the WEF Young Global Leaders program to serve an agenda that transcends China, Canada, etc.
Did you watch the PragerU video in Cheerio's comment?
The "American characteristics" of woke did not come from China (where did they come from?), but the STRATEGY of woke looks to have similarities to Maoism.
Well look at what Prager U is writing about: