Whatever will destabilise the people is good. If it's a cherished tenet of the left, even better.

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God you’ve done it again. Thank you for sharing his article. I talk about this stuff all the time with my family and have been- only far less eloquently- for many years. I used to be called a racist. But I am not. I have a reverence for many cultures, but especially my own. I can tell you that generally everyone is more receptive to the idea that it is ok to be proud of being white and normal to want to live amongst people of your own kind, for all the reasons listed in this article, and even many more. And the shift in receptiveness is huge. YES. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Thanks! I’m glad you liked it. I’m sure @Jordan Henderson will appreciate the compliment.

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In Australia we have a Ponzi Economy - an economy that requires, for its

'health', the continuing imput of migrants... We need wave after wave of

migrants to buy lots of things (mostly 'Made in China') to keep our consumer

economy afloat... That their housing requirements leads to competition with

locals that pushes up house prices is a sign of a 'healthy economy'.

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I think that part of the reason they've let in so many immigrants to keep Canada's real estate bubble going a little longer.

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Let me start by saying that I'm Greek, so not technically white, at least not aryan, as we've never felt we belonged to any particular race other than our own, which is a mixture of pretty much all races. Greeks always vaccillated between the east and the west, settling for none. We were black to the Northern Europeans, and white to the Africans, easterners to the westerners and westerners to the easterners.

I'm also an immigrant in Australia, 25 years now, where for the first few years I was unintentionally illegal. I won't go into the details, but believe me, I know the dread of seeing a policeman in the distance, the exploitation, the sense of worthlessness, the despair.

I'm an anarchist, holding the traditional anarchist ideals, perpetually dreaming of a free, colour blind world, where everyone can realise their best potential, and move unobstructed.

Over the years, I have changed the way I look at immigration.

To begin with, I know first hand that migration creates a hole in one's soul that never gets filled. Nobody would choose to migrate from their homeland if they had a chance to live a good life there, save some pathological adventurers, and even they would most probably choose their homeland as a base.

So rather than support people's right to seek a better life elsewhere (my previous position), now I would rather support people's fight to fix their homelands instead, and live that better life among their families and friends, smelling the only fragrances, eating the only foods, and looking at the only landscapes and faces that can soothe their souls.

I went from living in a poor monocultural to a rich multicultural society, and though I find it very interesting and enjoy the challenge of understanding other people, I can still recognize that it doesn't help create cohesion and a supportive community, or to phrase it differently, it would take far more effort and many more generations to bring together racially and culturally diverse people into one unified community, than if they started from a point of cultural understanding and ethnic singularity.

It's a far lonelier world that of a multicultural society, and I'm pretty sure there's stats to show that.

I go back and forth to Greece whenever I can, and over the course of 25 years I've seen what mass immigration has done to the country, which under the guidance of the EU has become what they call a "depository of souls", most locked up in concentration camps, while the "lucky" ones outside either work for nothing, or have to resort to crime to survive, prey to the gangs of criminals that have also flooded the country, and to the Greek assholes who exploit their despair.

At the same time rich foreigners, "investors", and "developers" are displacing the local population who since the manufactured financial crisis of 2008 have become the second poorest in Europe. People are forced to sell, lose their homes to hedge funds, and a whole young generation faced with 45% unemployment has fled the country.

Greece is dead, and I'm crying as I write that, because I'm as territorial and tribal as the person next door, though I never thought I had it in me before I left.

Who has gained from all that? Certainly not the Greeks, neither the poor immigrants.

The second point I wanted to make, re white people being singularly attacked for crimes other races may have committed as well, is that this is the price you have to pay when your whole history is Eurocentric. The centre, becomes the bull's eye that all arrows will point at. There may be other worthy targets at the periphery, but everyone will aim at the glaring centre.

And last, a question that has bugged me all my life: is racism an instinct?

You see, I always had cats, and on some occasions they gave birth to litters of kittens who were all of the same colour but one. I observed how the kittens would play with each other but shun the odd one. There was nothing wrong with that kitten, it wasn't sickly or anything, it was just ginger or whatever. Was it coincidental? I don't know, haven't dug into it, but always made me wonder. Are we programmed to be hostile to the "other"?

To conclude, I remain convinced that a better world is possible, that dialogue and mutual compromise (stress on compromise) is the avenue, and that one can simultaneously hold two beliefs that seem contradictory at first glance, ie support people's right to seek a better life wherever they want, AND people's right to keep their ancestral lands and cultures intact.

I ultimately support people's right to choose, whatever that may be, provided nothing and nobody gets hurt in the process, whether I personally agree with their choice or not.

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Wow. Great comment. I might use this for Reader Appreciation Day post...

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Thank you

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You might be interested in reading this truly brilliant piece that goes into the root cause of many of the things you attempted to describe here. See specifically chapter 3, points 2 and 4, and especially point 6 in that chapter, they have very intimate and immediate relevance to this post.


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As an anarchist, you believe that freedom of movement is a basic right. But, is it? Can you just pick up and move to New York, Alaska, Russia, England? No, of course not. But they do allow People from Central and South America, Africa, the Middle East, and China to move to Canada and the US.

They want people who have to depend upon the government, not people who want to be left alone. They want people they can control.

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Well... I did pick up and move to Mexico...

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In Britain it's 3 million every 4 years.

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