Thank you so much for your truly erudite article, exposing some hidden convolutions of history that have severe implications on current affairs in the Levant !!! 👍👍👍

Hopefully this will reach a wider audience and help them to get out of the pervasive Zionist Matrix ...🤞🤞

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The Khazar conversion to Judaism was pragmatic simplicity itself. On one side of Khazaria was the still strong Christian Byzantine Empire, on the other was the Muslim Arab Caliphate. The Khazars didn't want to take sides, and wanted to trade with both, so how better to satisfy both than by becoming a People of the Book?

It seems to have worked pretty well for a couple of centuries, too. Then my distant Swedish cousins came. Along with the Seljuks, the Ottomans, and quite a few others.

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Thank you for this wonderful extensive compilation. If I may add,


GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Palestine-Israel is the Ashkenazi (Some-of-my family in 3 branches) long coveted LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa.

Madagascar, Uganda & other locations as trifling's proposed for Jewish settlement were never taken seriously, so are a distraction from these greater empire trade & people control designs.

With destruction of Babylon by Oligarch fake metal-coin 'Money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') over 7000 years ago, an age of continually mismanaged-failed genocidal & biosphere destroying empires, has continually sought to command & control these 200 kilometres between Gaza on the Mediterranean Sea-Atlantic Ocean & Aqaba on the Red-Sea-Indian Ocean for land & sea trade, resources, people flow between the Mega-continents. According to UN extensive 'Out-of-Africa' genetic studies, all of Mega-continent people have ancestors who’ve lived in or passed through Palestine, least of all the European Ashkenazi Jewish (Some of my family in 3 branches) Convert.

Ashkenaz is originally a town / region in central Turkey before this term is applied to Ukraine, Russia & parts of Poland colonized across the Black-Sea.

TORAH, 3 sons of Noah being

1st born Japheth = Eurasia also with some colonial slavery by #2,

2nd born privileged Shem = Levant + Arabia. Hence Palestinians & Arabs being the true Semites.

3rd son Ham = Africa justified to be enslaved by #2.

4000 year (2000-100 BC) old PHOENICIAN 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') COLONIAL period of Lebanon, Philistine, Israel, with the City-States of Sidon, Tyre, Byblos, Beirut etc. united & collaborating with the Kingdom of Israel is quite forgotten in most accounts of history. The Amnesic quality of their central control & issue of fake 'money', which violently destroyed & supplanted the world's time-based equivalency accounting on the bottom-up String-shell Destruction of the String-shell in each of the world's continents & regions gave/gives these Oligarchs greater power over western, still empire-based fake 'economy' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture').

Today some remnants of Multistakeholder Participatory Corporate legislation, for larger corporations over 30 employees, under their charters to facilitate Founder, Worker, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople & Consumer share holding, empowers Stakeholder ownership, decision-making & Board representation. Invested interest by progressive ownership stakeholders creates the decentralized trust of participants in each department & division of enterprises. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/2-participatory-accounting

Empire exploitation based accumulation of vast sums of fake money & the power over states & whole continents to issue this money, goes back to the Babylonian & Phoenician periods. These Babylon remnants, having turned the Levant & much of Arabia into desert, exported their their violent extractive exploitation of the Mediterranean through over 50 Colonial cities such as Carthage as a colonial outpost ruled by jew & Arab working in concert around their fake Oligarch issued Metal-coin 'money'. These colonial incursions across every present nation of the Mediterranean represented a mass Levant exported extraction & exploitation of the rich Polyculture Orchards & mass flowing rivers of the 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') Berber peoples, who were part of the whole Hieroglyphic international character written & signed language realm. The Torah story of the Tower of Babel is a much censored & ignorant reference to the destruction of the Hieroglyphics. All indigenous peoples worldwide had continental graphic pictorial character languages worldwide. Chinese characters still enable the communication across over 100 languages in the far east. North American Petroglyphs & such as American Indian Hand Talk describe the Turtle-island (N. America) system of writing & air drawn signs.

3-D Polyculture is 100 times (10,000%) more productive of food, materials, energy & water-cycle than 2-D 'Agriculture' (L. 'ager' = 'field'). The desertification of the Gobi, Arabian, Negev, Sahara, Sahel & other deserts all were created-destroyed through Oligarch commanded fake money colonization of what were once lush rich abundant Polyculture orchards, chopped down for the hardwoods of ships, forts, colonial suburbia, weapons of war. With only 'agriculture' left, settlers eked out a 'farming' (French 'ferme' = 'contract of servitude imposed by the aristocrat over the peasant') existence.


Sephardic Jews who also settled in Spain were simply coming back to colonial family long established roots & exploitive economies in North Africa after expulsion by King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella in 1492.

The Nina, Pinto & Santa-Maria ships were filled with Slave Chains on their way to the Caribbean Islands guided by well established Portuguese Fishermen maps. Columbus as a Jew with his 5 leading Henchmen were simply continuing their well established African Slaving expeditions in the Americas.

BLACK ACADEMICS ON JEWISH CAPITALISM & WEALTH BASED IN SLAVERY OVER MILLENNIA SINCE KEY ROLE IN PHOENICIAN COLONIAL CONQUEST. 13 Sugar Jewish Plantation Colonies, Sephardic, Ashkenazi Jews as core of Slave Trade Christopher Columbus (Hebrew journals) as Morono Portuguese Jew starts Slave Trade, in 1498 5 ship expedition brought 600 Indians to Spain as slaves, previously as slave trader, Gold dealer in Africa Ghana, Gold Coast, Queen Isabella’s 3 Court Jewish Financiers Luis de Santangel, Abraham Zacuto, Don Isaac Abravanel. Curacao, Surinam Jodensavanne Zionist (Jew village Sugar Trade) Jan Pieterszoon Coen Chief Shareholder of the Dutch East & West Indian Companies centred in Netherlands, Oliver Cromwell & Menasseh Ben Israel Financier /c Dr Leonard Jeffries (NY City College) 100 million African Slaves stolen, Dr Tony Martin, Dr Aviva Ben-Ur, Stanley Mirviz, Cary Silverstein, Minister Louis Farrakhan (Jews Selling Blacks), Khallid Muhammad, Nation of Islam, Truth Terrorist 600 million Blacks slaved over 6000 years compared /c supposed 6 million Jews over 10 years, Reparations, Lehman Brothers, 75% of Jews were Slave Owners & prominent in Slave Trade Rothschild (Mississippi Cotton Trade to English mills) Secret Relationship between Blacks & jews Vol 1&2 by Rabbi Jacob Levin published by Nation of Islam, Rabbi Historian Dr Bertram W. Korn (75% of Slave Owners were Jews), Dr Abraham J. Peck, John Henrik Clarke, Jewish Academic Mafia, Dr. Harold Brackman 1600’s Slave Trading was Jewish Mercantile specialty, History of the Jews by Soloman Grayzel Principal Slave Traders in Europe, Middle-Ages, Dr Leonard E Barrett Sr Temple Univ. on Jews & Slavery, Brazil 19Nov’21 2h56m47s https://youtu.be/S3mr0rsNyGs

There was never a justifiable or historic reason for the WW2 Victor OLIGARCH captured UNITED NATIONS to foster & approve Ashkenazi violent invasion of Palestine.

The only holiness of the Land-Bridge is for its inhabitants to welcome, include & facilitate its natural flow of travelers, traders & refugees. Palestinians originally welcomed, economically included & protected the Ashkenazi & Sephardic refugees, just as Palestinians have welcomed millions of people over many millennia to become some of the most genetically diverse peoples on earth.

GENOCIDE AGAINST PALESTINIANS BEFORE 7Oct'23 over 100 Palestinians are genocided (KEY POINT TO UN DEFINITION = 'Removing People from or destroying their means of livelihood, plus Settler & State murder') PER DAY in all Palestinian Concentration & displaced Refugee Camps in the Levant region (Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia & internationally as displaced people').

GENOCIDE AFTER 7Oct'23 well over 200 Palestinians Genocided per day in deliberate massacres as well as ongoing despoilation & deprivation. Given this rate of deliberate GENOCIDE by Israel & US blocking of material for Palestinians, is Hamas justified after 75 years of Genocide, of this totally desperate act? RELATIONAL ECONOMY. People should learn about all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors use of the time-based, Equivalency-Accounting on the String-shell Value system (eg. 'Wampum' on Turtle-Island / N. America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie-shell in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). Imagine an international system way-back? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy 'INDIGENOUS' (Latin 'Self-generating') COUNCIL PROCESS, whereby understanding, collaborative-agreement & working-contracts may be offered & refused. Israeli Ashkenazi & their supporters worldwide have acted in INTELLECTUAL COWARDICE in choosing violent murder rather than formal dialogues in which they guiltily feared that; their malevolent attitudes would have been exposed. All human migration must be carried out through respectful & deferential Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues. Similar to Socrates 'Dialectics' & Mohandas Gandhi's 'Satyagraha' (Hindi 'Truth-Search') as part of 'Swadeshi' (H. 'indigenous' aka 'Self-sufficiency'). https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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Thanks for your encouraging feedback. Tell me more about "more pretty arrangement to eat better?" & "re-make in own image on profile pages?"

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Blue Sky, Yes, tendency to throw everything relevant, like universe into equation at once. Too infinitely complicated. Aww, Thanks. At 71, I'm just growing up. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/e-history/7-work-play-overpopulation

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There is a centuries old tradition among Turkic peoples to associate cardinal directions with colors. Black corresponds to North, and the reason Black sea is so called is simply it's located north of Turkey (Karadeniz). Mediterranean, by the way, is the «white sea» (Akdeniz) – white (or yellow/gold) is West.

A great lot of toponyms around Asia and Eastern Europe originate from this, so colors shouldn't always be taken literally.

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This is interesting: "The Uganda Scheme was a plan to give a portion of the East Africa Protectorate to the Jewish people as a homeland. The offer was first made by British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain to Theodore Herzl's Zionist group in 1903...."

"The next year, a three-man delegation was sent to inspect the plateau. Its high elevation gave it a temperate climate, making it suitable for European settlement. However, the observers found a dangerous land filled with lions and other creatures. Moreover, it was populated by a large number of Maasai people, who did not seem at all amenable to an influx of people coming from Europe."

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I have a whole Substack focused on the question: What is a Jew? This material is very helpful.

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Khazarian myth is banana oil--take it from the biggest Jew-hater on the planet ,David Duke--

12 (just like the no. of tribes) studies that refute Koestler cited below--That's Koestler aka Mister Whole Cloth bullshart artist--in fact Duke wuz mighty ticked off he could NOT prove Koestler right as he soooo wanted to prove joos were not joos:



(Not ta be corny, but by all means "duke it out" with Duke if ya think Koestler is right an' all 12 genetic studies were faked an' the few that support "Khazarian genetics" by men that "made it all up" --includin' one from an oft-cited fiction writer / journalist an' one from a philosophy prof actin' in the role of geneticist but not one--by all means...) I just share the info--lotta folks prefer not ta see it--at least Duke wuz honest (to his credit...)

Also, there are many studies provin' the Yiddish language has zero turkish in it--it's nearly 100% german + hebrew + a little russian... so the "concept" that the Asheknazi language is truly Turkish (Clif High sez so) an' supports the idea that chews are really Ottoman fake jews / khazarians based on language--is also baloney-- Most German speakers fully understand Yiddish but not Turkish...not even close.

"Khazarians" existed for 'bout 300 years tops---most were not even "joos" (it wuz an area on a trade route) but some were genetic joos an' others not (i.e. only by conversion) but those that were Turkish/Ottoman fizzled out an' didn't leave behind anyone--genetically speakin' "chews are chews"--hate 'em or not-- the evil ones (Rothschilds) were not genetically different from regular jews, except by their own intermarriages (some with the Black Nobs) to elevate their status. They were secular otherwise.

Koestler was a CIA/MI6 Spook--part of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, founded by C.I.A. in 1950 to counter Soviet propaganda and cultural influence BUT Koestler was also a commie an' a counterspy FOR the USSR. Brilliant, untrustworthy man--an' creator of a fiction very much enjoyed today. He was ticked off at Israel b/c he could not for the life of him learn Hebrew--no facility with the language--an' thus was swiftly passed up for a coveted government position an' left in a snit. At that time he was a staunch Zionist--but that changed when he was sent packin'--in a sour grapes move (not ta help chews, nor their "cause") he decided to single-handedly make up a whopper--a myth to disassociate jews an' their legit tribal genetics not cuz he cared 'bout the joos in the diaspora but he wanted to git back at Israel. Lotta folks still are fooled but indeed--whole cloth.

Up to you, yer readers to remain on the side of the apocryphal tale of Khazaria or join the "noble" (not) likes of David Duke an' admit joos are joos... (just sharin' info--everybuddy kin hate whom they like... hate ta take the wind outta these voluminous sails here...)

ps: https://www.sdjewishworld.com/2024/05/20/jewish-biography-arthur-kosztler-and-the-13th-jewish-tribe/

The cruel hoax seems ta be on the believers of the Khazarian myth.... Koestler won in the end I guess?

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Interesting arguments! I'm going to have to look into some of the claims you made there. As for genetic evidence, I'm skeptical about genetic evidence. I'll take it into consideration, but I consider anything that's based on opaque computer code suspect. I've learned my lesson with computer modelling from COVID and crooked cooked-book climate science.

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the genetic evidence was from DNA blood tests--vs Koestler, a spook who made stuff up an' the Elhaik's work that's full out dismissed...


So if ya believe all DNA testin' is malarkey, then it makes sense to fully dismiss all 12 DNA studies disproving the entire Khazarian theory (not that Khazaria existed--but that any portion of the Jews / Ashkenazis are Khazarian).... Archeological records turn up with a goose egg / nuttin' at all--of Jewish objects, artifacts, etc. in the lands mapped as "Khazaria" so all that exists is some correspondence provin' the mini-empire existed for a short time--Jews didn't die out with Khazaria--if ya read the studies per the DNA--all Jews are related to each other genetically on the Father's line which does date back to the Levant--that's Sephardic, Mizrahi, Ashkenazi, all've 'em. It's different from Arab DNA and shares nothing with it. Arab DNA is all the same--i.e. there is no Jordanian DNA nor Palestinian DNA, etc. On the mother's side ALL Ashkenazi's are related to just four mothers! (German) and therefore to each other--these mothers converted back in like 500ad. So DNA tracin' sez that some fathers (without wives) left Israel, headed for Europe, found wives an' kept reproducin' from there... Hence all joos even in the diaspora are "cousins" (distant for sure) but that 'splains visual similarities certainly noted by David Duke (again' the man is no fan of "chews" so he had ever reason to disprove their connection to Israel...but could not).

By all means be skeptical--just sharin' it as the genetic evidence does support visual evidence (Eastern European joos look alike--they don't look Turkish at all!), health evidence (certain ailments like Tay Sachs are unique to E. Euro Ashkenazis an' those in the diaspora--an' not known to exist in Turks, Ottomans), archeological (no evidence of jewish heritage in Khazaria), an' linguistic--Yiddish too has no Turkish/Ottoman vowels, words, nuttin'.

Methinks per Matt Ehret the jews were merchants there as many were multi-lingual an' they did bizness along the silk road--they did not convert others (not a joo thing), did not take on other faiths or intermarry with the "locals" there, an' left after a time . I don't believe "all" muslims / non-chews there converted to Judaism (even in some bastardized from) 'cept for some Elites who had reasons other than religious... An' those that did convert did not intermarry with genetic joos or reproduce much--it's just nowhere to be fond in the DNA (if ya believe DNA can trace people). So that's whut my research sez --- it's the only story that makes sense an' is consistent--but bein' a proud crackpot I'm happy ta be disproven or full out disregarded... I just share what I know even if it deflates some great stories! (Khazaria as written is up there with the moon landin'! --tho' both Kahzaria & the moon were real!--er. I say "were"--I think the moon's still with us ha ha)

Anyhooo--by all means look inta it all more if ya like, no worries if ya don't either--lotta rabbit holes out there -

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Scientific DNA research has confirmed that most who call themselves “Jews” today come from Turkish/mongol stock (khazar). First in 2001 by Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, a researcher at Hebrew University in Tel Aviv. Then in 2012 by Dr Eran Elhaik, an Israeli born researcher at John Hopkins University

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yep! altho to be fair, everyone on earth is mixed. Also, strictly speaking the mongols came later. The Khazars were (probably) Huns.

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If the garden of Eden is somewhere in Anatolia Turkey, and the Hebrew people scattered from there and went all over the world, it's not impossible that the Sephardic and Ashenazi Jews would develop as they did.

I believe everyone has a part of Adam and Eve in their genes, as well as a being Children of God.

That's why these stupid wars over religion piss me off. Those who practice Judaism, Christianity, and Islam should be defenders of the book, not enemies of each other.

But who am I to get in the way of senseless violence in the name of the one true God?

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Koestler might have made up the Khazar hypothesis from whole cloth. DNA studies don't agree with his claims.



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Could you summarize the arguments made in those papers please? I don't have time to read them.

I'm not big on genetic evidence (haven't we learned our lesson with computer modelling yet?), but there is an Israeli geneticist named Eran Elhaik who seems to have proven the Khazarian Hypothesis.

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eran_Elhaik

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This 4-minute video is a helpful introduction to his work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1mc4EKrpEY

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Thanks for the video, it was interesting. Do you think it proves Koestler's mass conversion hypothesis? Wouldn't it make more sense to say that Jewish tribes moved up through Turkey and across the European plain, picking up DNA and words as they went? Why else is there such a conspicuous lack of Jewish archaeological artefacts in the area, while all the other former empires from Babylon to Rome are littered with their own cultural detritus? For a summary of the papers above, you can read the abstracts.

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May 24Edited
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Are you suggesting that the word Czar/Tsar is related to "Khazar"? If so, I'm interested. I noticed that Caesar is close to Khazar as well... And I know Caesar is related to a bunch of other terms associated with fascism, statism, power, etc... for example, Kaiser, still the German word for head of state in WWI.

Obviously Rome is older than Khazaria, but Rome was full of Jews, perhaps some migrated Eastwards to Byzantium before taking over Khazaria. Could Caesar/Khazar/Kaiser derive from a single root, perhaps related to an honorific in some occult religion or something?

All this is highly speculative, obviously, please don't judge my comments by the same standards as my essays!

Could you please explain your "Ka-Tsar" comment?

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hmm I was aware that the roots for Aryan and Iran were connection.. are you saying that they are connected to the root for Ireland? Interesting theory...

I've sometimes wondered why gingers are not considered a race. They are clearly unique amongst humans in a way that Jews are not (in phenotypical expression). indeed it's difficult to think of an ethnic group that are as unique as redheaded Irish people are... and there are weird things about them, such as their ability to find four-leaf clovers.

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Do you reject the evidence that the Khazarian Conversion ever occurred? Or just that they immigrated Westward after the fall of the Khazar state? Or that Khazaria ever existed? Just trying to understand your position.

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