People in power are all corrupt. It’s sickening. Members of the force were probably friends with him and in on all of it. That’s how it always is with these fucks. The richer or more powerful, the more likely to be involved in this kind of stuff, human and child trafficking, black market organs etc. and worse. It’s disgusting. These people are vile. I grew up in Poco, we passed the Pickton farm all the time when I was growing up. We moved out of BC when I was 10, in 1997. When i found out about this stuff I get sick to my stomach. It still makes me feel so sad and sick.

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No way! You’re from Poco! Please tell me what it’s like! I’ve never been.

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And the garage sales…. Omg we went every weekend and there were always so many…. It was the best!!!!

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When I was little we lived in river springs- amazing neighbourhood that was full of families, people took neighbourhood watch seriously, we went to the best preschool and always knocked on the doors of old ladies asking for candy. We’d explore in the forest and eat raspberries growing there, find all kinds of wildlife. The trees were enormous. We could go everywhere without supervision as long as we stayed in the neighbourhood. A lot of fun memories. Then we moved to the townhouse complex behind the united church on Shaughnessy and lougheed, just before river springs. Actually we were friends with the wealthy lougheed family, they were nice, we went on all kinds of trips with them. All us kids got along and the lougheeds gave us hand-me-downs that we were so excited to get. We were on welfare. We got food boxes delivered by hulky football players every month through a church program. That church was the best, doors were literally always open and I’d sneak in there on some nights and go exploring and sit in the storage rooms and look through everything, or go find something t eat in the kitchens. Literally the doors were always open and we played Buffy the vampire slayer all the time running through there at night. But the people in the townhouses were amazing. We were all friends and could walk into each other’s homes, it was all immigrants and low income folk and we had a blast. Behind us was a huge forest with a path and a gushing river that was very wide and we weren’t allowed to cross it. We spent so much time in those forests, making fires and building forts and stuff with found furniture. We were just little kids doing all this! Fast forward to when I moved back tenporarily at age 18 and poco had become a drug den, loads of prostitutes everywhere, even my childhood friend’s mom and a girl I grew up with. Drug raids constantly. And apparently that forest we spent so much time in as kids was dangerous now, many murders and rapes took place there regularly. I was told not to walk that forest path and to stay on the main roads. But there was an amazing Chinese bakery there that I’d always go to for hot dog buns as a kid and I went back at 18 and they were still amazing. Also got long John doughnuts and these buttery flaky buns at a legendary bakery there that I also used to get as a child, and there was this strange pretzel shaped bread bun thing topped with tomato sauce and poppy seeds that I had as a child and I found them finally when I went back, at a grocery store! Couldn’t believe they still existed. Yeah poco was great as a child. It was such a mix of different ethnic people and it felt like a really open and welcoming inclusive community, nothing like the cold and divided racialized communities of Toronto. Poco was different. But In 2007 it was a shell of its former self, or, perhaps my rose tinted glasses from childhood had worn off completely and I could see what was going on, whereas as a child you don’t know about these things. Also when I went back everyone was Chinese?????? Like whites and Indians were a noticeable minority there and Surrey was all Indians. I didn’t see any black people when I went back but when I was a child there were so many people of all backgrounds and we all got along and shared recipes and everything. Good times.

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