Viva Italia !!!

Israel afuera !!!

Carajo !!!

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It’s all the same mafia. Many-headed hydra.

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I was never afraid to be called antisemitic... because that word is "fake news" anyways. It's the same as being called Anti-American just because I see the state for what it is... the biggest terror organization in history... in partnership with the "state" of Israel. It doesn't mean I am against American ppl, it means I recognize what is American vs what is anti-human behavior. Many Jewish ppl are also anti-zionist and against the occupation of Palestine.

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And the Italian mafia has over the years been glorified by hollywood to the point where anyone who is Italian seems to be proud of it because it's the source of the coolest version of gangsterism.

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Yeah, which shows their ignorance of history - the Mafia has traditionally been involved in labour racketeering and strikebreaking which adversely affected Italian proletarians, many of whom were anarchists.

As usual, nationalism is dumb.

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Interesting Mafia stuff and the comparison of Columbo’s “Don’t Slur the Stugatz League” with Israel’s Hasbara machine is a bit more than apt in a certain limited way.

The issue of antisemitism is a deadly trap though.

Don’t be afraid of being branded antisemitic for what it might do for you. Be VERY afraid of what it might do to the future world you might like to help create.

Yes, there’s been more than a generation of well funded efforts designed to exploit deep cultural traumas into serving some very cruel, irresponsible, and clearly genocidal interests. This has been wildly successful through (helping)* to lead too many Jews and gentiles into conflating the “people” of Israel with the “state” of Israel. With that accomplished it only a matter of simplistic logic to see any criticism of Israel as antisemitic. But the depth and breadth of the funding and the depth and breadth of the intergenerational trauma are nearly totalizingly different from the fly-by-night scam of a petty New York hood.

For pro-Palestinians the trap of antisemitism is that ill considered invocations of it only fuel the fury. No doubt there are wells of outrage and pain having NOTHING to do with the Middle East that lead some to blame Jews for the rampages of a dangerous US client. No doubt most of the committed protesters and encampers are very careful to self-police comments and actions for any tint of antisemitism. But ANYthing that even sniffs like animus toward Jews is bound to be seized upon and exploited for nefarious purposes. Worse there is also plenty of evidence that bad actors will often deliberately try to provoke expressions of hatred or violence toward Jews that can be promulgated. It’s a trap requiring strenuous care and self control.

Of course, the way antisemitism is being corruptly exploited is ultimately more dangerous to Jews than anyone else.

In the long run all this trauma and tragedy could be a spur to “spiritual”(?) growth for those individuals most engaged.

In the long run, this current aftershock of the Nazi Holocaust and the legacies of imperialism and settler colonialism could enhance developing bodies of Christian and Jewish theologies as the Nazi Holocaust has slowly commenced to do.

In the short run, we ALL have to be careful not to fall into agonizing and self betraying traps.

Don’t be afraid of being branded antisemitic for what it might do for you. Be afraid of what it might do to the future world you would like to help create.


*the conflation of the “people” with the “state” (or in ancient history, the “kingdoms”) of Israel (and Judah) obviously goes much further back than the 1920s. It has been encoded in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures although it’s just as easy to find cautions against this terrible mistake in the same bundle of books we call “The Bible”.

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Thanks for the great comment. It's something I think about. I'd like to make a living writing one day and I think that I've probably already shot myself in the foot with a bazooka if that was my goal. But somewhere between COVID and the trans issue and the Palestine issue I just decided "Fuck it, I'm just going to call it like I see it"... and it was after I started getting confrontational and belligerent that my readership took off. So I think that my strategy worked, not that it was very premeditated...

And now I've ruined my reputation and there's no going back... I've burned my bridges with many of my former friends and I'm okay with that.

I honestly suggest people consider ruining their reputations on purpose... it's very freeing!

Then again, my reputation's always been a mixed bag... I don't know if my strategy is very applicable to others...

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Faith is not giving up on the possible futures your might want for yourself and for the world. It's a hell of a lot of work--especially when your work requires thinking -- and many types of writing require certain kinds of "thinking about THINKING" (which can really mess you up).

(There's always too many people teetering on the edge of loosing faith. There's always a few who've cursed it and can't abide the possibility that others haven't.

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"I’m no longer afraid of being branded anti-semitic. Are you?"

I never was.

I hate everyone equally because people are often evil tribal monsters who use their categorized identity as an excuse to violate others. Their mindset is... I identify with category A. We A-people are justified in violent actions B and C against D-people and E-people.

Zionists/Jews are obviously no exception.

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