
"Karl Popper believed that scientific knowledge is provisional – the best we can do at the moment. Popper is known for his attempt to refute the classical positivist account of the scientific method by replacing induction with the falsification principle. The Falsification Principle, proposed by Karl Popper, is a way of demarcating science from non-science. It suggests that for a theory to be considered scientific, it must be able to be tested and conceivably proven false. For example, the hypothesis that “all swans are white” can be falsified by observing a black swan. For Popper, science should attempt to disprove a theory rather than attempt to continually support theoretical hypotheses."

So how does one test/falsify a myth?

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Liked by NEVERMORE MEDIA

Right on. Except that the Bible is not "true," it's by and large a compendium of patriarchal falsities and marching orders. The Bible is post-alphabet male-dominated propaganda. It is monotheistic indoctrination. Time to read The Alphabet vs. the Goddess by Leonard Shlain. Much of our suffering, cruelty and blindness come from post-alphabet choosing of sides -- I'm holding my Holy Book and you're holding a different one -- "yours" -- and we use them to beat each other into the ground. Yes, the Bible contains wisdom and beauty but these qualities are prisoners in a control trip scenario. Wisdom and beauty are the gorgeous stallions forever harnessed to the drivers of these infernal wagons. Return to the spirits of nature, return to the Goddess, or continue to lay waste to one another in the most grotesque ways as we have for thousands of years -- only now with up to date weapons that make the cudgels of the past look like toys.

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Thank you! This type of re-evaluation of all is desperately needed. Getting comfortable with uncertainty is key IMHO.

Noah H. Even says humans are in desperate need for new stories/myths as the old are being exploded and with them lots of psychosis is surfacing .

Those YouTube vids you linked a few days ago are cool examples of this reevaluation.

💕there may be hope for our species, if we survive this forced transhumanist crap.

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There is no comparison to be made between a "myth" and a "theory".

"myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that ostensibly relates actual events and that is especially associated with religious belief. It is distinguished from symbolic behaviour (cult, ritual) and symbolic places or objects (temples, icons). Myths are specific accounts of gods or superhuman beings involved in extraordinary events or circumstances in a time that is unspecified but which is understood as existing apart from ordinary human experience. The term mythology denotes both the study of myth and the body of myths belonging to a particular religious tradition.

As with all religious symbolism, there is no attempt to justify mythic narratives or even to render them plausible. Every myth presents itself as an authoritative, factual account, no matter how much the narrated events are at variance with natural law or ordinary experience. By extension from this primary religious meaning, the word myth may also be used more loosely to refer to an ideological belief when that belief is the object of a quasi-religious faith; an example would be the Marxist eschatological myth of the withering away of the state."


Thus a "myth", properly apprehended, is fundamentally a religious story/narrative which highlights or illustrates a particular religious truth.

Scientific theories are the result of observation coupled with logical reasoning and deduction applied in order to explain the particular forces which give rise to the particular observations. Newton's laws of motion are an example of theories.

Inasmuch as theories are dependent upon empirical observations, they are also mutable, as when observations occur which contradict a particular theory, it is the theory which must give way, every time. Thus Newton's theories on gravity have been supplanted by Einstein's theories on relativity--observation led to a rethinking of the principles involved which led to a reconceptualization of gravity and its operation in the physical universe.

The same cannot be said of myths.

It is erroneous thinking to conflate myth with theory. The two concepts are wholly separate and distinct, and occupy separate and distinct epistemological realms of thought.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Liked by NEVERMORE MEDIA

Once again love what you are into these days. Agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion, "New World Dreaming," indeed! ;)

BTW, with the above dynamic future of (continuing) metamorphosis in mind, and your wonderfully jaded description of the Anarchist Utopia, I'm puzzled by a couple of your earlier statements in this piece:

"As I am constantly repeating, the project of creating a revolutionary movement is a matter of creating a counterculture which matures into a “permanent culture”.... Once the Metamorphosis is complete, we will be living in a new world."

Am I misunderstanding? Sounds a lot like the Marxist end-state, the neoliberal End of History, and the WEF wet dream!

cheers mate

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You in Latin America, better watch out for the ground level, non-Catholic testifying churches, spreading like wildfire across the continent while torching and killing indigenous people. They too are carrying the Bible in their hands, waving it as some kind of justification for what they do. This is entirely the point I was making -- that everyone from Rigoberta Menchu to the repressive fanatics in their little churches covering South America far and wide are using the Holy Book for their own purposes. While saying that anyone having direct experience of the spirit realm are devil worshippers. This has nothing to do with abstractions about animism vs. whatever. It has to do with destruction of real people on the ground

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Check out these guys. They have much in common with the views you've expressed.


More on my site (shameless promotion which I only do if I feel it will be appreciated)

Words like music are just sounds, and as Sun Ra pointed out, we need a sound philosophy:)

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Do you follow Cynthia Chung?

She has an interesting take on anarchism, among other things.


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Is Anarchy a myth?

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