I came across this debate a few years ago. It was proposed that the incest taboo was designed to prevent the creation of new dynasties as a form of protectionism.

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Much Ado About Nothing

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This definitively is a post for Nevermorons !!!

Thank you so much for all your time and effort to expose these relationships to a wider readership 👍👍

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Interesting post on important topics, thanks.

And to add to it, I suggest you read Lloyd deMause and his Psychohistory on incest and child abuse/neglect.

Most so-called "Anthropologists" are "AnthroApologists" such as Margaret Mead and Christopher Ryan; that is, they cannot face the childhood holocaust facts starting with the worse, the Hunter Gatherers, who were not Rousseaun Noble Savages—rather the opposite—infanticidal schizophrenics as Lloyd abundantly evidences.

Early infanticidal childrearing


The Universality of Incest


Psychohistory website with all of Lloyd’s books free downloads


A favorite: Sick Societies: Challenging the Myth of Primitive Harmony by Robert B. Edgerton


And if you are a genuine Voluntaryist, the only way to judge “what kinship system is best” is according to the moral principle of everything must be voluntary meaning no first use of physical force to get what you want.

Join us to add to our discussion on the weekends. Free Friends Forum #14 explores Julian Jaynes and “Archaic Authorization” (Nexus Void is there) and what this means for a truly free mind.


Give me your email address and will put you on my list. Jack: responsiblyfree@protonmail.com

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have you investigated the clan system ?

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have you investigated the clan system ?

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