Fuck Canada. Goodbye federal control in the form of transfer payments. Hello regional governments and Cities. No more corrupt federal policies and with it career liars and bureau rats. Thats real diversity.

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hear hear!

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Dear Nevermore, RE: 'Kanata' (Mohawk = 'village') referring to the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) including the Village fractal intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale economy groupings practiced by 1st Nations across Turtle-Island & indigenous peoples worldwide. European Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, Dutch illegal 'colonists' were exported by their Oligarch masters economic & ecological failure in Europe. While gladly fleeing as refugees, however Europeans & others were only to be exploited for the brutal genocidal mission of the same Oligarchs who rule us today, to recreate their failure here under its suzerainty. Not to complain about the conquest of one 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') empire by another, but concentrating on re-empowering everyone 'economically' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') according to 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') law & culture, as all our ancestors benefitted from. As a French & English speaking Quebecois, Its more to the point that both of us once 'indigenous' Celtic peoples, rediscover the Cultural Fractal functionality of our ancient systems which work with abundance & peace for everyone. Personally like Mohandas Gandhi as part of implementing India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'Indigenous' aka 'Self-sufficiency') program, I believe this transformation, must be done with strong national, regional & international armies at least to begin with, given the Oligarch parasite mindset.

.While Nevermore starts out with some intimacy with Missing & Murdered 1st Nation women & make a relationship with Metis Canadians, Quebecois & Acadiens, I believe you have missed the blessed opportunity to understand all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' heritage, as a well constructed Cultural 'VERB' Paradigm. I'm somewhat familiar with the 'Trail of Tears' having lived among Wet'suwet'en in 1970, visited the Kamloops Indian Residential School in 1971, lived in a tipi (I sewed) with a Secwepemc friend for much of a 1972-3, among many other decades of involvement.

Indigeneity served humanity for 10s of 1000s of years before the present 7000 year since once indigenous Babylon's fall to fake 'money' ('Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch command & Control in perpetual war, people & biosphere destruction.

As a Quebecois with mixed WASP, French, Dutch, Jew & 1st Nation family ancestry, with perhaps the same intrigue as you, I'm involved 60 of my 71 years of age in 1st Nation & indigenous solidarity. While I live inter-culturally, the opportunity which will benefit us all is to re-indigenize with guidance from 1st Nations Through Petr Kropotkin's 1915 'Mutual-Aid, a factor of Evolution', in his experienced sharing of 1st Nation economy & governance in Siberia & Europe, I'm also a fan of implementing this form of positive loving indigenous Anarchism as it is designed from the bottom-up.

HOW ALL HUMANITY'S WORLDWIDE INDIGENOUS ANCESTORS ORGANIZED FROM THE BOTTOM-UP & how we can employ these interdisciplinary practices today. Expanding Lurie Rosca's program through understanding all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') heritage of peace & prosperity for all of us today, provides us with a self-knowledge which goes beyond the Colonial history (7000 years) we were indoctrinated to believe in. All humanity's worldwide indigenous resume of an interdisciplinary 'community' empowerment strategy for all people is called the CIRCLE-of-LIFE. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life

THE MAIN ISSUE WE FACE IS LIVING IN AN OLIGARCH ILLEGAL GENOCIDAL COLONIAL STATE. 'Exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Colonization has been a brutal failure of exporting failed fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch hegemony into Empire worldwide. For 7000 years since once indigenous Babylon's failure & degradation into exogenous Oligarch war & desert, fake 'Democracy' with fake revolutions & fake constitutions designed with total under-the-table fake 'money' control, beneath the deception, have been used to confuse populations into acquiescence. The human body with its multiple genes, cells, tissue & organs is designed with autonomous ECONOMIC MEMORY functions at all levels.

BODY-SOCIETY ANALOGY: Each body part is its own expert, with memory neurons & the authority to act as needed. Neurology was mislead in its foundation as a 'top-down' system from the brain down, when in fact there are more neurons even in the stomach than the brain & vastly more neurons throughout the body in its every cell, tissue & organ function. The brain acts as just one 'nexus' of this information flow, but in reality is the-last to know of occurrences even though they be in micro-seconds. Each autonomous body part has the neuron memory & active ability to make & execute its own decisions. Other nexus exist of communication are throughout the body as needed for the coordination of functions. https://sites.google.com/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

The same fake 'money' which brutally colonized the Americas, funded & armed the fake US 'revolution' in 1776 & has been committing atrocity among 1st Nations & people worldwide in the order of 1 billion people over the past 1000 years from the same failed Oligarch lineage in empire after empire. AIPAC owns each US Representative, Senator & President as well as owns the main part of the bureaucratic administration of government & in each of its departments. Yet just beneath the surface lies the international String-shell time-based equivalency accounting system, which served all indigenous humanity for many 10s of 1000s of years.

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I'm going to try to think of a good answer to this - arguably, to say that all people are indigenous is to say that none are. IMHO, indigeniety is defined by relationship to territory. In other words, being indigenous is not an ethnicity. Technically, if an Inuk permanently relocated to Australia, he would no longer be indigenous. But because race and culture tend to overlap, you would quickly run into problems if you tried to apply this definition across the board. After all, if a Mohawk child was taken from their birth family (as occurred during the Sixties Scoop), that child would not be indigenous unless they reconnected with Mohawk culture. But they're not going to appreciate being told they don't count as indigenous.

Also, if a person of Mohawk heritage can "become indigenous" by reconnecting with their culture, then why couldn't a WASP "become indigenous" by marrying into Mohawk culture?

There's an activist professor named Bob Lovelace who attempted to replace the term "decolonization" with the term "re-indigenization"... but the world wasn't ready for this, because native people in Canada don't want a bunch of "pretendians" saying that they're indigenous. They are rightfully alert, because one potential solution to Canada's "Indian problem" is dilution - if everyone is indigenous, or if indigeneity is determined by lifeways, not heredity, then

And then you run into the problem of "Indian Act Indians", who are the Indians who gain their livelihoods from government money in one way or another. Indian Act Indians include all the employees of every band council on every reserve in Canada... Reserves are also class societies, and Indian Act Indians sit atop the ghetto hierarchy. As great as it would be if any indigenous people were united, they aren't. They are different class interests, and this is important for anarchists to understand. Indian Act Indians will often participate in political struggles led indigenous sovereigntists, but they are secretly hoping to cut deals with government to get more for themselves. And there are tens of thousands of Indian Act Indians in Canada. Often, their interests align with sovereigntists and anarchists temporarily, such as when a given community is opposed to a given mine or pipeline. But at the end of the day, Indian Act Indians don't want true autonomy, because autonomy would mean an end to government budgets. That's the reality.

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Nevermore, As many do, you are treating 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') as a noun or adjective, based on what colonizing people call the original people here, rather than indigenous original meaning as a verb, of how we live & interact with each other & the biosphere. Per capita, the greatest percentage of soldiers doing Oligarch Zionist war damage in the Middle-east are 1st Nations from Canada & the USA. This is the same war-pattern as once indigenous Celtic & Slavic peoples, once conquered becoming the SHOCK TROOPS of Empire over the past 2000 years. i.e. 1st Nations like all of us who are not an 'indigenous' part of the solution, but part of the 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') problem. (Eldridge Cleaver, who I happened to spend time-with)

I realize that; I sent you quite a volume post, but if you have time to read & follow the web-links, you will begin to understand another indigenous 10s of 1000s of years old, well-organized worldwide time-frame of accounting, governance & bottom-up empowerment in the ~100 (50-150) Multihome. 70% of people today live in Multihomes within an average of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people.

Please learn about your own ancestral indigeneity to be part of the solution.

INDIGENOUS 'GREAT-GOOD-WAY-OF-KINDNESS' aka 'GREAT-LAW-OF-PEACE' aka 'CONSTITUTION (Known by all humanity's worldwide indigenous ancestral peoples) Its important to start & continue with humans exactly as we are. Loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale in the ~100 person Multihome. Across Turtle-Island/N. America for example were ~110 nations organized into ~23 Confederacies of 5-7 nations. This fractal grouping at every individual, family, friends, extended-family, ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex, neighbourhood, City, Region, Nation, Confederacies, Continental & Hemispheric Councils functioned with all levels being strong & positive. This loving governance is known by all humanity's worldwide indigenous ancestors & 1st Nation peoples among many names as: Kaianere'kowa (Haudenosaunee, 'People of the extended-rafters' aka 'Welcome'), Inlakesh (Maya 'I am another-you, You are another me'), ‘Maloka’ (Amazon, Aymara, Jamamadi Apurina for 'Longhouse'), ‘System-of-100s’ in indigenous Celtic & Slavic Europe, ‘Zadruga’ ('Economy-of-friends' in Serbia-Croatia), ‘Swadeshi’ in India, ‘Tao’ in China with ‘Bei’ referring to the Chinese character for ancient ‘Cowrie string-shell’, ‘Chaebol’ (Korea for 'Family-Economy'), ‘Keiretsu’ (Japanese for 'Family-Economy'), ‘Ubuntu’ (southern Africa Nguni word for 'Kindness' economy) etc. CULTURAL 'FRACTAL' (Fraction, Multiplier, Building-block, where-the-Part-contains-the-whole') 'ECONOMY' as an indigenous mathematical cultural practice. String-shell integrates: 1) Capital (L. 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'), 2) Currency ('flow' in transactions & life), 3) Condolence (Social Security for all matters) 4) Collegial mentored-apprenticeship 'education' (L. 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within') Credit, 5) time-math Communication, 6) professional Costume for identification of essential public expertise & more into one seamless accounting cycle of Economic Democracy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

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Nevermore, I do agree that; 1st Nation land-title, resource harvesting & status rights as they exist today must be respected. In fact the only sovereignty here is 1st Nation indigenous over the whole continent & hemisphere, even the world. Hence indigenous law such as the Kaianere'kowa Great-good-way-of-kindness, aka Great-Law-of-Peace aka Constitution is the only binding law here. We settlers are destroying people & biosphere so fast that; the quicker we re-indigenize according to these kind & loving laws & customs in every aspect of our economy, governance & living, only then can we live in abundance & dignity as human beings.

EXAMPLE OF INDIGENIZATION PRACTICE IN INDIA From 1917-47 India achieved 'Swaraj' (Hindi 'Self-rule') through the indigenous economic engine of 'Swadeshi', India regained its self-sufficiency, autonomy & independence with well-being. By the time India had achieved just a 5% diminution in British empire (US, Britain, Canada, Australia etc.) imports & exports, then many 100s of Empire parasite companies began to go bankrupt & the empire had no choice but to recognize India's Swaraj.

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OPEN EYES FOLKS Its there right in front of us in every aspect of our controlled lives. Oligarchy ('Oli' = 'few' + 'arch' = 'rule-by') has established a fake Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med, Agri-business COMPLEX. There is no USA, Canada, Britain, France, Belgium & Netherlands democracy, which isn’t for the most part controlled by these same Oligarchs as is exemplified by the orchestrated worldwide roll-out of the COVID-19 Bio-weapon & mRNA Bioweapon for depopulation.

All 'INDIGENOUS' (L. 'self-generating') human ancestors for many 10s of 1000s of years, cultivated the power to employ our strengths & meet our needs centered locally. It is in our interpersonal & 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service'), particularly our collective Domestic economies (mostly women) with industry & commerce (mostly men) as supportive subset economies. Its in support of those collective multihome Domestic labours that we still have access to real power. With some effort, we can organize our own resources & not end up as Baby-boomers in the Old-Folks home & hospital, waiting to get our shot for illnesses that don't exist. It’s up to all of us.

We need to intervene, particularly in our own family & home solidarity in RELATIONAL-ECONOMY. Human society was organized in CULTURAL 'FRACTALS' ('Fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole'). People should learn about all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors use of time-based, Equivalency-Accounting on the String-shell Value system (eg. 'Wampum' on Turtle-Island /N. America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie-shell in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). Imagine an international system way-back? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

BOTTOM-UP 'MONEY' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'), in indigenous times with memory & honour for everyone's diverse specialized gifts through the String-shell, Production-Society-Guilds & ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). These loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, critical-mass, economies-of-scale were once worldwide in indigenous ECONOMIC-DEMOCRACY. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

MEANINGFUL GOVERNANCE, JUST AS WE ARE All humanity's worldwide indigenous ancestors organized basic livelihood in the meaningful intimate relations of the MULTIHOME-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) & neighbourhood, where people contribute their articulate gifts & specialists within know & serve each person for their particular attributes with contextual proximity, continuity & sovereign privacy. Such meaningful appropriate scaling with people empowered built up at each level into city, region, nation (eg. ~110 across Turtle-Island), confederacy (eg. ~25 across Turtle-Island), Continental & Hemispheric Councils on every habitable continent & island worldwide.

WE’RE PRESENTLY MAINTAINED BY A POPULAR CULTURE OF 'MEDICINE' (Latin 'medium' = 'middle') as in balancing of humors & other body systems, so helping the body to heal itself.

CULTURAL GROUP DYNAMICS OF REAL MEDICINE 70% of people today live in 'multihomes' (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village-cluster) with an average of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people. 20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome-extended-family contribute ~2 trillions $ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing-caring/year as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions. Local intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale provide the most integrated, personally appropriate care, goods & services, which everyone ultimately is able-to-contribute to, wants, is-best-served-by & needs. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

Putting community into tangible local practice with the resources, all of us have.

DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are web-based Community-Circular-Economy software:

A) CATALOGUE local individual & business talents, goods, services, resources & dreams intake form. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/7-membership

B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. eg. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in the Tiohtiake (greater Montreal archipelago) region https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/5-tiohtiake-mohawk-placenames

C) ACCOUNT with time-based equivalency accounting plus today's fake 'money' for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment progressively transforming from exogenous to indigenous. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

D) COMMUNICATE in formal Both-sides-now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues such as all humanity's indigenous ancestors cultivated through COUNCIL PROCESS for creating Constructive Agreements & for Conflict Resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogue

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Amen Brother , you nailed it..

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Thanks! I'd be holding that one in for awhile.

In case it's not obvious, I support the Prairie Revolution & the Quebec Revolution! And I hope to support both. But Albertans and Quebeckers aren't going to get along. Nor need they. Given that one (legitimate) source of "western alienation" is how Quebec unfairly benefits from Alberta's oil and gas royalties, I think Albertans would agree that they don't want to save the federal government. Ideally, a Western independence movement and a Quebec independence movement would understand that they have a common enemy and thus make common cause... but if at the end of the day Albertans have to abide by the decisions of Quebeckers (who are more numberous), it won't work. It just won't. I've run the simulation in my mind and reached one conclusion: a Canadian revolution is a bad idea unless it aims to create polities with regional autonomy. Quebeckers shouldn't be steering Alberta's boat, or vice-versa. A relationship in which both parties have sovereignty could work. Otherwise it won't. End of story.

As for the Lower Mainland of BC and Southern Ontario... well let's just say it's not looking good. Another topic to discuss is how to create a multi-ethnic pluralist movement in multicultural urban areas. Let's just say there are major challenges.

I think Canada will break down into different blocs. I would say there are 9 distinct regions in Canada:

1. Northern B.C. + prairie provinces

2. Southern Ontario

3. Quebec

4. Maritimes

5. Newfoundland

6. Arctic

7. Lower Mainland of B.C.

8. Vancouver Islands

9. Haida Gwaii

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Really great article. I would love it is quebec separated but man my heart tells me there won’t be any revolutions. People here are so complacent. But yeah I wish the country would dissolve. I’m proud to have French as my other mother tongue.

I never liked the term “ indigenous” being used to describe “natives”. I don’t like that term, either. We are all nAtIvEs from somewhere. I am a North American native who was born in what is called Canada, but I’m not “native” or “Indian”. But I am native to this land, like it or not. And lest we forget, we are all indigenous to earth, somewhere on the planet. We all originated from somewhere. There’s evidence of all kinds of things nobody wants to admit or talk about because it would change the status-quo and the narratives we’re constantly fed. Like how there were likely races of Caucasians living on the North American continent long before anyone else got there and there is even some American Indian folklore that talks about these white peoples with red hair who disappeared (giants are spoken of, too!). In fact there are graves and skeletons that have been found to corroborate this take. But it doesn’t matter, who was anywhere first. All the talk about that between all these “activists” is just a waste of time. Focusing on moving forward and making amends is where the efforts should be, simply for injustices done. and goooooood freaking luck with that one, look at the satanic mason zionist oligarchy bullshit you’re all up against, no one will get anywhere if they go about it peacefully. It would be great if those in power would offer some acknowledgment of the crimes committed, the missing women, the lack of infrastructure and even the lack of clean water on many reserves, etc.. it’s just terrible. And not to discount the crimes done against these people at all, the wrongs that the colonialists and the church did to the American Indians. But wrongs were done to a great many people- blacks, French, Japanese, Irish, Italians, etc. so how far back do we go, where is the line, whose pain hurts more, whose experiences are worth more than others, when do reparations stop, how on earth does it ever end. It can start getting ridiculous. And. I’m really tired of everyone being so woke and vigilant about racism and these flavours of issues they want to protest against and all the virtue signalling and yet they are the most racist of all because they focus on it so narrowly and say such stupid things as “whites can’t experience racism against them”. “Black lives matter”. Yeah sure they do. But so, too, does my white life and that of my white children. Identity politics, it’s gross. I laugh when people call certain grocery stores “ethnic grocery stores”, as though “white” isn’t an ethnicity and therefore standard or even European grocery stores aren’t “ethnic”. Doesn’t make sense. Call them what they are: asian, or Jamaican, or Indian, or middle eastern, Macedonian, European whatever grocery stores etc. cause I’m pretty damn sure my ethnicity is white and that would make whatever cuisine exists an ethnic cuisine. A lot of words are misused stupidly in this day and age. End rant

also your Canada Day post was fabulous and I haven’t celebrated Canada Day for well over 15 years now. What’s to celebrate? I even shed the right-wing nationalist brainwashing and realized I’m actually just an anarchist several years ago so… yeah you couldn’t pay me to wear anything with Canadas logo on it and I never put that shit on my kid, you know people gift you baby clothes and such… I always donated the Canadian garb.

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Wow, you're ahead of me, lol, I only started hearing about ancient white people in Turtle Island recently.. then I came across a book by Farley Mowat... which I bought but haven't read yet.

Have you ever heard the theory that white people are from South America? Look into the Kon-Tiki expedition. Apparently white people come from a place called Tiwanaku in the Andes.

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Oh that’s a rabbit hole I haven’t ventured down. South America? I shall read

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Lol that tetes a clacques Halloween episode is the best one, I saw it back in like 2007 or 2007, so funny. I couldn’t believe my eyes when it popped up as I read your article. 10 points for your great taste, my friend

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haha thank you! I hesitated... I'm not trying to piss off any Frenchies here. But it's just too funny. Someone needs to do a Tete a Claques Versus Acadie Man. That would be awesome!

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Lol yes it would

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Only two types of Canadians - Quebeckers and their suckups. They were handed Canada on a silver platter back in the 80s and have been using that ever since.

Who cares about separatism and racist nationalist colonialist bullshit when we need to all pull together to get OUR country out from under.

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Are you referring to Trudeau Senior? I'd like to hear you make the case if you've got the spoons for it.

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Only from what I witnessed personally. In the military in the late 70s/early 80s. All promotions, courses, jammy postings went to the francos…told to our face that was the way it was now. Soon became all govt/ public jobs given to francos, mostly bc they were somewhat bilingual but even if they weren’t. Then spread to rest of employment - bilingual or you’re jobless.

Nova Scotia gas, Sable Island - nothing at all stayed in NS or any of the maritimes. The pipeline itself went over the province straight to Quebec - then down to US. Building, working on it, sales from it, anything connected to it went to Ont/Que/US.

Que’s own tax system, employment standards, union system - almost everything connected with govt has two methods - Que and the rest of us.

They, in effect, separated decades ago with the help of the govt and hve been pandered to bc of it - ostensibly to keep them part of Canada.

Que can have full french signs, everyone else has to be bilingual. To try to talk to anyone in english got blank stares or poor service as they pretended not to understand. Even service members started doing that at the senior levels - sending out memos in french only.

One of the fav sayings in the military was we would welcome the need for a passport/visa to travel thru Que, or an express bridge over it. We were not sad to think they might go.

The suckup comes from the entire rest of Canada that puts up with this.

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hmm... I see things a bit differently but I certainly won't deny that Quebeckers are good are putting themselves first! But if you think about it, that's actually a quality that makes long-term success as a polity more likely.

maybe that was awkwardly-worded but I think you'll know what I'm getting at.

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Good quality that all of us need, not just Q and AB. Maybe if they start the ball rolling with their separatist talk, the other provinces (with the chickenshit no balls) might clue in and step up.

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So... I'm guessing you agree with my main point then? Can you imagine Quebeckers and Albertans sitting down after the revolution to write a constitution together?

I'll pass, thanks.

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Basically agree. Hard pass on that one.

Anarchy in a way like you suggest - kick the dregs out of Ottawa and start anew.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Author

100%. I'm also for Gaspesie independence too btw!

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Quebec is the Texas of Canada. You have lots of arable land, lots of natural resources, and you can get to them sort of easily.

We have a non-contiguous border as well. Alaska is on the other side of Canada, so we have to go through the land of the maple leaf to go back and forth.

If you were to ask a native Texan, we would like to walk away from America. We are tired of giving to the boys in DC and not getting anything in return.

I'm all for any "state" that wants to be independent, to be so.

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oh yeah why didn't I think of Alaska? Wow, that's weird! I totally blanked on Alaska and thought of Kaliningrad. Bizarre!

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Great piece. I am a Quebecer myself, though I left the province years ago. So I definitely understand the dynamics you're talking about.

I have to disagree that there is any chance of anything resembling a revolution happening in Canada, including Quebec. Especially any of anarchist flavor. People are just very sheeplike and revoltingly obedient, especially in Quebec which is an extremely collectivist and totalitarian police state. All of Canada was horrible throughout the covid lunacy, but I was very glad not to be in QC (or ON for that matter) when that was getting dialed up, they even had freaking curfews. There is a lot of beauty to appreciate in the culture for sure, and poutine is an incredible contribution to the world. But virtually everybody has a statist mentality.

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I'm glad you approve! I'd be interested in getting your take on "the spirit of the Quebecois Nation"... I personally think that there is revolutionary potential there

Whatever happened to Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois? Why isn't he King of Quebec yet?

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There is definitely a distinct culture there, and they certainly have their share of seperatists too.

But just like the separatist movement in Alberta, I saw no solutions within it that address the issues of lacking consent of the extorted, or the central bank fiat currency scammery which are far more important to me. In order to have a revolution, there needs to be serious ideas that can actually work not just vague notions about a desire for unique identity. I've never met anyone that cared about the crown / monarchy. People that hate the federal government? Yes, absolutely.

Their own government is already extremely tyrannical as well. How does giving them even more power truly benefit people? Does said tyranny constitute a revolution? Does the government extorting billions out of the people to fund an entire "language police" government department constitute a revolution? I don't think it does.

Most reasonable people nowadays are not bent out of shape over the language issue as we've all grown up there together. Most of my family and friends there are bilingual and switch back and forth between English and French without even noticing. Even very French Quebecers utilize many English words and vice versa. But if you are an English Quebecer you are literally a second class citizen in Quebec as the provincial government purposefully does not recognize English as an official language, leading to many unfortunate happenings. Discrimination against anglos there is very real there, stoked by the government deliberately fomenting that political atmosphere. It's bad enough that it was a factor in my leaving despite the fact that I speak well enough in French.

I am not sure how I'd even define "Spirit of the Nation", honestly. The bureaucratic tyranny that is the government seems inseparable from it now, and I see no uprising against that. I give credit for the unique culture to the actual people, not the government.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by NEVERMORE MEDIA

What is Canada? The Canadian government at some point registered as a Corporation, and the lie of Crown land even existing is dubious. The government and presstitutes publish that 89% of Canadian land is Crown land, while others state that Queen Victoria abdicated her hold on Canadian Crown land at the turn of the 20th Century. Layers of lies and deception. Make your local government, monetary system and local justice real and accountable. That is where it starts. Kman, DIGILEAK

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Hadn't heard that about Queen Victoria. Do you have a link?

It is true that according to the Royal Proclamation, Canada does not legally own all the territory inside its border.

However, I have to admit that questions of legitimacy and rightful ownership of land may be questions for academics - in reality Canada exercises de facto sovereignty because Canadian authorities control the armed forces.

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I am writing to share some thoughts on the future trajectory of Western civilization.

In contemplating the future of Western civilization, I believe it's essential to recognize that it will not simply be a continuation or reversal of current trends. Instead, it will likely be a complex amalgamation of both old and new values, norms, and rights.

Technocratic management is poised to play a central role in shaping this future, with an emphasis on efficiency and data-driven governance. However, there's a potential risk of compromising democratic processes and individual freedoms in this pursuit of efficiency.

As a social scientist, it is incumbent upon me to study these evolving dynamics diligently and advocate for policies that strike a balance between technological advancement and human rights, as well as promote social equity. Understanding the nuanced interplay between technology, governance, and societal values will be crucial for navigating the challenges and opportunities of this new era.

The hypothesis I've posited concerning Western civilization experiencing a mutation, characterized by the amalgamation of emerging values with remnants of traditional norms, resonates strongly with global observations. This dynamic perspective acknowledges the intricate nature of societal evolution, influenced by a myriad of factors such as technological advancements, political dynamics, and cultural shifts.

Such insight offers valuable guidance for accurately predicting and navigating the future trajectory of Western civilization. The dynamic nature of societal change underscores the necessity for a nuanced understanding of these evolving dynamics.

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interesting... you're a social scientist... could I ask where you teach?

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No, I don't teach. I'm 71 years old. You can find me here:


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Oh, neat! Well, if you're interested in writing something about why there hasn't been a resurgence of Quebecois separatism, I think our readers would be interested in reading it!

I've been saying "the only solution is revolution" for awhile now... but I don't think that a Western independence movement is as politically viable...

If there was two independence movements - a Western independence and a Quebecois separatist movement - then we would be looking at a pincer movement which genuinely could challenge Ottawa. In the context of WWIII, maybe something like this will emerge, probably in a chaotic way.

Time will tell. But anyone who thinks Quebecois nationalism is a spent force is ignorant.

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The French were never really Canadian? You clearly don't know anything about Canada - probably just another white, anglo immigrant.

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I was born in Montreal and grew up in Ottawa. I've lived in Gatineau, Montreal, and Riviere-Trois-Pistoles in the Bas-du-Fleuve. I was in French immersion until high school. I speak French and have many francophone friends. I am a white anglo, but I'm not an immigrant.

Your turn.

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Let's see. I'm an actual Canadian. Moroccan-Spanish-Indigenous-French-Norwegian-Scottish-Irish-Ukrainian-Russian, actual Canadian. Not a drop off anglosaxon or jew blood in me, and with my family present LONG before the anglo squatters arrived. I have also renounced my Canadian shitizenshit and the british-israelis can have this shithole.

Doesn't sound like much of a history in Canada and I will assume you classify non-white as immigrants, and despite even Africans having a heritage in Canada over a century before anglosaxons. Anglos are not Canadian and have never been - they are foreign squatters and the biggest piles of shit on the planet.

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To anyone reading this who's not from Canada, you can take this as an example of anti-anglo bigotry, which most certainly does exist in Quebec.

I've talked about "nationalism from below" but this comment makes me realize there's a "racism from below" as well. and really Anglo oppression of Quebeckers is in the past. Now they're oppressing themselves.

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Definitely racism “from below”, literally and figuratively speaking 😅🤣🤡

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Bigotry? Nice deflection, you foreign squatter. I'm also actually in white-anglo-bristish-isrseali trash Albertuh. You sound upset because Canadians, unlike yourself, have absolutely no alliance or loyalty to anglosaxons. Spin it whatever way you want, only fools will listen and you're still just another squatter trying to redefine Canada. Go learn a Canadian at least, you pathetic foreigner.

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What do you mean by, “go learn a Canadian”….? Ehhh the meaning isn’t coming through

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Typo. Go learn a Canadian language.

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I guarantee you do have a drop of jew blood. maybe it's 20 generations back but if you're that mixed you for sure have some jew blood, however you define "jew".

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No jew blood, no anglosaxon blood. Haha nice theory though!

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Um u know Scottish and Irish are also Anglo…

…………………………………….. ya got a couple drops in there…

… also “Jew” is not a race… it’s a religion.

………… yeah. Uh.. well gee how do I say this next part… ya see… ah geez… the thing is… “[white] [Anglo]” (your term) = [white] Spanish, French, Norwegian, Scottish, Irish, Russian, Ukrainian (ethnically exactly the same thing as Russian btw) + [anglo] Scottish, Irish.

Yikes I mean I don’t know how to help ya. I really don’t know where the fuck you were going with that.

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lol. zing!

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You seem triggered. Is that your white fragility shining? Aww poor immigrant. scotts and irish are anglo now but they still aren't anglosaxon as much as they want to and aspire to be. I don't likes scots or irish either anyways. Judaism is an ethno-religion - did you need me to elaborate on that for you? But is there really no difference between a limey and kike otherwise.

Spanish are not white. Ukrainians and Russians are not the same either. - need elaboration on that also?

I like to specify "white-anglo" so I don't insult non-whites who only speak the shitty English language. I understand you will likely bitch, moan and cry but I FUCKING HATE WHITE-ANGLOS. I can tolerate some Europeans and even love their superior languages, same as Slavs. You can't even speak another language, can you? 😂 Bahahahahahahaha that good ole WHITE-ANGLO superiority!

You probably think I am supposed to like you because you're white and anglo? As a predictable white anglo you seem to not only think you deserve some sort of respect but you also seem to think others need your help. Pretty patterned and laughable behaviour if pathetic and needy white-anglos. I also don't like white-anglo women, they are so fucking disgusting, so take a hike! Thanks for the laughs though!

Oh, did you need Kleenex because non-whites are the only people I will actually respect?

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“I don’t like Scots or Irish either anyways” …. Dude you literally listed those as your background, you don’t like yourself? No. Anyone can be Jewish. It’s literally a religion and not a race. There’s European Jews, there’s middle eastern ones, there’s African ones, there’s long extinct ones. Elaborate all you want but it’s not a race, mmmkay? Yea Spanish are white. Maybe not always visually but bone structure and genetics, yes they are. Some have mixed with other peoples but Spaniards are definitely Caucasian. Russians and Ukrainians are literally the exact same. The history is widely available for reference and Ukrainians used to be Russians with the same exact language and culture not that long ago.

I don’t know what your comments are aiming at, they’re just crazy racist, self-hating rants and I’m over it. You’re not even trolling that well lol. Not sure why it would matter but I’m fluent in French, English, and German, and I speak ok Italian because that’s my second citizenship but never learned it as a child hence the lack of fluency, and speak alright Albanian because my son’s family on his father’s side is Albanian. I can read and understand Croatian, Romanian, Spanish, and Dutch but don’t speak or write them. I’m somewhat of a polyglot simply because I wanted to learn as many languages as my immediate background contained, but never learned Arabic because damn that’s hard (I have Lebanese from father’s side) and Finnish because….. the only option was online classes for that so I skipped out! I’m extremely mixed in terms of background but I have a lifetime to learn the other languages at a beginner level so we’ll get there. Peace out dude

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You're a waste of time talking to.

Why would I like scots and Irish? they're exactly like british-israelis.

You don't even know what an ethno-religion is.

Russians and Ukrainians are also not the “same” but they should work together and become a powerhouse.

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Definitely not triggered, not sure how that came through but definitely humoured!!!

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Lol wait I missed the first line… “I am an actual Canadian”


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There are only about 8 million actual Canadians - the rest of you are immigrants and squatters. I only welcome non-whites to Canada however because they are not pieces of shit.

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deletedJul 8
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Shit hole is an understatement.

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