Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023Liked by THE CROW IS A MESSENGER

Thank you Crow!

I finally got the chance to read through this article.

I thought the interview was excellent and will rabbit hole the linked reference material soon as well.

I found the entire article be equally brave and tactful. Necessary qualities when discussing the taboo subject of critiquing those who are not to be critiqued. I connected with the trepidation of discussing or even researching this subject, for the same fears you illustrated in the article. I even hesitate now to type the word jew or jewish.. so that tells me this is a deep conditioning I am looking to de-colonize.

The programming is real, and in relation to the comments below, I think that post secondary education is the birth place for woke-ism. and a structure focused primarily on teaching one what to think as opposed to how to think. Educators and the educated would have consciously chosen, to gloss over, ignore and divert attention from these historically relevant facts - I'm guessing as a survival technique.

In this current covid era medical professionals were looking at the same grim career choice, recommend and even submit themselves to an unproven, unsafe and ineffective medical procedure in the interests of big pharma, or lose their jobs and position in their community.

Personally, I remember being physically attacked by a pro-authoritarian so called "anarchist comrade" for mentioning the uncomfortable truth that is avoided in most activist communities about real control at the top of the banking pyramid - which I suggested is masked by a corporate media, serving the same overlords that runs a propaganda campaign 24/7 disguised as our entertainment. I was labelled a Nazi, and this guy tried to fight me.

Cognitive dissonance is hard to live with for anyone who is trying to integrate spirituality with their activism. The whole self becomes divided into pieces, and the only antidote I can think of for this fracturing is shining a light on the truths , especially the ones that make us uncomfortable.

You, Corbett, Davis and of course Cudenec are helping to open up this conversation that surprisingly has been avoided by anarchist thinkers for way too long.

So thanks again for your bravery and I look forward to educating myself some more on a rabbit hole that I've avoided myself from digging for too long.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by THE CROW IS A MESSENGER

What an amazing richly documented preamble! The beginning of the interview was uncomfortable to read, not because its content was unacceptable or “problematic,” but because it revealed how strong the taboo against talking about Jewishness is, how it has been made unacceptable to discuss this topic, and how this taboo has been used for decades to prevent studying and understanding some of the most enduring seats of perennial oligarchic power.

I love the discussion on fascism and racism, going beyond the ubiquitous narrow equivalency between these two terms, and seeing fascism as an extreme extension of liberalism in need of authoritarianism to achieve the goals of the oligarchy.

Thank you for daring to broach this topic!

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by THE CROW IS A MESSENGER

Thank you for this and other articles. I am very glad to have found you people, having arrived at similar ideas after a long and lonely trip around alt sites, faced with ridicule and indignation from every friend I tried to reason with.

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