She's not wrong.

We could have Michael Angelo's David and "Birth of Venus" by Boticelli, but we have An upsidedown cross in Urine and Brazzers.

We could have grand cathedrals, but we have a church in an old Pizza Hut building.

We could have building that inspire, but we have buildings that I don't even want to step inside.

We could have prisons that inspire the inmates to become members of society, but we have boxes with more boxes inside.

We could have "The Story of O", but we have "Debbie does Dallas."

We aren't progressing, we are regressing.

Porn is addictive and it ruins marriage and normal loving sex.

Back in the good old days, it was kept in the back rooms and people were ashamed to go beyond those curtians.

Now, it's out in public and ruining lives.

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Hey! Wow, this is worthy of a lengthy response... but it might be a minute before i get around to it. Im thinking about posting this as its own post. How would you feel about that?

After all, Nevermore is all political reorientation, not just what i think...

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I thought the essay was excellent, but I am somewhat upset about your introduction, I have to say. And I apologise in advance but I really, really need to get this off my chest.

I don't know where you get this link between 'porn' and 'transgender' from? Can you provide a link, other than a link to an awful, patriarchal, right-wing abusive bigot?

You see this is the whole purpose of the anti-trans psyop - it's to suck in the resistance (meaning 'conspiracy theorists' and of course anarchists), lure them into bigotry and hatred against trans people, especially trans children, so they can then be seen as patriarchal fascist bigots, meaning that everything else they say is discredited by association. Why, after all, would a normal decent person want to listen to anything else you say, however noble and good it is, if you are abusing trans people?

Aside from anything else, I thought anarchism was in large part about the acceptance of diversity, it was about liberty - the freedom to be oneself without fear of prejudice or violence? Or was I wrong here?

I think maybe the problem is that you have no idea what 'trans' actually means. Perhaps you have been fed a one-sided diet of lies and propaganda from the psyop fascists? I'm hoping that's the explanation but at the same time I'm disappointed you haven't done your own research and questioned what these evil people are saying.

So, let me put things right here - this is an explanation of 'trans' as briefly as I can make it.

'Identity' is essentially the brain's 'awareness-of-itself'. That means awareness of its particular 'wiring' if I can put it that way. It is not set at the moment of conception like the physical/biological gender, but develops epigenetically during gestation, childhood and adolescence. Identity itself develops between the ages of 5-7, when the child understands other people have their own unique point of perception.

Now, in a dimorphic species like humans, we have 'male' and 'female'. By definition they behave differently. That means they have different brains, because brains govern behaviour (just imagine the what-if scenario if men and women were the same). Yes, the general areas of the brain are the same but the wiring and functionality are distinctly different (they respond to different hormones, for example). And this is entirely separate from the physical body in which the brain resides.

To access or 'be aware of' your identity you don't look at your physical body, do you? You don't look down and say 'I've got a cock so I'm a bloke' or 'I've got a cunt so I'm a woman'. No, it's in your mind. You *feel* like a bloke, or in my case, a woman. Children are aware of this from the age 5-7.

In 9,999 out of 10,000 people, the gender aspect of identity, formed in the brain by the age of 7, is perfectly matched with the physical gender. So, no problem. But in 1 out of 10,000 there is a mismatch. This is what is called 'trans' (erroneously, in my view, since you can't 'change' your gender). It's actually just an 'abnormality of brain development' - it's NOT a psychological condition. Yes, it obviously and understandably gives rise to psychological symptoms, known as 'gender dysphoria', but the cause of those symptoms is not psychological and it's not a 'delusion'. The treatment for this condition can only be symptom-relief, mainly involving cosmetic changes to the body to make the mismatch less apparent. And this MUST start with 'puberty blockers' - if you force a child with this condition to go through the irreversible changes of puberty then you are inflicting a life sentence of suffering on them (40% suicide rate risk). This is followed by hormone replacement therapy (oestrogen for females, testosterone for males), then, and only when the body is fully grown (aged around 18) can 'surgery' take place. By the way, to say that a child aged 7 is 'not mature enough to understand or make these choices' goes directly against the basic neuroscientific fact of brain development, as I've outlined.

Similarly - given this is a brain development disorder, you can't 'convince someone's brain it is a different gender' - you can't 'spread transgenderism' for fuck's sake. MK-Ultra style brainwashing takes years and years of trauma-based stuff starting in infancy. There is no 'cult' here. There is no 'craze'. It's just a fucking medical condition!!!

Trans people do not have an agenda. Unless that 'agenda' is 1/ access to the treatment pathway, and 2/ just being treated with some fucking respect and not being subjected to evil, abusive, patriarchal, fascist bigotry.

The psyop is not 'supporting trans people' - the psyop is attacking trans people, and evilly masquerading as 'wanting to protect children' or 'wanting to protect women' - you should know they always deceive and 'evil always pretends to be good'. If you buy into this psyop then you discredit the entire resistance - and it's really, really not a good look for an anarchist.

I believe in nature. In love and empathy and compassion. And I fucking hate psyops and I fucking hate bigotry. That's why this issue makes me so angry (that and being a former victim of abuse myself). Especially because it's clearly doing a massive amount of damage not just to innocent trans people and especially children, but to our resistance movement. It's simply not comradely!

Perhaps, to end, you may like to try the following meditation: imagine yourself waking up tomorrow morning in the body of a fat ugly woman and, after a while, you realise you are stuck with that for the rest of your life. Observe how you feel and how others react to you when you keep insisting that you are actually a bloke.

I think that's a meditation on empathy.

I hope this long comment hasn't upset you, by the way. That wasn't my intention. But please do contemplate what I've said.

Oh, and in case you're interested, which I'm sure you are - look up 'two spirit' people from Turtle Island.

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