Sep 8Liked by Tobin Owl

We keep discovering history every day science is discovering new facts daily and yet every time when we think we have cracked one mystery we stop searching thinking that our findings are always absolute, our horizon instead of expanding becomes narrower as we think we are on top of every mystery the cosmos can offer.

I am not at all surprised that the mystery of the Black Death has not been solved entirely as some of the puzzle pieces still don’t fit to create a matching picture.

We still do not understand our human body to the fullest after centuries of dissecting it and trying every possible and impossible cure/poison. The human brain is the one we least understand and I have a feeling we will never fully crack that one what I am sure about is that humans pit way more importance on their discoveries and have done so since the beginning of our existence and each discovery that was wrong sometimes has not been understood to be wrong for centuries.

Egyptians thought the brain did not serve any function apart from filling the head and snot.

Bloodletting was used as a cure for almost everything.

In ancient Greek medicine, particularly in the context of Humorism, the human body was believed to consist of four fundamental substances or “humors”: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. Each humor was associated with specific characteristics, temperaments, and bodily functions.

During the Middle Ages, people believed that various illnesses were caused by the intervention of malevolent spirits, demons, or evil forces.

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Very interesting! 👍

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You better believe it!!! You know those witches don't just give up when you try and kill 'em off.

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In fact, that's why they took to witch hunting, cuz the witches were messin with the weather.

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"What Caused the Black Death?"

Yersinia pestis

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Christians and Catholics who were afraid of witches and cats caused it. Feral cats kept the rat population in check. When the the feral cats were all killed, the Plague spread like wildfire. Rats spread it.

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So... what you're saying is don't mess with cats?

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Sep 8Liked by Tobin Owl, NEVERMORE MEDIA

I definitely did not mean to insinuate that. I prefer dogs. I like cats.

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Did you even read the article?

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Sep 8Liked by Tobin Owl, NEVERMORE MEDIA

Enough, to find about the weather phenomena. Interesting.

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So why did the fishes die? Why did the plague first decimate China where there were no Christians and no Popes outlawing cats? Why is there no mention of mountains of rats in 14th century accounts? Why the mentions of poisonous fumes instead? Why the earthquakes? Why the stunting of trees?

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