Your thoughts here resonate in many ways with my own thinking. I will probably have to write a whole essay in response. Thank you for opening the dialogue.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by THE CROW IS A MESSENGER

This article is a compliment to your points here.


We need freedom of belief... Perhaps that's the evolution of the religion part of us that we all have, even if we think we don't.

Archetypes are powerful because we evolved to act together to achieve goals.

What if we had a religion of understanding the human condition, not by cold science but by finally addressing the problem of hard consciousness.


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Some might argue that Jesus was an anarchist, with His direct and pointed attacks on the corrupt power structures of His time on Earth.

There is an argument to be made that the early Israelites were anarchists, during the time encompassed by Judges. My own view of Judges is the teaching that when men hew to God's Law, there is no need of Man's laws, and so no need of government.


Similarly, an "anarchist religion" arguably becomes a contradiction in terms, for if there are rules and rituals and commandments, we no longer have anarchy, but a governing order.

The Apostle Paul touches on this in Romans, arguing that Gentiles who, despite never having received the law (i.e., Mosaic Law), nevertheless succeeded in upholding the law were still justified by their faith. Thus Paul builds his case for the "law of faith".

In a more secular form, Henry David Thoreau made substantially the same argument in both his essay Civil Disobedience and in Walden, calling in both for men of conscience to attend to their own affairs by their own lights, rather than be obsessed with the judgment and opinions of others.

If every man does what he sees as right and righteous, if every man is sincere in his pursuit of the wisdom to know what is right and righteous, then the justification and rationale for government fall away.

Should there be an "anarchist religion"? If we all but focus on doing what is right, is there any reason left for such a thing?

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Substack - Jimmy Hendrix feedback!

Great article! The following is my writing, I'm not tech savvy so it's a bit of a mess...

The problem with anarchy is that it has been given a bad wrap, probably due to its utility in creating disunity. Much like re- LEGION.

THE OLDEST AND MOST HIDDEN LIE- is possibly in religious tampering by powerful men. You know the ones.... philanthropists (our betters) I think something fundamental to human profession has been lost I translation ( censored)

The IMAGE of God-


FALSE. We are MAD in his image. ( It must have been a typo) We are divided by this falsity.

God and the devil are one beast called man; stumbling around Eden like a toddler with a knife.

Man is HIS own reflection? ( just remove the glorified capitals AND THE TRUTH IS REVEALED) Image, I mage, MAGI. 'Oh my LOGOS.'

The false is not external from the truth.

Truth and life are not separate from falsehoods and death. We are out of whack. Oh my dog!

Lies are the souls infectious and terminal diseases.

Lies are the Hydra.

The all consuming eye is our vision, our sight, when our hearts have been corrupted by our eyes and THE LIES WE BELIEVE.

Men are the Anubis, but we are not the guardians of the dead. We are the guardians of the living.


In order to survive and multiply in a host, a successful pathogen must be able to: (1) colonize the host; (2) find a nutritionally compatible niche in the host body; (3) avoid, subvert, or circumvent the host innate and adaptive immune responses; (4) replicate, using host resources; and (5) exit and spread to a new host.

The danger is that it only takes one lie in a compromised adult, or child, to corrupt them and shape them. All lies must be rooted out and exposes to the sun. How deep are the lies in each of us.

The face of the Machine is in my face AND lies are my Hydra. Cut one head off and another grows unless the wound is cauterized.

The malignancy of one lie. Lies are protecting the coerced and corrupted, from their inevitable self torture. There are no 'good ' lies to ' protect feelings' or health or whatever. Trust is worn, but effectively broken with one lie (unless you are a dog.)

The machine has many names in history and mythology. One misconception is that the machine is unnatural. Was it not created by us like the spider builds a web? Its many forms and creations were inspired by nature. The machine reflects the limitations of our imitations of nature by its predictably horrific results, and occasional positive outcome.

The machine ( human creations ) has displayed to us its utility by offering us the opportunity to look into the darkest parts of our souls. Where , we are everything, contain all past, present and future possibilities. But all some of us see is something external of ourselves to blame.

Life is love- death is hate.

The Ying and the yang, chaos and order are a balance that should be maintained as our highest priority.

Understanding paradoxes and contradictions and accepting them is enlightenment? I Can't claim that distinction but I am aware of it's importance.

The Triangle and mentoring

' in alchemical symbolism, the triangle represents the three planes of existence which we experience in our journey of human consciousness. There is the physical plane (body), the mental plane (mind) and the astral plane (spirit or soul).'

An honest contribution- could be one where a person helps oneself by helping others.

Without honest reflection of my abilities to contribute, I must call for help and advice first. Substack is great for this!

Advice from acclaimed guides and parents-

Mentors, Minotaurs and other foster- fathers.

What will you foster in me?

I will only listen if I intuit that there is no ulterior motive. A to do this a mentor must be indifferent to the outcome of his/ her projections? What if personal love of the mysteries of life is the projection?

"We can't have moral obligations to every single person in this world. We have moral obligations to those who we come up against, who enter into our moral space, so to speak. That means neighbours, people we deal with, and so on." -Alexander McCall Smith…

Road- base: aggregation- needs clay, and little rocks of all sizes, people need a road and a foundation, random people getting together

Group- think and other oversized or partisan crap does not scale well- neither does morality, equality, good intentions, communities, charity, technology, religion, science or regulation.

Finding one's own path to love and living-

'Love must have the strength to reach certainty for itself. Only then does it stop undergoing the power of attraction, but exerts it.' - Herman Hesse :Demian

The insanity of BUTTING HEADS

What else is there to know?The question is what each of us can do. All we needed to know was that the vaccine laws were ignored and broken for informed consent and coercion, and

When mandates for work were implemented. Everything else is diversion.

I am struggling with a problem that most of us are facing.. a divided world and a disguised evil that expresses from within each of us. Reflected in peoples lack of basic care and consideration of everyone,; friends,family and strangers...

I have just been reading the brainwashed' psychological online handbook ( Psychology Today and their ilk ) Their arguments, especially concerning loved ones, are much the same as ours. My dear friend/ family member is deluded. They need our / my help! They won't listen, try these methods.

It is interesting watching these articles change over 12 months to a more uncaring view.( Its also a bit sickening, so I don't recommend it)

'US vs THEM'

THEY have attempted to convince US with their data. WE have attempted to convince THEM with OUR data.

THEY have attempted to convince US with appeals to OUR hearts.We have attempted to convince THEM with appeals to THEIR hearts.

They STOPPED attempting to convince US with their data, because apparently WE are to stupid to understand THEIR data.

WE have attempted to convince THEM with THEIR data. THEY actually can't ,OR WONT even look at THEIR own data.

THEY cite Fauci and WHO.

WE cite sacked geniuses and Nobel prize winners. WE site freely available government data and great people who have legally got government bodies to release purposefully hidden data.

People at the top of their field will continue to dig out the truth.


Yes we do. The obvious coercion was proof enough for me- NO SCIENCE REQUIRED!

Repeatedly butting heads will not work. To inform people of their failure to understand this mess requires doing it one by one for most of us.

It requires the abilities and competence levels of professionals at their best, including Jordan Peterson and his like, to convince many people at once. So I will stay in my lane, show competence or get out of the way.


They may or may not know that they made an IRREVERSIBLE decision, but this is why they don't want to know now, or be reminded, ever.

What would they say to their kids?

The micro is as important as the macro.

So much energy is being lost by people sharing every new and old atrocity with others who already know it. Most people I know feel powerless.

Coercion and informed consent is all I needed to know. Can we be brave if we feel powerless?

What to do? How can I help?

Do I stay in my lane?

How can what I do help stop this existential threat?

What we know- What has been done by rampant collaboration of psychopaths is now obvious to most people. The blue pill is not an option now.

There are great people on the frontlines, specialists ln their fields. Including doctors, scientists, nurses, lawyers, awake politicians, demonstrators, educators, historians, journalists, psychologists, tech savvy etc

Their families may need protection and secure. They will need clean food, beds, natural remedies, shelter. Etc.

Farmers, writers, fishermen, philosophers, mechanics, nurses, orthopaedic doctors, freehold land owners, engineers, cooks, x- police, x- soldiers, builders and everyone else can help by becoming resilient. This is the last chance to keep the individual and the state separate. It is a war against our individual autonomy.

We can't do this by wasting energy through fear and frustration.

We need to break our 'privacy' fences and share everything we with each other.

We need to survive first and not be distracted, or think all is lost.

On the current multiple globalist Hydra Top of the Pops-

THEIR IS NO END GAME, it doesn't exist. The game itself is what this is about.

They don't want world domination

They can have the world but they don't want it because they think they can have it.

Its far more sinister that that. We are talking Sauron level self hatred here.

They hate what they can't have.

They can't have love. They are too damaged.

They want to destroy the world so completely so no one can love to live, or live to love, anymore.

They are taking vengeance on life for their self being born.

The tech and poisons that they are manufacturing poison all life, and they know it.

I understand this because I too wanted the world to burn because I was born, and was profoundly unhappy. Jordan Peterson described school massacres as kids who can't get what they want so they breed their hate into vengeance, then kill as many as possible then themselves.

These psychos can't care so they don't care how much damage they do before they die, because they deep down want to die, but are cowards.

This is what they don't want to be exposed, the rest is a diversion.

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