"Follow the money, and it will lead you to the truth."--My father

Looks like you just done did that, and did it very well indeed.

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The compliment will be appreciated, I'm sure. I'm hoping my brother follows it up with some other mining-related articles...

Note that I called it CANADA'S TWO-FACED COLONIAL CAPERS: THE AFRICA EDITION... I like that title so much I could imagine a Guatemala Edition, Ecuador Edition, etc...

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After Haiti 🤣🤣🤣 and she’s proud of that 🤯🤯🤯

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Can you believe it? That's the Liberal government in a nutshell for you.

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Yes. My dads being educating me my whole life on the insanity of the policies 😀

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And liberal guilt

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Is this a result of selling off all our gold about 10 years ago?


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that... as well as certain people selling their souls!

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Excellent overview and post by the Bueckert boys. Much appreciated.

Typical of most of the modern left (except the NGO Mining Watch) almost no attention is paid to the mining industry within and outside Canada.

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What's he up to? I don't care.

Statists are all the same, just delusional violent herd animals. They look like evil stinky diseased cows to me.

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it’s not actually about Trudeau, I’m using Trudeau as a metonym for the Canadian government.

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Fascism in the form of neo-colonialism is what the world structure has been functioning on since the Phoenician Empire and probably before that too... boils down to overreach and entitlement.

Is it about the caste of lordships maintain their use of over-empowerment in order control the commoners - those without the way in which to manipulate or move masses of resources of one kind or other and likely have psychopathic abilities to do so without compassion, or a desire to improve things for the many.

The best way to consider the undoing of this would be to look at the Landlord's Tenants ACT of BC Canada - I'm finding out now, just how much controls a tenants has over my own home that I worked decades for and was wise with my money.

AND I can't help but look at this as a machination of anti-neocolonialism, well then, I have much more appreciation for it's functionality. HOWEVER, doesn't give people a license to be ASSHOLES but apparently, that is the way it goes! So it raises the question, how is it we manufacture Assholism?

So given the opportunity, is it simply human nature when given the chance to swing the balance in their own favor to do so?

How will humanity EVER get beyond that development of Assholism, other than walking:

1/ a Spiritual path??? Wait that may mean the power monger at the head of a church may persuade people into Luciferian ways of the "Light" or the Satanic ways of the Dark" is there a Grey Zone church?

2/ what about a Nature's Path??? Wait, can humanity survive without technology? The former "uncivilized" bands of original peoples did just that, but were they not also territorial and somewhat not always working with the balance of nature?

3/ is imbalance part of nature's path?

4/ what of philosophers like in days of Platonic Humanism and the opposing nature of Socrates?

5/ how did the Renaissance create a period of Peace? Was it through creativity and human indulgence?

6/ when Treaty's are developed, but never withheld, what then? Who answers for this? These Treaty's were often made way before the upholding of it begins.

There simply is more to this than meets one's own perspective I'm deciding for myself these days.

The tipping point for me is standing up for my own rights to live in peace in my owned home without having a sense of being taken advantage of... is this what it all boils down to ... a personal sanctuary? Then when those in need meet those with excess, is it possible a recalibration of balance can find an equilibrium or will there always be imbalance?

Where does this all begin? My best guess is from the schools of Attachment Theories, from those primary caregivers during one's first few years alive on this planet. This is where the stage gets set.

I'd have to say, Creator took away my hands this am... I hope this resonates with you as to finding a way towards a peaceful place in the balance of all things. It truly means to ask ourselves, what am I contributing towards a soulution?

Peace out...

BTW Nevermore - love your research on this! I'm with you on all the stories and the outcomes you've told things from a very awakening perspective. THANK YOU!

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Corrupt uni-party in full swing. Yet we sold all our gold to China? No?

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