Excellent article, the way of reason, and logic, which would put an end to an enterprise that has, over the decades, revealed itself as the worst enemy of Judaism, and of the Jews in general.

How can we fail to recognize that this is the only real solution to the tragedy of grafting an evil and unnatural entity in Palestine?

By the very admission of the Israelis, they will never allow the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, contiguous to a Jewish state, dedicated, according to its designers, to a devastating expansion and generating endless conflicts.

Since October 7, hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens have left what was supposed to be a beacon of peace for Jews around the world, and turned into hell, into the place, the most dangerous in the world for Jews.

It is therefore necessary to note the failure of this deadly project, and to consider its extinction and disappearance as the true and only solution to this tragedy.

On the other hand, there is every reason to fear that the crazy partisans of the aborted Zionist «dream» will be resolved to trigger a terrible chaos (Samson Option) when they will be forced to leave Palestine.

Is it not the responsibility of the global West, co-responsible for the tragedies that have bloodied the region for so long, to put an end to this nightmare? Before, that it is too late?

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Samson Option? Could you elaborate please?

I’m glad you liked the article!

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As often in the Zionist narrative, it is, at the origin of a biblical reference. Samson, captured by the Philistines, destroys the temple pilers that collapse, killing him and thousands of Philistines.

May 1973, (BBC) MP Golda Meir, interviewed by journalist Alan Hart: Madam Prime Minister, I want to make sure I understand what you are saying to us: “…. If ever Israel was on the brink of defeat the country would be willing to drag the region, and the whole world down?

And, Golda Meir to say, “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

I wanted to emphasize the fact that the beast will not surrender without dragging in its fall, as many goyims as possible…

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isn't that exactly what they're doing right now? They're trying to drag the u.s. into a war with Iran... which would be unwinnable as Iran is kind of a natural fortress.

As for Israel having nukes, I'm not buying it. If they have nukes, they're probably duds. Who in their right mind would sell nukes to Israel? And how could the IDF test nukes? Israel's a tiny country.

Also, I don't even believe nuclear weapons exist: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/the-nuclear-weapon-deception?utm_source=activity_item

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I have no doubt whatsoever about the existence of the Israeli nuclear arsenal.

This was recognized in April 2023 by former Prime Minister Ehud Barrak.

Mordechai Vanunu, a former nuclear technician and pacifist activist revealed in 1986 the details of the Israeli nuclear program, which earned him 18 years in prison, after which his troubles were far from over.

Israel, it is known, received the help of France to develop its bomb. They didn’t test, but they would have received the results of the French nuclear tests in the 1960s—

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The rumour mill has suggested Ukraine and Patagonia in South America as Zionist landing pads. Kman

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To Berlin. 😁

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I have an idea for a creative form of protesting Zionism.

Ingredients: 1 violinist + a crew of mimes

Follow Zionists around playing the saddest violin music possible while the mimes silently wail, lamenting the tragic plight of the Jewish people, who just can't catch a break no matter where they go.

Honestly, I have no idea how Israelis will manage to portray themselves as the victims after they get smote this time around... but I have a feeling they'll try.

We really need to start mocking their victimization fetish. Idk about you but I've had it up to here with the "Why's everyone always picking on me?" bullshit.

We're really not doing them any favours by indulging them at this point.


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The victimization industry morphed a horrific crime against humanity into Zionism which actually is fascism, hence requiring past victims to persecute another demographic.

Interesting, how Empires advance hegemonic dominance

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