Thanks NM. Well stated post.

The rot that damaged the traditional family unit is the hardcore 1World govturds aim.

Dismantling society to further their evil ambitions,

The cancerous rot actually occurred centuries ago.


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Interesting article!

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Today’s Feminism is now the perfect of misogyny wining 😐😐

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The ending of this essay, the last two paragraphs and the last in particular, for me this is what gets it. This isn't actually about 'feminism' or indeed any ideas or definitions of 'feminism' - it's actually about neoliberalism which is quickly becoming/morphing into totalitarian technofeudalism. Neither of which would ever be advocated by any genuine feminine essence.

Of course the agents provocateurs would want to associate 'feminism' with it somehow because for their NWO to work they also have to destroy even the notion of feminism in the most basic sense of 'female agency'.

So whilst one may well be able to reject a feminism if its allied to some manufactured this or that cause used to distract the masses, 'female agency' is the very last thing we should lose sight of. That, in my opinion, is the real subversive strategy here. And, yes, they already have their 'influencers' in place - on both sides...

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