Fwiw Frank Zappa's father was military intelligence, as was a number of people in the 1960s counter culture. Detailed inside the book 'Werid scenes inside the canyon ' . Author argues the very convincingly that the counter culture anti war protests were subverted by CIA and MIL Intel. Well worth a look in.

I don't think deep state elements are as incompetent as you make out. Your right that smart people don't join the military, however they mitigate this by completely controlling university funding and the financial system, two area where smart people do go.

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The deep state is run by a select member number of people in both the Pentagon and defense industry. When I worked in the defense industry, I accidentally brushed up against a few. These are deeply evil creatures disguised as fat, balding white men. It's hard to convey the darkness coming from these men and anyone would be unwise to consider them incompetent. They crafted theft and fraud to the tune of billions of dollars, and that's just what I got a peek into. It's incredibly naive to say it's about statists and bureaucrats - statists and bureaucrats don't steal trillions in order to rule the world with slavery and debauchery. It's about psychopaths who have no conscience and who channel the darkness to play god.

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Actually, smart people are not keen on less intelligent people running every aspect of their life. It is not until you understand that smsrt people command the military, that you understand joining the servant class (recruits) is neither prudent nor smart. Smsrt people look after themselves, their family and surround themselves with a interdependent community.

Intelligence is a prerequisite, not an indicator of smart people. Some really intelligent people are easy to manipulate, they join the army. Not too smart...

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Yeah, and if the greedheads who own everything are smart, they won't be TOOOOOO greedy because it's more cost-effective to cut them in on the spoils of war than to risk having them become enemies... but greedheads gonna get greedy... because they have a mental illness and a deformed idea of what is valuable. Evil and stupid are more closely related that they first appear.

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Yes, yes, yes! The Great Reset will fail because human nature always falls asleep, succumbing to distortion, distraction, irrelevance, neurosis (and just to be modern, capitalism, consumerism and addiction to convenience). Always falls asleep! Allowing evil powers to conduct us right to the edge of the precipice whereupon we wake up (for the time being), regain our senses and save ourselves...Until the next time...But the biggest problem for the Great Reset is that it's stupid. Stupid! Whoever really falls for such garbage deserves their fate in the actual real great reset of Mother Nature, she who presses the delete button on their folly

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Yes! Anyone that thinks that putting engineers in charge of society is an idiot.

Engineers design and build systems consisting of inanimate parts. That's easy. Politics is a matter of designing systems consisting of human beings, whose interests are often diametrically opposed.

Technocracy is a stupid fucking idea is it is proposed as "rule by experts". If technocrats were honest, they would admit that technocracy is actually "rule by Technik", which is to say that human beings no longer run the show.

I call this the "Got a headache? Try hitting your hand with a hammer!" approach. The problem is that humans are fallible, corruptible, etc, so the solution is to remove humans from politics. The only problem is that that would entail humanity being enslaved to an institution which is not capable of moral action because it is not sentient! That's not an improvement!

Technocracy is Skynet. The whole idea is to remove the human dimension from politics, which is obviously a fool's errand, since politics is all about organizing humans.

Let's get this straight - Technocracy is dumb and would lead to ruin just as surely as Marxism would.

Humans are humans.

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Have you read Lewis Mumford yet? This is pretty much what he devoted his life to trying to express.

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Nope! Not yet! Where would you recommend starting?

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Here's a fun sneak peak at the reality shows slated for 2030:


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Thank you. Most inspiring piece I've read in 3 yrs.

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Wow! That's the best compliment I've gotten in... quite awhile. Thank you! Are you a new reader?

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4 wks new. Am pleasantly impressed with what I'm reading thus far. Keep up the good work!

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I have been absolutely loving what you're doing here. I am a paying sub but have to use this dummy acct to comment because of laughable technical difficulties.

Take a look some time at the history of "wall building", any time any place, going as far back as there is any evidence. As far as I could find, no empire-scale wall building project has ever reached a meaningful concluding. ZERO.

I thought it fit in nicely with the ideas in your post today. If the powers that be can't even pull it together enough to accomplish something as rudimentary as stacks of rocks or cement in a line 1. No one should be freaking out about the "inevitable" completion of complex evil schemes 2. There's a heck of a lot of evidence for the existence of God, Divine Forces, or simply Good things at work which we can't see in the history of laughably thwarted attempts at global domination.

Can't find it today but in studying the construction of DIA (Denver International Airport) I found that there was, not merely the concept which you're hammering at today but, literally budgetary categorization alotted for what could be described as "The inevitable setbacks encountered by not-very-random acts of God when pursuing evil aims). That project was like $2-$3bil over budget, haha!

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Good stuff coming from you lately, and this conclusion with Whitney W. is bang on. BTW that video of Out for a Sip/Rip is classic! :)

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That's what I'm talkin' a-boat.

You know how to get 'er done, eh?


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No doubt about it.

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These emergencies are artificially created by the pathocracy, because they know their time is ending. It is their last stand. They have accelerated it because they know they are losing.

People think Stalin and Mao were following solutions from Marx but Marx didn’t really have solutions because he died before he could come up with them. He was good at diagnosing problems though.

As Marx describes:

"One capitalist always kills many. Hand in hand with this centralisation, or this expropriation of many capitalists by few, develop, on an ever-extending scale, the cooperative form of the labour process, the conscious technical application of science, the methodical cultivation of the soil, the transformation of the instruments of labour into instruments of labour only usable in common, the economising of all means of production by their use as means of production of combined, socialised labour, the entanglement of all peoples in the net of the world market, and with this, the international character of the capitalistic regime."

The "socialised labor" and "instruments of labor only usable in common" described by Marx perfectly describe the internet/world wide web, which is the latest and highest expression of this process.

He observes:

"Centralisation of the means of production and socialisation of labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are expropriated."

So what has been happening with the capitalist meltdowns of 2001, 2008, and now is that this integument is bursting asunder. The captains of international finance capital have known since at least 1867 that such things happen on a regular basis. They know that these crises are getting worse because of the advanced nature of socialized labor. What they fear is that they as the expropriators will be expropriated. That's why they are literally eliminating workers and enslaving those remaining. They have done their best to hide themselves and their reasons, but things are becoming increasingly clear to people.

My opinion is that the perpetrators of this medical fraud and tyranny have known for generations that automation will make the vast majority idle, economically dependent, and looking for a way to change things, in other words, revolutionary.

They like us as sort of cute pets or farm animals, but revolution is an existential threat to them so they will do anything including perpetrate genocide to prevent it.

Things have come to a tipping point now with the internet and resulting financial chaos, so they know now this is their last chance at survival.

It is their emergency, not ours.

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You should look into the book The Organization Man written in the mid-50s. It describes the radical changes in society since W2, most notably materialism and conformity. Looking at it with the perspective we have today, it seems likely it is the first attempt at mass social engineering to make us compliant and shallow.

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Its Marxism; failure is the goal!

We are 'progressing' towards it.

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When you realize Marx was an abusive, nihilistic sociopath, that explains why other sociopaths are drawn to his work. They identify with him personally and they use his words to justify a political system that rewards themselves using deception.

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Quite the wordsmith and a well rounded vocabulary, but your position seems elusive and indirect.

Correlating military intelligence with stupidity is ignorant, at best. Our military remains on top of all global intelligence, which is specifically geared to preventing a war by holding a bigger stick. The clear oversight that is the Cold War, clearly aimed to deter war through mutually assured destruction.

There’s a misguided approach to the effectiveness of a superpower.

The idea, from the perspective of the United States, is to deter war, no better demonstrated by the standing rules of engagement, to which the United States adheres nearly across all paradigms. “Do not fire until fired upon”. That standing rule summarizes our position to downplay the need of violence, and subsequently, the looming war that follows.

The United States serves as ‘the big brother’ for all of its allies. If we lived in a nation that counted on The United States for protection, which includes almost every nation in NATO, the big stick the U.S. wields, certainly would seem to be an essential, as well as comforting, for all nations who value our blanket of protection.

Your term, techno-fascist, implies we are forced into a uniform construct, has never been more prominent as it is now. We are on the verge of falling into Marshall Law, assuming individual states, like Colorado, are not successful in overturning the state justices rulings as it pertains to dictating who, and who cannot, be present on a federal Presidential election.

Misguided individuals who support the removal of candidates from the ballot because they believe it’s what their ‘intelligence’ tells them. There are significant consequences of walking this line, especially for those who pontificate about the morals and behaviors that never existed in the first place.

Yes, I’m speaking on behalf of Trump, although I am not a big supporter, but I do however, see the bottomless pit we’re heading for when 80 million people are told they cannot vote for their candidate. The fallout of such events will inevitably call on the military to govern the uprising, which is all but guaranteed under this paradox.

People are told what to like and why they should like it. All too often do we see people at every socioeconomic status are lead by none other than the talking heads, who serve as the voice of all the insatiable need for their confirmation bias.

If people could move away from the techno-fascism, and if people understood the ramifications of reviewing news in their particular silos of information sources, the marching ants may start to develop the necessary critical thinking skills to develop their own conclusions and opinions.

Quite literally, if Fox News were to be destroyed, we would have a total state-sponsored media, moving one step closer to a benevolent dictatorship.

I use the upcoming election as a microcosm of the bigger political issue, which as now penetrated the third branch of government; the judicial branch.

State Justices must know that their position will inevitably be overturned, but nonetheless, they made a choice to interject their personal opinions without regard of how such actions will manifest down the road. When SCOTUS finally hears these arguments, nothing less than 9-0 vote should be deemed unsuccessful.

We, as a nation, will be faced with a divide that would absolutely dwarf the controversial Roe Vs Wade, which seems to be the hot button in so many political debates.

By the rationale that big government is the problem, why don’t more people fall to the right side of the isle, particularly when one of the main tenets of the Republican Party is to minimize big government and its subsequent expenditures, which have iconoclastic undertones towards the Democratic Party?

A perfect example of such is Biden’s hellbent approach to getting student debt relief. Biden, at first, thought he would be able to pass this debt relief package by Executive Order.

After it was determined that no such action could wipe out $1 trillion + in relief, he approached The House Appropriations Committee to secure the funds for his debt relief package. Obviously, that failed, too.

After the legislative branch shot down the request, Biden decided to send this up to SCOTUS. SCOTUS confirmed that such a package was not Constitutional.

After exhausting all of the tools at his disposal, he then hired a team of lawyers to figure out where the loopholes fall. Why do we have three equal branches of government if they’ll either be disregarded or misused?

The ironic component of this monstrosity is that Biden allowed 7 illegal migrants into the county, yet there hasn’t been one federal dollar appropriated for the faceless masses of people that transversed our line of sovereignty on the southern border.

NYC, a sanctuary city, totes their sanctuary city status up until the point where action must be taken. The progressive woke city mayors were forced to take measures into their account by heading to South and Central Americas to implore them not to come to America.

It’s a sad state of affairs when our mayors need to sidestep The State Department in order to stop the traumatic bleeding. Ironically again, the military, or National Guard in this case, could have prevented this pseudo genocide.

This example serves as a perfect enhancement to your point, where we have politicians trying to stack the deck for future elections by bringing 7 million people into our country illegally.

Biden has been asked thousands of times “Mr. President, why are you leaving the border wide open?” For the first two and a half years, there was no issue at the border, per the comments of both Biden and Mayorkas. All of the sudden, just three months ago, the paradigm has shifted to now place the blame on republicans.

To your point, “How stupid are we?” Apparently, The Jonestown Koolaid is going around for those who actually believe this paradoxical shift in federal and local politics.

If all of us used more critical thinking skills more effectively, we wouldn’t have to fear the bureaucratic bullshit that taints us by listening or reading news which exclusively feeds our need for confirmation.

The day of docile political debate are long gone because there doesn’t seem to be anyone riding the middle of the road. It’s been decades since I have heard two people from either side of the isle engaging in an articulate debate on real issues.

By ‘real’ I mean not lumping people into one party based on how they feel about Roe Vs Wade, which is empirically observed on a daily basis. We have too many people who are one issue voters, and the issues which they choose, for the most part, are not the most pressing issues.

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You and I certainly see the world differently, but I am flattered that you took the time to write such a thoughtful response. Please be aware that I often say this for effect and I don't mean to say that no one in the military is ever intelligent. Often, people have joined the army because it is the best employment available to them. Who am I to say that they're stupid for doing what they think is their best choice? I definitely do not believe in being so judgemental. So I hope this doesn't sound too much like backpedaling but I actually do make a point of pointing out repeatedly that I use a variety of rhetorical devices and that not everything I mean is to be taken strictly seriously. But I do believe that people in the military are often indoctrinated with a statist, often nationalistic ideology that casts obedience to the state as a virtue (which it isn't). But you seem like a reasonable person. I bet you we could come to some sort of position of mutual respect.

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I enjoy a good bit of your stuff, but then you go on about cryptocurrency and I just shake my head.

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100% agree with this assessment, they will fail because their plans are against the laws of nature in all of the ways you mention and then some more, as WW stated, the concern is how much damage and pain will we (and nature) endure before the train hits a wall and stops dead? Mother Nature bats last and she will knock these shit heads out of the park.

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you said it. I mean... my view isn't really THAAAAAT optimistic... I mean, I do believe that the Earth's population will be greatly reduced.

Once the supply chain breaks down, a lot of people will starve. So I'm not encouraging people to have a blase idea towards collapse - but I think that we shouldn't be worried about their plans for an over-engineered technocratic CBDC system. I just don't see that as realistic. It's a dumb idea if you ask me. I can see why it would be appealing to tyrants, because they're obsessed with surveillance and control, but I think there's a way easier for people to organize themselves, and that's to be less tolerant of evil. And over time, on average, humans will choose to do what's easier more often than not.

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I needed this , here on what we call the last day of the year 2023.

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Excellent interview:


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Are your ears burning?

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Quite the opposite...

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What's the opposite of having burning earss?

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What are earss? Do "earrs' have enhanced auditory sensitivity?

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if someone had amputated ears, would they get phantom sensations in their unconscious mind's imaginary ears?

If so, what would be the opposite of that feeling?

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Actually if your ears were amputated you'd still hear, but with more difficulty. The outer part of your ear, known as the

pinna, funnels sound into your ear canal, like a megaphone in reverse. If someone cut it off, everything would sound quieter. (A wound that scabbed over would make the sound suppression more severe.)

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bemused indifference?

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Interesting essay and commeents. Not sure what to think of it all.

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This is an excellent piece with many insightful and inspiring points. But you have so many typos!

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It bothered me for a second but then I thought about it and realized that we've allowed ourselves to become wrongly conditioned by fussing over fake perfection in every realm. Take it as a verification that we're still human interacting with humans. A significant reassurance in an age where your "friends" could literally be software and you might not tell.

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In that light... it's a feature not a bug! :)

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I’m working on my autocorrect along with dyslexia. I’m better spoken than I am written. Glad we can appreciate the same points, though.

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Ronald Wright is a plague on the earth, using his reputation to deny housing to young men and women living in shacks and vans while he preens in his multi million dollar house with a 180 degree viewscape, earned from scaring punters to death. He. Makes. Me. Sick.

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I believe we value different ideals. You’re highlighting socialism instead of capitalism. Socialism hasn’t really worked well in the past, and it certainly hasn’t proliferated in recent times. Our ability to manifest our greatest dreams, and subsequently, converting those dreams into wealth, is the cornerstone of our economy and societal progress.

If we could distribute money based on our needs, why would we continue to innovate? Socialism has clearly demonstrated that it does not foster the huge success stories our country highlights.

What throws me for a loop is how Finland taxes their people 10% of their income that goes directly to the church; completely disregarding one’s beliefs or religious affinity.

In my opinion, the less control our government has over our money the better. Also, regardless of how many billions one is worth, at the end of the day, they still end up contributing more to our world than 99.9999% of the rest of the global population will in a combined lifetime.

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Great article, thank you. The only “complaint” is the anti-China and Russia propaganda.

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