Wow! That Derrick Broze article is a goldmine 🤣 of very pertinent information. Follow the money…..

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Thanks for all the info !!!👍👍👍💪💪💪

Bitcoin, any FIAT-currency, ETFs, NFTs, bonds, hedge-funds, S&P-index, etc., etc. will ALL be useless when the grid goes black for longer periods.

Physical, small silver or even smaller gold coins, fresh veggies, eggs and fruit, chicken, rabbits, goats and potable water from a solar-driven deep-well pump on your own, well protected and defended grounds (where "fast lead" and appropriate "delivery-tools" that kids and grannies know well how to use) will be the ONLY barter-items that will give you a reasonable chance to survive the coming tides ... 🤞🤞🤞 Time will tell.

We do not have to fear that SHTF because there will be no more juice in the grid ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Yeah! I agree! But I'm still rooting for BTC to become viable because it's a tool/weapon that can be used by the masses to evade taxation.

Personally I think that a tax strike, combined with a debtor's strike, could quickly bring the U.S. Empire to its knees.

Starve the State!

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Tax avoidance, not evasion is the key !!!

{...Starve the State!...} Not the State but the evil, totally corrupt government !!!

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People are stupid. Right now there are a couple hundred million Americans drooling over which demigod they're going to pick to manage their subjugation and exploitation. I doubt there will be any mass civil disobedience short of absolute catastrophe.

We can only hope.

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Bitcoin is a digital security risk backed by nothing with no intrinsic value. It is intangible nothingness.

How many bytes is a unicorn worth?

Will you cut my grass for v7sp3466dr0t? Can I buy your car for y58sj04h? Or would you rather be paid in triangles?

Are you willing to work for 4 guesses an hour?

How much purple do you have in your bank account?

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