I grew up in the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Many of the children in A.R.E. families were brought into Remote Viewing training programs. Here is my graph, to which I will add a couple of pieces of your article:


There were a great deal of sexual abuse in the community, and all other elements of trauma-based mind control:


Whatever you think is wrong with Jim Channon after reading about his "Barney torture" programs, it's far worse than you imagine. He is the smiling psychopath, full on Rolls Royce guru if given the chance.


I wrote a first article here, but I have much, much more to eventually explain.


What should be understood is that this is all within the context of MK ULTRA. After all, the Remote Viewing program involved Jolly West, Sidney Gottlieb, Michael Aquino, numerous Scientologists, Esalen guys like Werner Erhard (also a Scientologist and likely CIA assest; see here: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/whistleblower-intelligence-organized), and the full resources of the Stanford Research Institute, which was a private wing of the Office of Naval Intelligence, essentially. But ported into the Army along with Albert Stubblebine, who was selected by the Trilateral Commission founders.

The "psychic experiments" were all nonsense. As with the Theosophical Society, they were studying what they could get away with, and make people believe. When I would point out that nonsense of it as a child, I was subject not just to beatings, but torture methods, like having my fingers squeazed around pencils. This is, I think, part of why even people who ejected themselves from monarch programs and other environments still tell people they're psychic, even if nothing they do is verifiable in any rigorous way, and often sculpted by whatever methods Penn and Teller would have a laugh about.

I had shut up about all of it for years because to bring it up causes all sides to be dismissive to abusive. But during the pandemic, I was suddenly seeing all these people from the program (including Stubblebine's wife, Rima Laibow) all around the Medical Freedom Movement. My experiences from childhood were at least half the reason I jumped into the fray. I could tell that we were entering the era all of these programs were ramped up to achieve.

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Fascinating. I'll follow those links and get back to you.

If there's anything I've gotten wrong please correct me. You're definitely the one with the superior knowledge here.

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I just finished a 100-page article, so I'm switching my brain off for the moment. The above link dump is likely my last word before my own next article, which could be in two weeks or two months or a year depending on how priorities develop.

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Okay! That will give me plenty of course to explore your work further!

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Thank you, Mat.


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That author is NOT a writer.

Sounds like the author displayed their worst traits as a human being, as well.

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The author is a buddy of both Alex Jones and Russell Brand. He is almost certainly himself an agent whose job is not to clarify what the program was about, but make a joke out of it. I grew up in that program, and I've written bits about it, and will share some more in another comment.

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Oh fantastic... I was hoping that you could shed some light on things! I've recently become a fan of your work (which had me bewildered for quite awhile) and I actually had you in mind when I picked up my "light summer read".

I have a feeling this is about to get interesting!

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Elementary school is fun


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