Thank you so much for reposting my article, Nevermore! We might be in the worst of times, but we are also in the best of times -- in that more of us are waking up to the lies told to us for all these decades and the whole last century. You do this topic full justice!! Bravo!!

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Thank you so much!!! It was a great piece, very eye-opening!

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You are an excellent writer and, therefore, magician. Simply by invoking the term “Spanish Inquisition” any reader of nearly any age will immediately think of the Monty Pythons sketch and only that. I like how you got that out of the way at the outset (necessarily so).

The magical aspect of it is (as you know) that it made me want to look at the essay in the first place. although I do like your writing very much I have not read every single thing you publish (not yet, at least) and I was certainly not in any way expecting [to read about] the Spanish Inquisition. Pun intended. But it totally worked!


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Wow, what a wonderful compliment!

And don't feel bad! I haven't even read everything I've ever written!

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Haha. Amen!

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Very nicely done, Nevermore! The Spanish Inquisition did only execute several thousand people over several hundred years. Defendants did blaspheme so that they Inquisition could gain jurisdiction over their case, because punishment by the Church was usually far less severe than punishment by the monarch's representatives.

So why is it that the Inquisition has such a bad rep in the English-speaking world? Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, baby, that's right; the Spanish Armada and the long conflict between English Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, English pirates and Spanish treasure galleons.

The Catholics had to be bad, Very Bad, Worst than even Trump Bad. No one raised in the UK or US expects the Spanish Inquisition to turn out to be the pussy cat of medieval courts.

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Fun fact: Do you that Anne Boleyn, mother of Elizabeth 1, was executed for incest and witchcraft?

Elizabeth I is believed to not be descended from Henry VIII at all, but Anne Boleyn's brother, whom she apparently fucked because she was desperate to get pregnant.

There's a great movie about it: it's called The Other Boleyn Girl.

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Sure, I never was taught Anne was executed for witchcraft. She was executed because she pissed off Henry VIII. I’ve seen The Other Boleyn Girl. It’s one of my stepdaughter’s favorites.

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I've read that many of the "witches" were Christians who had read the newly printed bible and questioned the "teachings" of priests thus threatening their power over common people.

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The Witch Hunts are super-complicated. There was a lot going on at the same time, and there's only so much that time period can be simplified. But Catholics were executed for witchcraft more often in Protestant areas, and vice-versa. But I think it was also an effort to stamp out surviving animist/pagan practices as part of what was basically a class war. But there were also a lot of other things going on. There was a tradition of using psychedelic plants in Europe, so the "sabbats" might have been real, in a sense... but maybe they were just parties. But if so, they were secret parties conducted by potentially rebellious people.

See: The Witches Ointment

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Ehrenreich & English had published their take in "Witches, Midwives and Nurses... They believe women's healing profession (aka - witches) was being stamped out by the budding males-only medical practices... The women provided too much competition

for the bone-saws, blood letters etc, so had to go !!

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That is a masterpiece! I've written about it before: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/why-are-c-sections-becoming-the-norm

See also Burning Women & Caliban and the Witch.

I'll probably write about this episode at some point because I went waaaay down the rabbit hole on the witch hunts years ago... but it's one of those things where you pull on one thread and then it all shifts... over and over again.. Fascinating... but very difficult to parse out everything that was going on at that time.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by NEVERMORE MEDIA

I think I get it now. NEVERMORE is an attempt at discrediting anarchists. Why else would you folks entertain such ridiculousness as if it were real?

Y'all werkin' fer tha Canadian gubment er sumpin?

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My name's Anton Bueckert. Look me up.

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I was just poking fun. But okay..

Is this you?

"Anton Bueckert was one of eight individuals arrested on "felony rioting charges" at a pro-Trump rally on March 6 2017 at the Minnesota State Capitol."

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Yep. The truth is very different from what is portrayed, but yes. I'm surprised that's what came up. Where are you located, if you don't mind me asking? I thought I'd kind of lived that one down.

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"Yep. The truth is very different from what is portrayed, but yes."

I figured as much. The whole thing looked like a setup to me.

" I'm surprised that's what came up."

That's just the one that made you look most like a rebel. It's worth some street credit.

"Where are you located, if you don't mind me asking?"


"I thought I'd kind of lived that one down."

Wear it like a badge of honor.

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Thanks! But honestly, I'm not proud of engaging in scuffles with Trump supporters. The reason I went to that protest was because it was soon after the eviction of Standing Rock, which happened on Trump's watch. So I was angry and actually feeling pretty crazy. So I started a fight. I'm not proud of that, and it doesn't reflect my current beliefs.

But I did pay heavily for it - I ended up spending a horrible month in the U.S. prison system, and it cost me a bunch of money to deal with court stuff. And they still haven't let me back into the U.S. since.

But I did learn a valuable lesson. Sounds corny, but it's true.

I'm now much more in favour of civil rights movement-style Non-Violent Direct Action.

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I credit you with being proactive. Evil thrives on complacency.

"I'm now much more in favour of civil rights movement-style Non-Violent Direct Action."

While I agree that asymmetrical non-violent means is preferred, I can't blame those who forcefully fight state violence either.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Over the decades i've noticed certain ideas usually exist in the background of your thoughts, ideas

that you dont focus on - until the mass media publicizes them... The Big Bang Theory was one such,

and didnt become census science 'til the msm brought it into focus mid-late 1960's... The Holocaust (Capital 'U') was another the msm brought into focus mid-late Sixties... (Viruses also lurk waiting their

turn before the spotlight of our focused attention)...

....... I became aware of The Spanish Flu event sometime early 1990's... I reckon that in all such mentions

up until the 'covid' psyop the claim was always that the event claimed "up to twenty million" lives...

... I noticed at the start of the 'covid' psyop uncertainty was introduced by a contest between

50 million lives, or 100 million lives... Seems They couldnt decide which figure would convincingly scare us... (Curiously, (i think it was) John Hopkins in the US that released a study , during the 'covid' psyop.

that claimed, having re-examined the data, only 17.6 million people, at most, died from it)...

....... Another idea floating around in the background is that 'defective genes' are the cause of so many illness - and like 'germs being the cause of disease' equally fraudulent... (The more the 'Germ Theory' is exposed as fraudulent, the more it's pushers use the idea of 'genes causing illness- as a redoubt)...

....... The figures of the mass slaughters by 'Communist" countries always are curious... But how many

millions died from the drawn out Industrial Revolution in the UK ?

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