The WSJ article you linked to begins: "Central banks around the world are selling U.S. government bonds at the fastest pace on record, the most dramatic shift in the $12.8 trillion Treasury market since the financial crisis." Does that really poke a hole in my theory?

Look at the chart. The selling began in late 2013, not 2010 as claimed in the 2011 NYT article. The article itself is from 2015. So the selling did not occur in 2010 as claimed. That doesn't poke any holes in your theory, it just suggests you examine your sources more closely before you publish. Unlike a potential adversary that would use that to discredit you, believe it or not, I'm actually trying to help.

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So basically you agree with Trudeau... the Chinese are out to get us?

Let's see.... a nation that built itself up on cheap exports would definitely want to undermine their number one customer. Yeah, that makes sense. Of course to do so you'd want to put the profits from your trade surplus into US treasures because nothing defeats your enemy faster than supporting their bond market, right?


As for reports of them divesting, well, the devil's in the details....


Granted they're heavily exposed and the US freezing Russian foreign reserves did somewhat undermine confidence, but where else can they go? The Euro? The Yen? Neither market is large enough to absorb their trade surplus. Now if Saudi Arabia can be persuaded to take Yuan instead of dollars for oil, then recycle those Yuan back into the Chinese bond market, you may have something, but it hasn't happened yet, and I suspect if they started down that road they'd end up like Iraq or Libya, both of whom tried to break away from dollar hegemony, which is why they got trashed and their leaders executed.

Now about this book, 'Unrestricted Warfare.' Let me first point out that every major military power has a plan to defeat their potential enemies. They'd be completely negligent if they didn't have one because that's what the military is supposed to do, prepare for war. That's what all these various exercises are about - preparing for war - but also demonstrating to your adversaries that you are prepared: Si vis pacem, para bellum. So nothing new there. Nothing new about Sun Tsu either. It's required reading at all military academies.

Now about the authors, Qiao Liang (乔良) and Wang Xiangsui (王湘穗).

Has anyone checked to see if they actually exist?

I find what Wikipedia (*) has to say about it very interesting.

"Taylor Fravel pointed out a common distortion in translation of the subtitle of the book. While it was translated and understood in the West by many as "China’s Master Plan to Destroy America", the actual subtitle was "Two Air Force Senior Colonels on Scenarios for War and the Operational Art in an Era of Globalization".[1]

This is also interesting:

The English translation of the book was first made available by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service in 1999.[5][2] The book was then published in English by a previously unknown Panamanian publisher, with the subtitle "China's Master Plan to Destroy America" and a picture of the burning World Trade Center on the cover.[12] A French translation was published in 2003.[13]

Foreign Broadcast Information Service? That's the CIA.


"previously unknown Panamanian publisher" Also CIA.

I'd be very surprised if these two PLA colonels even exist. One thing about colonels: that's an operational rank. Colonels are not typically involved in strategic planning, and they definitely don't spill the beans about those plans, so I call shenanigans here.

(*) More than a few times I've seen people say "I don't trust Wikipedia and anyone who cites them is suspect" (meaning me). Wrong. Wikipedia is a valuable source of information, just not in the way most people imagine. Consider their article on neuro-linguistic programming.


Right out of the gate they call it 'pseudoscientific' as if that isn't a giant red flag telling you it's something they don't want you taking seriously. Probably because it's a key element in psychological warfare, and you wouldn't want just anyone to know that, right?

Wikipedia gives the game away constantly with their ham-fisted attacks on anything and anyone that doesn't support the current agenda. When I'm researching a topic, it's the first place I look, and I'm hardly ever disappointed.

Now read their write-up on Unrestricted Warfare. You see any skepticism there? Any doubts as to the source of the documents? They take this book as prima facie evidence of China's intent. And from a mere couple of Colonels, no less!


As for James Rickards, once again Wikipedia:


I must have seen dozens of these types of books over the 20 odd years I was a stock trader. Writing an alarmist screed is par for the course if you're trying to promote your investment business. It's even called 'talking your book.' That's not to say there aren't some very sharp minds in the investment business, but this guy ain't one of them.

Look, just take the position that nothing is ever quite what it seems. You're less likely to go wrong that way than taking things at face value. At least you could ask the question, Cui Bono? Who benefits from all this nonsense about China, Russia and Iran? Not you or me, that's for sure.

I've studied all three of our so-called adversaries, and what jumps out at me is how well they've dodged every attempt to derail them, and that they've each managed to advance their social well being enormously using three very different organizing principles. What that says to me is that almost any system of social organization has a decent chance of success if it has strong leadership dedicated to national sovereignty, and is economically and militarily powerful enough to resist the Global Hegemon.

That's what all the panic is about. The NWO boys have hit a BRIC wall. No need to make it any more complicated than that.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by NEVERMORE MEDIA

What we are experiencing is not what it seems at first. This is not a fight between two systems. There are aspects of it that are real, but they exist only to mask the deliberate destruction of the West by the Western Imperial Oligarchy. The people of the West must be diminished, enslaved or killed because these are the only people who could stand in the way of the final oligarchical move in their quest for planetary control - incorporating all other parts of the world. In order for this to happen they are engineering tensions, chaos, wars and they are deliberately destroying the existing political systems of the West, destroying economies, rapidly diminishing human rights. They are working on restricting energy supplies, food supplies, etc. They are injecting us with bio-weapons. The collapse of the monetary system is part of the overall strategy of destruction. Oligarchy feels they must burn their own domains to ashes, on which they intend to build their NWO, incorporating the oligarchies of the rest of the world. Oligarchy helped create Communism, and they’ve built up China for the same exact purpose. The Empire grows by synthesis of opposites. In order for this to work, they must create opposites.

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"In January 2011 The New York Times reported that China had been a net seller of U.S. Treasury securities in 2010 after years of being a net buyer. The Times report found this selling strange because China was still accumulating huge dollar reserves from its trade surpluses and was still buying dollars to manipulate the value of its currency. The implication was that China must still be a large buyer of Treasuries, even though official data showed otherwise. The Times noted that in 2010 Britain had emerged as the world’s largest purchaser of Treasury securities, and it inferred that China had “shifted purchases to accounts managed by British money managers.” In effect, China was using London bankers as a front operation to continue buying U.S. Treasury notes while Beijing officially reported that it was selling."

First rule: Consider the source. In this case the NY Times. US Govt. policy mouthpiece. Next look at the language: "....and it inferred that China had “shifted purchases to accounts managed by British money managers.” In effect, China was using London bankers as a front operation to continue buying U.S. Treasury notes while Beijing officially reported that it was selling."

From inference to statement of fact in one fell swoop.

Now let's look at the premise:

"In January 2011 The New York Times reported that China had been a net seller of U.S. Treasury securities in 2010 after years of being a net buyer.

ORLY? Look at the charts. You see any selling in 2010?



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Nothing beats local barter and physical/services exchange. The Digital Financial System is a minefield of psyops and knows no borders. The players are not only countries as much as Banking, Trade, Tech, Media and Security Institutions (Think CIA, MI6, Mossad and more). Most international institutions work for the manipulation of the Digital Currency. Think UN, NATO, WEF, BIS, WHO, etc. You get the picture. If you think belonging and supporting these institutions is the path to freedom, then your head is in the sand. Think local, think accountable, think freedom to choose, think uncensored, think a future that WE build, not THEM. Kman, editor, DIGILEAK News Not Noise

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K-TAW = Kindly-Tizing ArtWork :: a kind of funny money

ArtWork backed by community spirit of exchange

MISSION: We are artists banded together in partnership with businesses and community to exchange Art-Works in support of the local economy.

METHOD: Beyond permaculture currency. Barter. Banter. Build.

De-centralized. Organically local. Open Source. Bank on yourself.

PURPOSE: Dollar-sized ArtWorks used as advertising and gifted into the local economy. To be used by businesses and citizenry … to trade.

CONSUMER Instructions

1.  Use ArtWork as you would cash for dinner, coffee, soda, tips, a massage, health care, child care, & more. Ask the community business if they take the ArtWork.

2.  You may receive ArtWork in your change when buying a product locally, as a gift for a birthday, as a tip for a job well done, & more.

3.  Closer to the expiration date (find date on the ArtWork), turn it back to the owner of the ArtWork and they will give you cash or more-than-equivalent services or products.

4.  The more ArtWork is passed for exchange in the community before it is turned in, the more sustainable the community economy!

Get real…. Spend ArtWork…. Go local.


OWNER::BUSINESS instructions

Why use ArtWork as local exchange in Advertising:

   --Get people talking about what you are doing.

   --Use your advertising budget locally.

   --Subtract the cost of your ArtWork as advertising.

   --Watch people smile & laugh when “playing” with your “funny money”.

How to get started:

   --Pay a small amount to a local artist for the ArtWork. Or make your own.

   --Set aside an amount of cash to pay the “reward” for the return of the ArtWork. (You also may barter for the ArtWork with services or product.)

   --Write or pay a writer to add:

      1. Your business & slogan & offerings.

      2. Your area of “good within ___miles of your place of business”.

      3. Expiration date. Usually 3-6 months.

   --Give your ArtWorks away.

      1. You can only spend ArtWork other than your own.

      2. Offer as a thank you to: Regulars, High pay customers, Bonuses &

Perks, Friends & Family, Lovers.

When the ArtWork is presented back to you

   --Give cash or

   --Give services or

   --Give a product.

Keep gifting it out until closer to the expiration date.


ARTIST instructions

1. You may

   --Make your own ArtWork to advertise you and your business.  OR

   --Be commissioned to make ArtWork for someone else to advertise.

   --Do one or the other because the Kindly-Tizing ArtWork is Open Source, meaning the ArtWork is not copyrighted. K-TAW believes in a gift society and a healthy local economy.

2. If you are commissioned to produce an ArtWork for someone else:

   --You may sell your labor and supplies. Once a business, person, or a not-for-profit owns the ArtWork then the ArtWork totally belongs to them. They must set aside the “reward money” to exchange by the expiration date.

3. If you create the ArtWork for yourself to advertise yourself:

   --You are the owner. When you own the ArtWork, you are the one who must set aside the “reward money” to exchange by the expiration date. The Owner must give ArtWork away as a gift to the community economy.

   --You may take the cost of ArtWork off your income for advertising.

4. The Owner of the ArtWork must give/gift it away during the time period.

   --Because if you sell the ArtWork, you

      1. must pay taxes on the sale and

      2. cannot deduct ArtWork as advertising.


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