The Aulis site seems really comprehensive with regards to the kinky fakery moon landing stuff: https://www.aulis.com/

I don't know about Cannon AFB, but Aulis seem to believe it was filmed at Cardington studios in England (under the direction of Stanley Kubrick - who put clues/references in his films). I'm not sure they say all the six missions were filmed there though, so maybe there was some Cannon AFB stuff as well. I'd not heard that one before.

We don't even need to go with the shadows aspect - it's the simple (and probably deliberate, for whistleblowing purposes) continuity errors in the photo/video record which convince me. If they threatened Kubrick, then this would've been his way of thwarting them for future reference.

Anyway - I do find all this stuff fascinating, simply out of curiosity and a continual 'need to know'. I think the moon landings being faked is so important because if widely known it would totally shatter the myth of American exceptionalism, and the entire American public would lose all faith in their government (the rest of the world too for that matter) - and that alone would change the world forever because American foreign policy could no longer exist, meaning no 'forever wars', or NATO aggression, or cold war vs. Russia/China, and so on and so on.

So this is why they have to ridicule the whole lunar conspiracy - for other conspiracy theories they do the really aggressive 'you're a dangerous, right wing, presumably anti-semitic (we usually throw that one in for good measure), spreader of mis/disinformation so we have to shut you down and make the people fear and hate you' - for the moon landing, though, they've taken a completely different psychological approach and gone with the 'if you believe the moon landings were faked then you're a nutter, and no one wants to be seen as a nutter' - so each individual 'self-censors' - they decide not to believe it was faked for that very simple psychological reason - human beings are social animals and thus 'ostracism' - the antagonism of their social group - is indeed their greatest fear. And clearly this psychological approach works. So people dismiss this conspiracy theory out of hand.

I even admit it took me quite some time to come around to the 'it was faked' opinion. In my case it's because I grew up reading science fiction and so quite simply I wanted it to be true, because space exploration excites me so much. So once I did investigate it actually makes me seriously angry for the same reason - NASA have essentially denied humanity the joy and hope of space exploration, because they don't want people looking up at the stars in wonder for a better future, they want them crawling in the gutter, because that enables social control. And that's evil.

The same opinion applies to a lot of other claimed achievements by NASA - the Mars rovers for example, which IMO are not there. Here's a useful link: https://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/

Also notice how they never put digital pinhole cameras on any their spacecraft or planetary probes and send a livestream back to inspire people. I would sit and watch a livestream from, say, Venus, for hours and hours if I could. But they never give us that.

It's an evil crime against humanity. And I utterly despise them for it.

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Maybe the West needs to technologically "curry-up" and catchup. Ironically, most of the dough being thrown into outer space are for spy satellites surveilling humans on Earth. 🔎

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I won’t read this now as it’s so late but I can confirm -- 100% -- that yes, this is the case. 🚀 “moon landing”, my arse.

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Of course the Moon landing was faked. It is clearly still up there!

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I am of the non-existence of viruses. The Yobin Owl rocks.

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Debunk this:


Notice he spares us the sardonic wit until the very end. Perhaps he realizes that it adds nothing to the debate, but simply makes the person arguing their position look like a polemicist, of which we have plenty already.

Facts aside (whatever they may be) what purpose does a debate like this serve? What else could be happening that we're not supposed to focus on, given that the hallmark of a good psyop is misdirection, bearing in mind it doesn't have to be false, it only has to misdirect.

I have a better term for "Conspiracy Theorists." I call them "Selective Skeptics." They're only skeptical about certain things, but challenge their core beliefs and instead of a debate you get called a troll, or "controlled opposition" which I anticipate will be the response to this post.

To which I would reply...

How may people reading this article have actual training in the scientific method, not to mention intelligence and counterintelligence methods? Not many I would guess. For example, start with the premise that the government lies to us (which can be proven). Does that mean that everything the government tells you is a lie? That's the default assumption of the Selective Skeptic, but it's also a logical fallacy. See if you can figure out which one, and yes there will be a test.


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