I think you have brought up a very useful point here! Great job, I will listen to the lecture here soon. Late in life John Dewey and Arthur Bentley tackle this problem resulting in the book “knowing and the Known” useful procedures for inquiry.

Resulting in the naming is knowing. The ‘IS’ problem being a strong part of this ‘looseness’ of comprehension.

Personally I’ve been working on my own noticing of this problem when transacting with others. I find the undoing takes a lot of focus 😂😳🤣.

Thank you for this musing!

Hugs pal

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I might think about pondering the idea of whether or not I want to entertain the thought of negotiating if I will consider the remote possibility that there is a small chance that I could wonder if there is a probability that I may want to focus any inclination as to whether I may in fact need to decide if I would like to understand the possible chance that there could be a desire to seek the answer as to if I would like to explore the idea of if I should or possibly could or would like to understand what the relative nature of the meaning of the word is is.

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Is "being" relative? That's the rub, isn't it? Existing as a material object located in space-time is a highly specific type of existence, which is an absolute quality in that it represents the ON in an ON/OFF binary switch which differentiates between being and non-being. English does not have this function, which is absurd. It's actually kind of scary when you realize how crazy this is. We're constantly walking around talking about things that are not happening, may never have happened, and may never matter as if they were real, and we don't even know that we're doing it. And then we wonder why the world is the way it is.

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This is extremely interesting.

Another example might be replacing “you should”, with “I’m not you, but in your shoes, I would “.

This could be, I would suggest, best furthered by continuing example.

I hope it works, but a bit concerned about taking wokism to a whole new level!🌝

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Yes the example of the sentence you used is in the subjunctive mood, which is for verbs that describe actions that haven't actually taken place yet or won't ever take place. Should've, Could've, Should've, etc... I'm working on a big treatise about how Spanish and English used the subjunctive mood differently, which is the result of years of studying Spanish and finally understanding grammar...

The solution to the woes of English isn't E-prime... it's understanding the difference between the indicative and subjunctive moods.

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But Spanish? Just as much if not more violence than elsewhere?

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Am I missing something? The words “what the” have been missed out of the title. And I’ve got no further than the first paragraph and see that the word “what” has been missed out again. So the sentence doesn’t make sense...in an article about semantics! I’ll read on.

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Whoops! Sorry! As I mentioned I don't really think of semantics like most people do... But I really should refrain from posting things without reviewing them properly... sorry about that!

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My younger brother is a semantics professional. It is nearly impossible to have a general conversation with him. It is fun, though, to watch political debates with his input.

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‘Kamala is brat.’ Can you meme in E-Prime?

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Another fascinating treatise on the state of our language. I have contended for many years now that one of the main problems facing the world is that of "identity". When we identify as anything, we are wedded to it. And if someone else has a different opinion about what we identify as, that threatens our very (ego) existence. Incentivizing identity (tribalism) over character (individual development) has been a deliberate move on the part of the predator class who are pulling levers behind the curtain. Thanks for the videos, I look forward to learning more about general semantics.

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You should reconsider reporting on the police murder in Indiana.

The video. God! I rebuke thee in the name of Jesus.

Bang. Bang. Bang. In the face.

This is not police misconduct.

This, is evil.

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This video mentions the name Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda and the implications in the political arena of convincing people to identify as a member instead of simply supporting a group.

What you’re talking about may well be deliberate.


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