Whatever he did, his tune changed after the allegations and fallout. He’s been hanging around with right-wingers and abandoning his rabble-rousing rhetoric.

I think they’ve got him under control.

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That's a theory! My friend says he was going soft on Israel but I think he's been representing the general anti-militarist position well. I use bombastic rhetoric vis-a-vis Zionism but there's something to be said for meeting the most people possible where they're at. If I had a large audience that's what I'd try to do.

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If I had a large audience, I’d try to organize mass civil disobedience, boycotts, tax refusal. Russell could’ve gone in that direction; now he just stokes directionless outrage and gives softball interviews to genocide supporters like Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro.

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Harsh! Now you've got me wondering whether I just stoke directionless outrage.

(runs to my room crying)

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Have you seen his interview with Bret Weinstein? Russel did not like it one little bit, so who made him? There’s another play going on in the background. Something One-Worldy, be it government or religion. The new gate keepers are getting into formation.

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I didn’t see that one, but I did see his interview with Tucker Carlson (another phony alternative media personality). Tucker asked him how he’s able to keep truth-telling, despite all the pressure and possible threats, and Russel had an evasive answer. I think he’s always known that his truth-telling had certain boundaries, and now those boundaries have been made much clearer for him.

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He does seem aware of certain boundaries - it shows in his body language ... but he still does manage to cover a lot of things you would think the PTSB would want to keep under the rug.

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But that is the very nature of CO. They are there to catch all those that fall through the net, and to give those that oppose TPTB that someone is fighting their war for them. He's a pied piper along with Tucker, Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan et al.

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Having enjoyed a few of your stacks, I find your naivety around the nature of CO and how it functions most surprising. Russel is the very definition of CO. The fact that you fail to recognise this makes me question everything about you. Maybe I have not read enough of a spectrum of your writing to realise that you are indeed CO yourself.

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Okay, I'll hear you out. What makes you believe that Brand is controlled opposition? He seems to be consistently on the money to me... I mean, no one's right all the time... but he's talked about the all or almost of the important issues and I'm not aware that he's ever been caught in a deliberate lie (at least since he became an activist circa 2020).

I'll hear you out but I won't accept. "Trust me, bro". If you're going to accuse someone of being Controlled Opposition (which I have done many times), I feel you have a responsibility to show your work.

True, he is an actor. Actor is not synonymous with liar. Actors are artists and acting is an honourable profession in my book.

"Just instinctively knows the boundaries"... that's called "knowing what's good for you" sometimes.

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I appreciate your willingness to listen, thank you. Some people say it far better than me. So please accept this ss link as my argument


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Dave, your comments on this thread are bang on the money. I find it mind numbingly painful that nevermore media could not actually see this. Russel is an actor playing a role. Maybe he is allowed to act out his true feelings and thoughts in the videos and stays away from certain subjects or opinions as he just instinctively knows the boundaries, truth is that I just don't know. But I do know that there a many better voices than his. I find the worshiping of his followers naive and vomit inducing.

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No, I haven't. Link please?

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At the end Russell says of the conversation “there wasn’t a minute of it I didn’t enjoy” ouch. I like Russell, but he is rubbing against something bigger. I hope he keeps his integrity.


At RTE they seem to have missed the Santa Fé institute, the gift that keeps on giving and growing.


Plan B sounds a lot like RFK jr, and it is interesting that the medical freedom movement don’t seem to have much to say about his Zionist leanings. And his VP choice- big tech lady.

Then there’s the rumble crowd


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In most of the US, 16 is the age of consent. That doesn't make him a pedophile or a hebephile.

It does show that he has questionable wisdom.

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yes, agreed. He doesn’t defend his own actions, which should tell you what you need to know.

I don’t think 1 parent of 20 would be cool with their 16-year-old daughter fucking a guy who’s 10 years older.

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I wrote a short Substack article about this when the UK media began their takedown attempt. I think the most insightful comment I have on it is: What the media did to Russell Brand, a recovering heroin addict at the time, was equivalent to televising him shooting up. They made a spectacle of his sexual addiction, which directly replaced/was blurred with, his substance addiction. When he stopped the drugs (most likely at C4's expense) they were MORE THAN HAPPY to pimp him out as "Russell the Pervy Sex Addict" and made a lot of money out of him, whilst he was in the depths of his new addiction. And no, he is not a pedophile, that's Prince Andrew.

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Andrew’s not a PEDOPHILE either. That girl was 17. That’s legal and normal in most of the world. It’s not PEDOPHILIA.

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I would look into the Nygard-Prince Andrew relationship if you don’t think Prince Andrew is a degenerate POS.

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Who is Nygard?

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Peter Nygard was the Canadian Epstein, except went for younger chicks, like 10 years old sometimes I believe.

Sickeningly evil POS. Fashion mogul. Currently in jail.

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Include and transcend and move on. 😎

Hearts of humans are still private places, barely though with this internet thing

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He's been in showbiz since 1994 and was addicted to drugs until 2006 or so.

Like most top entertainers, he is almost certainly compromised. Whether that includes underaged sex, I haven't a clue.

I think it is likely that the recent media outrage was undertaken in order to discredit the 'anti virus alt media' by association.

I'll tell you one thing he is not: a Christian.

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okay, fair enough. Would you care to make the case that he isn't a real Christian? How do you tell if someone is a real Christian?

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by NEVERMORE MEDIA

Larping as a Xian is the new black. It's becoming a bit of a psyop.

The day after he was baptised, he was doing his standard Tarot card routine on his show.

A bonafide Born Again would not touch the Tarot.

I don't follow Brand because I long ago got bored with his schtick.

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That's an increasing way to describe a major shift in people's attitude towards religion. "A bit of a psyop". I wouldn't be so sure about that. To me it looks like secularism is on its way out.

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It clearly is a psyop if the pundits are chatting Xianity whilst flashing Masonic hand signs and using "New Age" terminology.

They are getting people ready for The One World Religion. Trust me.

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Whenever I hear someone say “trust me” my first thought is this person is either lying or deluded. Since you don’t know, you’d fit under the deluded banner, deary.

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16 is legal in UK.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by NEVERMORE MEDIA

It is indeed. I'm not following this story because it appears that no charges have been filed.

The question was "Is he a paedo?"

I'd be more concerned with Brand's association with the Rothschild Cartel. I'm pretty sure he's a Mason. They all are.

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And you know he’s NOT a Christian? How would you know that?

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Two quick questions!: 1) what’s the age of consent in the UK? And 2) when are you going to do Peter Lamborn Wilson?

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1) 16, for what it's worth. But given anarchists believed that human morality is deformed by statist legal codes, that's not really a relevant question so far as anarchist sexual ethics are concerned. One 16-year-old might be old enough to consent to sex, whereas another might not be. If people were interested in where the line actually is, they would be looking for signs of psychological maturity.

2) I have written about Peter Lamborn Wilson here: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/what-is-the-shamanic-trace-my-mind

But I'm not deeply familiar with his work. I think that he was a great mystic, and I wish that people would pay more attention to his work on mysticism and less on his dubious sexual politics. If you're expecting me to endorse his politics, don't hold your breath. I do think it's disgusting the way that he got dragged through the mud, though.

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Is a man in his seventies married to a woman in her thirties a pedophile? After all, when he was in his forties she would've been an infant. Just wondering...🤔

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He’s not. Of course he’s not.

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Would you feel the same about a woman married to a man more than 30 years her junior?

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Of course. Why would I care about such things. Hell I’ve dated women 41 years my junior just recently.

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I don’t think he’s a pedo. Just a dodgy moral compass.

As for the christian thing , we just have to see how that plays out although from watching his last few shows it seems he’s just paying lip service.

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She was legal.

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Sound thinking.

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The Left will stop at nothing.

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I don’t think it’s the left. It’s the elites. It’s up down and they are creating division because it’s extremely useful to them.

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Well balanced article. In the UK, 16 is the age of consent. If it's pedophilia, critics should take it up with the UK gov't. Also Daniel Pinchbeck (who was my first interview) has to do something now that 2012 came and went without a squeak. So this is one way to boost his celebrity street cred.

I started my YT three years ago responding to RB's interivews on Luminary. On Substack, I broadened my focus but when the sextroversy hit, did several investigating the claims--that range from Illuminati to WEF to controlled opposition. These are the ones I did defending Russell:






Yet not long ago, I woke up wondering if I was wrong about RB. This is what I came to:


BTW I also identify as an anarchist or small scale sovereigntist. Thanks for your article on Cheran. I have a large photograph of a young man and his grandmother who stood against the military.

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Good article! Actually hebephilia refers to an ATTRACTION, not a behavior.

Adults having sex with 16 year old girls is…like…normal! Our species has been doing it for our whole existence, and no harm was ever recorded until feminism came along and everyone decided IT WAS EXTREMELY HARMFUL. 😂 😂 😂 😂.

And then of course all these dumb girls started suffering EXTREME HARM.

Because with a lot of behaviors if you tell people it’s harmless, nothing happens to them, but if you tell people it’s harmful, THEY GET HARMED 😂 😂 😂.

Also 16 year old girls are legal in the UK.

And Hebephiles aren’t into 16 year old girls. They call them “grandmas.” Seriously 😂.

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feminism? What? How is feminism responsible for this?

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They’re the ones who started all this crap. They’re pathologizing male sexuality. That’s why liking teenage girls is pedophilia, flirting is harassment, dating is sexual assault, and sex is rape. Also note the ridiculous obsession with “age gaps” and “power imbalances.”

All this stuff is more or less inherent to male sexuality and now it’s all sick and evil.

They’ve teamed up with social conservatives.

Now every other moron you meet below a certain age believes all this bullshit.

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